Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1785 Legendary Character: Yi Yin

Poetry is not complicated, as long as people who have a little research on poetry can basically understand it.

And most of the people on the scene can do some research on poetry, so most people can read and understand it, but they don't quite understand the sentence "fishing on the Bixi in leisure, and suddenly returning to the boat and dreaming of the horizon".

"If what I think is not bad, these should be two allusions. 'I am fishing on the Bixi in leisure' should be the allusions of Jiang Taigong fishing in Bixi, Weishui, and Zhou Wenwang's visit to Xian. I am familiar with this allusion. But what is the allusion to 'Suddenly Riding a Boat and Dreaming of the Sun'? I don't know." An audience member said.

This also represents most of the audience. They know that this sentence is an allusion. Because of its huge influence, everyone knows that the first half of the sentence is an allusion about Jiang Taigong, but who is the second half of the allusion about? But do not know.

Most of the audience did not know it, but a few people such as Wang Lun and Lin Rufeng knew it, and they took the initiative to explain the confusion to the audience.

This is an allusion about a legendary figure in the late Xia and early Shang Dynasty, Yi Yin.

"Suddenly riding a boat and dreaming of the sun" means that Yi Yin once dreamed that he was passing by the sun and the moon in a boat, and was hired by Shang Tang to help the Shang destroy the summer.

Yi Yin, formerly known as Yi Zhi, was born in Kongsang at the end of the Xia Dynasty. Because his mother lived above the Yi River, he named Yi as his clan. Later, he was named "Yin" by Shang Tang, which is equivalent to the prime minister of later generations.

Therefore, later generations called it Yi Yin.

Yi Yin was a famous statesman and thinker in the early Shang Dynasty, one of the earliest known Taoist figures, a medical scientist, the ancestor of Chinese chefs, and the first teacher of emperors in history.

He spent a century to forge his legendary life and was enshrined as "Sage of Shang Yuan", "Saint of Cooking" and "Saint of Cooking".

Yi Yin was born in poverty. According to legend, his parents were slaves. His father was a domestic slave cook who could slaughter and cook well.

There is also a legend about the birth of Yi Yin.

It is recorded in the book: "There was a woman from the Dong family who picked mulberry and got a baby in the empty mulberry, and offered it to her lord, and the lord ordered people to raise it."

This is to say that Yi Yin's mother had a dream before giving birth to him. In the dream, a god told her, "The mortar will come out of the water and go east, don't care".

The meaning is to inform her that there will be a flood of water in the mortar, so that she should quickly flee to the east, but she is not allowed to tell other people.

The next day, Yi Yin's mother really found that the water in the mortar was like a spring. The kind-hearted she did not listen to God's warning, but told her neighbors to run east together.

After everyone escaped for 20 miles, when they looked back, they found that the previous place had become an ocean.

Yi Yin's mother saved everyone, but she disobeyed God's admonitions and was punished. Her body turned into Kongsang.

Kongsang, a legendary place name.

Yi Yin's mother turned into Kongsang, and the fetus in her womb was born and placed in the land of Kongsang.

When a girl from the family of Youxin passed by Kongsang, there was a baby on the ground, so she brought it back and presented it to King Youxin, who ordered a slave cook to raise the baby.

This baby is naturally Yi Yin.

Although the story is a legend, it is true that Yi Yin first worked as a slave and was fostered in a family of cooks when he was young, and was able to learn the art of cooking.

Only when extraordinary characters are born can such legends be formed.

Yi Yin was obviously an extraordinary figure. He was smart and wise from a young age, diligent and motivated, and although he cultivated in the wilderness of the country of Xin, he loved the way of Yao and Shun. Not only mastered the cooking skills, but also deeply understand the way of governing the country.

He was well-known far and near for his study of the governance methods of wise kings such as the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors and the Great Yu King, so that King Tang of Shang, who was thirsty for talents, repeatedly went to the kingdom of Youxin to hire him with jade, silk, horses, and skins as gifts.

Since King Youxin did not agree to Shang Tang's appointment of Yi Yin, Shang Tang had to marry King Youxin's daughter as his concubine.

As a result, Yi Zhi came to King Tang as a dowry slave and began his untimely exploits in the Shang Dynasty.

Yi Yin was also the teacher and minister to King Tang, and was the first teacher of the emperor in history.

He taught King Tang to imitate Yao and Shun's strategy of governing the world by virtue, and exterminating Xia to save the people, and so on.

He made great contributions to the prosperity of the Shang Dynasty.

In addition, Yi Yin also had an important identity, a shaman. He was the largest shaman in the Shang Dynasty.

The "wizard" here is not the kind of person who can do magic, nor the kind of person who pretends to be a ghost and prays for others, but a noble identity.

At that time, shamans, history, and doctors were integrated, and shamans were also doctors who treated people.

According to legend, Yi Yin often used herbs to treat people's illnesses, and the medicines cured the disease, so he was called "living fairy".

He created the soup and made a great contribution to the development of medicine. According to legend, it was written by Yi Yin.

It is a work of Chinese medicine guided by Taoism. Its medical purpose and important content lie in taking nourishment and health preservation, which embodies the Taoist idea of ​​rebirth and health preservation, and has a very significant impact.

At the same time, it also laid the foundation of traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions, and the "classical prescriptions" that are still being studied and used are derived from this.

Because of this, Yi Yin was respected by medical doctors of all dynasties, and even entered the hall of pilgrimage of doctors together with the legendary doctors Huang Di and Shen Nong in ancient times.

Of course, there were also a few physicians in the past dynasties who believed that the decoction was not Yi Yinchuang. But most doctors and most people still believe that the soup is Yi Yinming's.

In addition to his contributions to the governance of the country and the medical field, Yi Yin is also known as the "Saint of Cooking", "Saint of Cooking", and "Ancestor of Cooking".

He was the first outstanding cook in history who used negative tripods to adjust the five flavors, and Zuo Tianzi governed the country.

The "Five Flavor Reconciliation Theory" and "Heat Theory" he founded are still the unchanging rules of Chinese cooking and the cornerstone of culinary science.

He taught the people to reconcile the five flavors, created the art of Chinese cooking, and opened a river of food for later generations. He is recognized as the ancestor of cooking in China.

Of course, some people say that Peng Zu is also the ancestor of cooking, and the reason why Peng Zu is also called the ancestor of cooking comes from his pheasant soup.

According to legend, Emperor Yao did not eat a grain of rice or drink a drop of water for several days. When he was delirious and lingering, spoonfuls of delicious chicken soup dripped into Emperor Yao's mouth like nectar.

Emperor Yao's intestines became hot in an instant, and the mixture was Tongtai. After opening his eyes, he saw Peng Zu holding a soup bowl in one hand and a bone spoon in the other.

Pheasant soup is also a pheasant soup. Peng Zu's "The Way of Pheasant Soup" gradually developed into a "way of cooking" later.

Peng Zu also became the ancestor of cooking.

But the story about Peng Zu is only a folklore after all, while Yi Yin is recorded in historical data.

Moreover, how can Peng Zu's "pheasant soup" be compared with the "five flavors harmony theory" and "fire theory" founded by Yi Yin?

Therefore, Yi Yin is the real ancestor of Chinese cooking.

In addition, for chefs, some people also refer to Yi Ya as the ancestor.

Yi Ya, also known as Di Ya, a famous chef in the Spring and Autumn Period, with high cooking skills, was the first person to open a private restaurant.

Because of this, he is called the patriarch by some chefs.

Of course, it is understandable for the chefs to call them that, but the ancestors here are not the ancestors of cooking.


Wang Lun, Lin Rufeng and others were excited to tell stories about Yi Yin to the surrounding audience.

After hearing this, everyone suddenly realized that there was such a legendary figure in the era of late Xia and early Shang.


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