Seeing Wang Lun and Lin Rufeng coming so "ceremoniously", Li Fan felt a little helpless.

This is a bit too exaggerated.

The two daughters, Su Qing and Qin Yulin, covered their mouths and laughed secretly. At the same time, they gave Li Fan a blank look. This kind of thing is bound to spread on the Internet again.

Everyone's eyes were focused on Wang Lun, Lin Rufeng and the others. Except for those who quickly moved closer to Li Fan, the rest of the people were all talking and guessing. what for?

Wang Lun, Lin Rufeng and others also know that at this moment they are the focus of the audience, everyone is talking about them, and some of them are still laughing at their strange behavior.

But they didn't feel any embarrassment in their hearts. Instead, they were very proud.

Because, this time, these things on the top of Mount Huashan will definitely become the legend of Li Fanxin, and they will leave their names and surnames in this legend, which will make countless people envious and jealous.

A few people walked and walked and suddenly found that they couldn't get to Li Fan's side.

Because, Li Fan's side was already crowded with audience at this time.

It seems that more and more people have guessed what will happen next?

Li Fan was also a little helpless to the crowd that was getting tighter and tighter, so he had to stand in front of the two daughters Su Qing and Qin Yulin, so that everyone should stop approaching and leave some space to come out.

The crowd was constantly crowded before, but after Li Fan spoke, it suddenly calmed down, no longer crowded, and no longer surrounded, leaving a certain space.

Everyone involuntarily obeyed Li Fan's words, which surprised them a little.

Li Fan clasped his fists around, thanking the crowd for their cooperation.

After a lot of hard work, Wang Lun, Lin Rufeng and others finally squeezed into the crowd with difficulty and returned to Li Fan's side.

Then he said at the same time: "Sir, the paper and pen have been brought."

Li Fan smiled and said: "It's hard work, today we meet at the top of Huashan Mountain, and it's fate. You all want to become a professional poet in the future, and I happen to be a poet too, all poets, our Just use poetry to speak, a "Difficult Road" is for you. Of course, it is also for every friend at the scene."

"It really is poetry!" Wang Lun, Lin Rufeng and others were all excited and excited like never before.

What kind of character is Li Fan?

As far as the poetry world is concerned, he is an exiled immortal in the sky, known as a "poetry immortal", and each of his poems is famous all over the world, and it will surely last forever.

Now, Li Fan is going to send them a poem, and it is very likely that their names will be passed down to the world along with this new poem, and even passed on to future generations.

Their excitement and excitement can be imagined.

Not only that, Li Fan sent them poems with extraordinary meaning, and at the same time, it will definitely bring them great faith.

With this belief, they will surely be able to create more good poems and eventually become professional poets, and their lives will also be turned.

Wang Lun, Lin Rufeng and others respectfully said at the same time, "Yes, thank you sir."

Wang Lun, Lin Rufeng and others were excited, as were the three contestants, the host and others. Because they saw the opportunity quickly, they successfully grabbed Li Fan's side.

After witnessing Li Fan's painting, they will also witness Li Fan's poetry. This trip to the top of Mount Huashan will become an eternal memory in their lives.

When the matter here spreads to the outside world, it will surely make countless people envious and jealous.

At this moment, in the periphery of the crowd, there are still some unidentified audience members who are constantly asking the people around them, what happened in the center of the crowd in front?

Some people don't know it, but some people know it. Those who know will pass it on to those who don't know, one by one, and gradually, almost all the people present at the scene,

Everyone knows what happened.

However, some people still don't know Li Fan's identity, they only know that the young top painter is about to write poetry again.

And in the middle of the crowd, Li Fan didn't do any other delays, he had already picked up the pen to write on the rice paper.

Including Wang Lun, Lin Rufeng, the three contestants, and the host, all the people around the inner circle were all excited and looking forward to the tip of the brush in Li Fan's hand.

Looking at the first and second words, the first and second lines of the poem keep appearing.

"The golden bottle of sake is worth ten thousand dollars, and the jade plate is worth ten thousand dollars.

Stop the cup and throw the chopsticks and can't eat, draw the sword and look around in a daze.

If you want to cross the glaciers of the Yellow River, you will climb the snow-covered mountains in Taihua.

I came to fish on the Bixi River in my spare time, and suddenly I dreamed of taking a boat to the horizon.

Difficult way! Difficult way! Duoqi Road, where are you today?

There will be times when the wind and waves break, and the sails will be hung straight to the sea. "

This is the first of the three poems "The Road is Difficult" by Li Taibai, a former poet, and is now brought to this world by Li Fan.

Only Li Fan changed one of the place names.

In the sentence "If you want to cross the glaciers of the Yellow River, you will climb the mountains full of snow in Taihua." In the sentence, Li Bai's original poem is "I will climb the mountains full of snow in Taihang."

Li Fan changed "Taihang" to "Taihua".

"Taihang" is Taihang Mountain, and "Taihua" is Taihua Mountain, which is Huashan.

Because Li Fan is now in Huashan, in order to be more suitable for the scene, he changed "Taihang" to "Taihua".

This kind of change has no effect on the whole poem, and if he wants to come to the previous life, Shixian Taibai will not blame him.

As soon as Shi Xian's poem appeared, it naturally shocked the audience.

It was in the past, it is now, and it will be in the future.

Li Fan stopped writing and said: "The Road is Difficult, any road is difficult to follow, and the road of life is even more difficult, but as long as we have enough confidence to persevere, we will eventually have a long wind and waves, and sometimes we will hang straight. Yunfan helps the sea'. I only use this poem to encourage everyone."

Anyone who was close enough to see them all seemed very excited and excited. Among them, Wang Lun and Lin Rufeng were the most prominent.

Their hearts could not be calm for a long time, and they finally saw the demeanor of "Poetry Immortal" on the spot, and also realized the gap between them and Li Fan more clearly.

This kind of gap seems to be insufficient to describe it as "the gap between heaven and earth".

A temporary swipe at the scene is a height that they will never be able to reach in their lifetime.

They are envious, but not jealous.

This poem is not complicated, a simple translation is:

"A bucket of fine wine in a golden cup is worth thousands of gold, and dishes in a jade plate are precious and worth thousands of dollars.

But I was so upset that I put down my chopsticks and didn't want to drink and eat. He pulled out his sword and looked around, feeling at a loss.

I want to cross the Yellow River, but the ice blocks the river. Want to climb Mount Taihua, the snow is all over the mountain.

In the past, when Jiang Taigong was fishing in the Fen River, he met the talented King Wen. Yi Yin took the boat on a dream day and was employed by Shang Tang.

How hard is the road of life! How difficult! There are many different paths, where is the real avenue?

I firmly believe that the time to ride the wind and waves will come. At that time, we will raise our sails and cross the blue sea and sky. "


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