Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1792 The thief is handsome and leaves fragrance on the moon

[Book Title: Little Farmer, Big Star Chapter 1792, Stealing Handsome, Stepping on the Moon and Leaving Fragrance Author: In the Countryside]

Welcome to the latest chapter of Little Farmer and Big Star 2k Novel Network! The domain name of this site: the complete pinyin of "2k novel", it is easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: Jiu Liu Idlers once read the legend of the eternal dragon king, the immemorial god king, Wu Lian peak A letter to Jin Banhua, telling Jin Banhua his purpose.

This letter written by Chu Liuxiang made book fans feel very cool.

And at this time, everyone basically understood the meaning of the sentence "Young master will lose your beauty with flowers, while a thief will leave your fragrance on the moon".

This is to say that a young man named Jin Banhua lost his white jade beauty portrait, the robber Chu Liuxiang came in the moonlight, took away the white jade beauty portrait of Jin Banhua, and only the letter was left with, A letter of ethereal and poetic aroma.

According to the meaning of this sentence, everyone knew that Chu Liuxiang had succeeded and took away the portrait of Bai Yumei.

Of course, even if everyone didn't know this sentence before, everyone believed that Chu Liuxiang could take away the portrait of Bai Yumei.

For no reason, they just believe.

Jin Banhua frowned because of Chu Liuxiang's letter, but he absolutely couldn't just wait and die like this, and he couldn't really obediently prepare the white jade beauty and put it in an obvious place for Chu Liuxiang to pick it up.

He was fully prepared.

In addition to the golden companion flower, there are three other people in the flower hall.

One was an old man in brocade with a mighty expression and gray beard, one was a man in black with raised cheekbones and eagle-like eyes, and the other was a thin, short, bald old man in plain clothes.

The faces of the two in front were very heavy, and their sharp eyes looked from the window to the door, and then from the door to the window, looking back and forth.

The bald old man was sitting far away in the corner with his eyes closed. There was nothing special about him, except for a pair of ears, which were a pair of fake ears installed.

These three people are naturally not ordinary people.

The old man in Jinpao was the chief escort of the Wansheng Escort Bureau in the capital, and the "Iron Palm Golden Escort" was invincible.

The man in black is called "the sentence of life and death".

And the bald old man in plain clothes was even more incredible, the vulture who made the world famous for thieves.

Jianghu people say that a vulture only needs to hear the sound of a person's breathing to tell whether that person is a man or a woman, and how old is he? What is your identity?

No matter who it is, as long as the sound of his breathing is heard by the vulture, he will never try to escape for the rest of his life. No matter where he escapes, the vulture can catch him.

These three people were all invited by Jin Banhua to protect the portrait of Bai Yumei.

The old man in Jinpao Wan Wudi sneered, saying that Chu Liuxiang wanted to take away the most precious white jade beauty among the four treasures of the capital with just a piece of paper, which would be underestimating the heroes of the world.

Jin Banhua frowned and said that Chu Liuxiang had already taken away many rare treasures with the same note? He said that one thing would be taken away at the time of the child, and no one would want to keep it until the time of the ugly.

The old man in Jinpao was invincible, but he didn't believe it, saying that if the three of them were here, they couldn't restrain Chu Liuxiang and protect the portrait of Bai Yumei, then there would be no one else in the world who could do it.

Soon, the hour has come.

Zi Shi was the time when Chu Liuxiang agreed in the letter to come and take the portrait of Bai Yumei.

Jin Banhua rushed to the corner of the wall, opened the secret door, and found that the portrait of Bai Yumei was still there, and then said excitedly, "There are three people here today, and that Chu Liuxiang was really scared to come."

The life and death sentence also raised his head and smiled: "Chu Liuxiang, Chu Liuxiang, so you are also..."

However, before he could finish his words, he suddenly heard the vulture's "woo-", and then heard a low and attractive voice from outside the window with a smile, "Yu Meiren has bowed, Chu Liuxiang. Special thanks."

Wan Wudi rushed to the window and saw a tall figure standing in the dark in the distance, holding something three feet long in his hand.

Under the moonlight, it was crystal clear and smooth, and it seemed that it was the white jade beauty.

Jin Banhua was shocked and shouted, "Come on!"

Wan Wudi and Life and Death Sentence chased them out immediately, only Vulture calmly and solemnly asked Jin Banhua, "Is that really a beauty in white jade?"

Jin Banhua answered very affirmatively, "Yes." Then she chased after him.

But the vulture still shook his head and sneered, saying, "Others will fall for your tricks, but I... hum!"

What Chu Liuxiang used was indeed a trick of turning the tiger away from the mountain. After using the fake white jade portrait to lure people away, he returned to steal the real white jade portrait.

The vulture was indeed not fooled, but his pair of false ears were used by Chu Liuxiang, causing him a small loss. In this very short period of time, Chu Liuxiang came and left.

When I left, I took the real white jade beauty with me.

Vulture sighed in his heart that Chu Liuxiang was Chu Liuxiang after all, and it really lived up to its reputation, but at the same time, he was extremely confident that Chu Liuxiang's voice had already fallen into his ears, and one day he would find Chu Liuxiang.

After that, Wan Wudi, Life and Death Judgment, and Jin Banhua swept back one after another.

Wan Wudi held a three-foot-long jade carving beauty in his hands, and said with a smile that Chu Liuxiang lied, this jade beauty is fake.

The life and death sentence also sneered and said, "Although it is fake, it is worth a few taels of silver. This is called stealing chickens without losing rice, and stealing handsomely.

Only the vulture sighed: "This is fake, what's the real thing?"

Jin Banhua's face changed again, and while saying that it was really in the box, she rushed over and opened the box.

However, where is there any white jade beauty inside?

There is only a piece of light blue paper, which emits the same ethereal and romantic fragrance.

As expected, Chu Liuxiang took away the portrait of Bai Yumei in Zishi according to his agreement with Jin Banhua.

Of course, this is a unilateral agreement between Chu Liuxiang and Jin Banhua.

So far, Chu Liuxiang has officially debuted.

As soon as this came on stage, countless book fans could really feel part of the charm of the thief handsome, with excellent intelligence, strong martial arts, and gentleness.

Book fans are still very cool.

Said that the child will come to pick it up, and the child will come to pick it up, very punctual and quite handsome.

As for Wan Wudi and Life and Death Sentence, they were extremely confident at first, thinking that the three of them would definitely be able to control Chu Liuxiang and protect the portrait of Bai Yumei, but they were slapped in the face in the end.

The book fans are very happy, and they are more and more fond of the character Chu Liuxiang.

As for Chu Liuxiang, she was already at sea at this time, lying on the deck of an exquisite three-masted ship, her long and powerful fingers holding the crystal and smooth white jade beauty.

At this time, Chu Liuxiang was lazy and enjoyed it very much.

The reason why he enjoyed it was not because he held a white jade beauty in his hand, nor because he was lying lazily on the deck, but because there were three extremely beautiful girls by his side.

Talking to the three beautiful girls, making **, such a day is simply envious of others.

Book fans are very envious. At this time, they finally know that Chu Liuxiang is really romantic and suave.

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