Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1793 Floating Corpse at Sea

[Book Title: Little Farmer, Big Star Chapter 1793: Floating Corpses at Sea Author: In the Countryside]

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And Chu Liuxiang did not forget to brag to the three beauties, "This time in the capital, I really saw a lot of the faces of the so-called famous heroes, except for the old man Vulture, who had two strokes. Others are all rice buckets, and the life and death sentence Cui Neng is said to be not weak in martial arts, and a pair of sentence palace brushes in his hand is said to be able to hit 218 acupoints all over the body, but I passed him, but he was still dreaming similar."

Although this is a bit of a brag, it is true. Chu Liuxiang's martial arts are not the best in the world, but his Qinggong is absolutely unparalleled in the world.

Book fans like it very much, Chu Liuxiang, who is so bragging in front of beauties.

Of course, the premise is that what Chu Liuxiang said is the truth, not really bragging.

And Chu Liuxiang's brilliance was over, and the accident happened suddenly.

On the sea lit by the light, a corpse floated far away.

Chu Liuxiang used a rope to roll the corpse onto the deck, and recognized the identity of the corpse.

It's just that the Tianxing Gang has always been entrenched in southern Anhui, so how could Zuo Youzheng die in this sea?

Chu Liuxiang was a little puzzled, and then found the cause of Zuo Youzheng's death, who died under the cinnabar palm of the cinnabar gate.

What is the deep hatred between Zhushamen and Tianxing Gang?

In the Cinnabar Sect, there will never be more than three people who can kill Zuo Youzheng. After various analyses, Chu Liuxiang guessed that the person who killed Zuo Youzheng was most likely the killer scholar Ximen Qian in the Cinnabar Sect.

Afterwards, staring into the depths of the sea and sky, he said that the corpse that will float over from the sea today is not the only one.

Chu Liuxiang's speculation was naturally accurate.

Another body floated on the sea.

This corpse was clean and white, and it was the killer scholar Ximen Qian.

Ximen Qian first killed Zuo Youzheng, and now he is also killed by others.

Then, who killed Ximen Qian?

Ximen Qian was stabbed through the throat with a sword. Chu Liuxiang deduced from the shape of the wound that the person who killed Ximen Qian should be a swordsman who was known for his spicy and treacherous swordsmanship.

However, the Hainan Sword Sect and Zhushamen not only have no grievances or enmity, but also have quite a relationship.

Then, why did the disciples of the Hainan Sword Sect kill Ximen Qian?

First Zuo Youzheng died at the hands of Ximen Qian for no reason, and now Ximen Qian was confused and died at the hands of the Hainan faction.

Is there any secret hidden in it?

Chu Liuxiang was thoughtful and looked very interested.

Li Hongxiu, one of the three beauties, knew that Chu Liuxiang was going to meddle in her own business again, and said that this incident must be very involved and very dangerous, so that Chu Liuxiang should not take care of this time.

But Chu Liuxiang said that the more dangerous and nosy things are, the more interesting it is to manage, and the more widely involved the secret, the more valuable the thing involved must be.

This time, it seems that Chu Liuxiang is in charge.

Li Hongxiu was helpless, and said that fortunately, this matter is like looking for a needle in a haystack. Until now, there is still no clue. Chu Liuxiang just wants to manage it, but it may not be able to manage it.

Chu Liuxiang said that there will be more and more clues.

This is indeed the case.

Because another floating corpse floated from the sea.

This time, it was a green-robed Taoist with a black face and a long beard. Chu Liuxiang knew this person.

This person was actually a disciple of the Hainan faction. He was a vulture in the Hainan Three Swords. His swordsmanship was so vicious that only a few people in the world of martial arts could match it.

It should be that he killed the previous Ximen Qian.

But now, he was killed again.

Things are obviously getting weirder.

At first, Zuo Youzheng was killed by Ximen Qian, and then Ximen Qian was killed by Ling Jiuzi.

Now, the vulture has also been killed?

So, who was the one who killed the vultures?

Will the person who killed the vulture be killed by another person? Then go back and forth like this.

Things became more and more strange, and Chu Liuxiang became more and more interested.

Countless book fans are also wondering more and more, what the hell is going on? What kind of secrets are hidden behind this matter?

These, they all need to wait, Chu Liuxiang will find out the truth for them.

Ling Jiuzi's head was split in half with a knife, Chu Liuxiang was able to conclude that the person who killed Ling Jiuzi should be the shadowless divine knife Zhamuhe.

But Li Hongxiu said that Jamuka has been traversing the Gobi Desert for 30 years, and he is known as the "King of the Desert", how could he come here?

Chu Liuxiang insisted that the person who killed Lingjiuzi was Jamuka.

Moreover, he was waiting for Jamuka's body to float over from the sea.

It seemed that Chu Liuxiang not only thought that the person who killed Ling Jiuzi was Jamuhe, but also believed that Jamuhe would also be killed by another person.

So, will Jamuka's body float over from the sea?

The answer is yes.

Another corpse floated on the sea, and this corpse was the king of the desert, Jamuka.

Chu Liuxiang's inference was completely correct.

Jamuka's corpse, the eyeballs had swelled and protruded, and the skin of the whole body was dark red, as if he had died of poisoning.

But Chu Liuxiang knew that the one in Jamuhe was not entirely poisonous, and the one in him was more poisonous than any poison in the world, Tianyi Shenshui.

"Tianyi Shenshui" comes from Tianchi Shenshui Palace. It only takes one drop to make people burst to death immediately.

Jamuka died under the Heavenly God's Water.

Now, even the Tianchi Shenshui Palace is involved in this incident. It can be seen that the connection of this incident is far greater than expected.

Li Hongxiu became more and more worried, but she knew that it was impossible for Chu Liuxiang to leave things alone.

Chu Liuxiang sighed, if there are no more floating corpses, then this matter will fall on the messenger of Shenshui Palace.

But a fifth floating corpse floated on the sea.

This time the floating corpse is an extremely beautiful woman, who is under the gate of Shenshui Palace.

The Shenshui Palace in Jamuka was killed with Tianyi Shenshui, and people died under the door, and things continued to get more and more weird.

The beautiful woman under the gate of Shenshui Palace was cut off with most of her shoulders and hips, but her face was intact, and the cruel murderer didn't seem to bear to destroy her beauty.

Based on this murder technique, Li Hongxiu speculated that the person who killed the woman under the gate of Shenshui Palace should be Jamuka.

Except for Jamuka, no one has such a fast knife.

It should be Jamuka who found out that he was caught in the "Tianyi Shenshui", and tried his best to cut out a knife before he died, and perished with this woman under the gate of Shenshui Palace.

Li Hongxiu's speculation sounded reasonable, but Chu Liuxiang didn't think so.

Chu Liuxiang believes that the woman under the water palace gate did not die in the hands of Jamuka, but after Jamuka died, his big wind knife fell into the hands of others.

Then, the man used a big wind knife to imitate Jamuka's murder technique and killed the woman under the water palace gate.

The reason why that person did this was to make people think that it was Jamuka who killed the woman under the water palace gate before he died, and the two perished together, so that the whole incident would end there.

Since that person wants others to think that this matter is over, then this matter must not be over, or even just begun.

Chu Liuxiang thought so.

And all the book fans, after reading Chu Liuxiang's analysis, also think that the incident has just begun.

There is no doubt that this will be a very bizarre event, and there must be some kind of major conspiracy behind it, and fans of the book all want to know the truth.

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