Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1797 Sad

[Title: Little Farmer, Big Star Chapter 1797 Sad Author: In the Countryside]

Welcome to the latest chapter of Little Farmer and Big Star 2k Novel Network! The domain name of this site: the complete pinyin of "2k novel", it is easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: The supernatural little peasant, the big lord of the holy market, the lord of Xue Ying, the legend of the eternal dragon king, the legend of the ancient god, the peak of Wu Lian, the five elements Who are the people?

Chu Liuxiang said with a smile, the secret cannot be revealed.

Then, the two finally met Qiu Yunsu.

The first thing Chu Liuxiang saw was the back of Qiu Yunsu kneeling in front of the incense table, but just the back made Chu Liuxiang stunned.

Chu Liuxiang asked Qiu Yunsu if he had written letters to Ximen Qian, Zuo Youzheng, Lingyuanzi, and Jamutai not long ago?

Qiu Yunsu admitted to knowing four people, but denied that he had written the letter.

Could it be that those four letters were written by someone pretending to be Qiu Yunsu?

Chu Liuxiang still had a lot of questions to ask, but Qiu Yunsu seemed reluctant to say more, and she issued an expulsion order soon after.

In the end, Chu Liuxiang said that he didn't see the old gang leader for the last time, and he really regretted it.

Qiu Yunsu said, "Don't feel sorry for the donor. My husband died suddenly after being sick for many years. There are not many people who can see him for the last time. You should leave quickly."

Qiu Yunsu's words made Chu Liuxiang's eyes widen, but she remained calm, and then left with Nangong Ling.

After the two returned to Jinan together, they separated.

Chu Liuxiang met Su Rongrong, one of his three confidantes, by the Daming Lake.

Chu Liuxiang told Su Rongrong what he had experienced these days, including going to see Qiu Yunsu with Nangong Ling.

Su Rongrong said that the mastermind who pretended to be Tianfeng Shishilang was determined to prevent Chu Liuxiang from going to see Qiu Yunsu, but in fact Qiu Yunsu didn't say anything of value. Wasn't the mastermind behind the scenes superfluous?

Chu Liuxiang said that Qiu Yunsu said something very important.

Which sentence is it?

It was Qiu Yunsu's last sentence, "Don't have any regrets, my husband has been sick for many years and died suddenly. There are not many people who can see him for the last time. You should leave quickly."

This sentence contains her hint to Chu Liuxiang.

Because this sentence itself is very contradictory.

Since the old gang leader Ren Ci has been lingering in the bed for many years, how could he suddenly die?

They are helping the disciples, since they know that the leader is critically ill, they should wait by the sick bed at any time. How can there be not many people who see him for the last time?

Qiu Yunsu Bingxue is smart, it is impossible to say such contradictory words.

The only thing that can be explained is that Qiu Yunsu said this on purpose, she was implying that Chu Liuxiang had a lot to say and wanted to tell Chu Liuxiang, but she couldn't let Nangong Ling hear it.

Qiu Yunsu and Chu Liuxiang are both smart people, so Qiu Yunsu said so, and Chu Liuxiang understood.

Then, Chu Liuxiang would have to meet Qiu Yunsu again, and be alone.

After another set of twists and turns, Chu Liuxiang went to the place where Qiu Yunsu lived again.

Only this time, Qiu Yunsu was in trouble. She was forced to the edge of a cliff by the white jade demon of the Beggar Gang.

Bai Yumo was expelled from the beggar gang by the former gang director Ci before, so he held a grudge, and he planned to force Qiu Yunsu to jump off a cliff in order to avenge Ren Ci's expulsion from the gang.

If Chu Liuxiang didn't come, Bai Yumo naturally succeeded.

But unfortunately, Chu Liuxiang came, and Bai Yumo was doomed to fail, so Chu Liuxiang easily drove him away.

Chu Liuxiang saw Qiu Yunsu again, and Qiu Yunsu said that she had not mistaken Chu Liuxiang after all, and Chu Liuxiang was really smart.

Afterwards, Qiu Yunsu told Chu Liuxiang a lot, Chu Liuxiang felt miserable in her heart, and his guess was indeed correct.

Nangong Ling, as expected, has been pretending all the time.

It turned out that the former gang leader of the Beggar Gang had become a puppet gang leader three years ago, obeying orders everywhere.

And the person he obeyed was Nangong Ling, who was raised by him.

The reason why he had to obey Nangong Ling was because Nangong Ling secretly poisoned his food, so that he got a strange disease, and his body became weaker and weaker, and he had to be controlled by Nangong Ling.

In front of outsiders, Nangong Ling always pretended to be extremely filial, and always took care of Ren Ci's meals.

By the time Ren Ci discovered Nangong Ling's sinister heart, it was too late.

Ren Ci and Qiu Yunsu were both placed under house arrest by Nangong Ling.

Nangongling has a huge expense, but in order to maintain his image in front of outsiders and not dare to collect money indiscriminately, he hit Qiu Yunsu with his idea and forced Qiu Yunsu to gather money for him.

Qiu Yunsu decided to plan, so he wrote letters to Jamuhe, Lingjiuzi, Ximen Qian, and Zuo Youzheng, saying that he was suffering and hoped that the four would come to help.

The letter was sent out with the help of Nangong Ling. He only thought that Qiu Yunsu said this to get the four to send money.

So, why did Nangong Ling change his mind in the end? Instead of blackmailing the four of them for money, they killed them instead?

In this regard, Qiu Yunsu did not know the specific reason, only that one night after the letter was sent, someone came.

After this person had a secret conversation with Nangong Ling all night, things had completely changed.

Qiu Yunsu didn't know who that person was? But it was obvious that Nangong Ling finally changed his mind because of that person.

Then, the day after the person left, Nangong Ling brought a bowl of ginseng soup for Ren Ci to drink.

After careful inspection by Qiu Yunsu, he found that the ginseng soup was not poisonous, so he drank it for Ren Ci with confidence.

However, after Ren Ci drank it, his whole body swelled up and died suddenly.

The ginseng soup is obviously non-toxic, but after Ren Ci drank it, why did he die suddenly?

Qiu Yunsu couldn't understand it, but now that she told Chu Liuxiang, Chu Liuxiang knew the reason.

Tianyi Shenshui, Nangong Ling added Tianyi Shenshui to the ginseng soup.

Obviously, Nangong Ling's Tianyi Shenshui was given to him by the person who had secret conversations with him all night.

So, who is that person? The answer is already very obvious.

That person is the black hand who has been hiding behind the scenes, that is, the one who stole Tianyi Shenshui, killed Song Gang, Suxin Shitai and others to silence them, and pretended to be Tianfeng Shilong.

Nangong Ling is terrifying, but the cunning and viciousness of that person is even more than that of Nangong Ling.

who's that person?

Unfortunately, there is still no answer.

In addition, Qiu Yunsu also told Chu Liuxiang something about the past of Tianfeng Shilang.

Twenty years ago, Tianfeng Shilang came across the sea from Dongying to challenge Ci, the director of the Beggar Gang.

Ren Ci accepted the challenge, went to the location mentioned in Tianfeng Shirley's challenge book, and started a duel with Tianfeng Shirley.

However, as soon as the two fought each other, Tianfeng Shilang died at the hands of Ren Ci.

It turned out that Tianfeng Shilang was seriously injured at this time. He would rather die under Ren Ci's hands than tell Ren Ci that he was injured.

Because, in that case, Ren Ci would definitely not fight him again, and he didn't want to lose his trust in Ren Ci.

When Tianfeng Shilang was dying, he entrusted his orphan to Ren Ci to take care of him.

Ren Ci respected Tianfeng Shilang's person, and felt sorry for Tianfeng Shilang, so he took in Tianfeng Shilang's orphan.

From then on, Ren Ci took care of Tianfeng Shilang's orphan who grew up and taught him martial arts.

The orphan of Tianfeng Shilang is naturally Nangong Ling.

It turns out that there is such a story between Ren Ci and Nangong Ling.

It's just a pity that Ren Ci ended up raising tigers. Not only did Nangong Ling not appreciate his kindness of upbringing and teaching, but he poisoned him with his own hands.

This is a sad story.

All the book fans can only sigh, the truth of the matter always makes people feel helpless and sad sometimes.

Sadly, that's not the whole truth.

What does the whole truth of the matter look like?

Maybe even more sad.

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