Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1799 The truth

[Book Title: Little Farmer, Big Star Chapter 1799 The Truth Author: In the Countryside]

Welcome to the latest chapter of Little Farmer and Big Star 2k Novel Network! The domain name of this site: the complete pinyin of "2k novel", it is easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: The Nine Stars Hegemony Tactics, the Legend of the Eternal Dragon King Another orphan of Tianfeng Shirou?

It's a little difficult to find, but it doesn't seem too difficult.

Back then, Tianfeng Shishilang was seriously injured before he duel with Ren Ci. From this, it can be inferred that Tianfeng Shishilang also found another person to duel before he duel with Ren Ci.

The other person must be the one who adopted another orphan of Shirou Tianfeng.

Since Shijirou Tianfeng had to fight with another person first, and then with Ren Ci, it can be shown that the other person's martial arts and fame at that time must be higher than the director of the Beggar Gang, Ci.

There are not many people with martial arts and prestige above Ren Ci, and the scope has been greatly reduced.

In addition, that person must be as generous and generous as Ren Ci, and he will agree to adopt the orphan of Shiro Tianfeng.

Also, that person must be very low-key. He defeated the mighty Tianfeng Shirou, and no one in the world will know about him.

In the end, that person must also be in the southern Fujian area, so that Shirou Tianfeng could rush to a duel with Ren Ci after being seriously injured.

So many conditions are added together, and the identity of that person is almost ready to be revealed.

He is the head of the southern branch of Shaolin, the abbot of Putian Shaolin Temple, and Master Tianfeng.

Another orphan who raised Tianfeng Shirou was almost certainly Master Tianfeng.

As long as Chu Liuxiang finds Master Tianfeng, he will be able to determine who is the mysterious mastermind behind the scenes?

However, Chu Liuxiang was not happy at all, but felt even more sadness.

Because, he had already guessed who that person was, and he really didn't want that person to be that person.

But sometimes, the truth is so cruel, the thing you least expect to be the truth is the truth.

That person is also a friend of Chu Liuxiang, a famous "wonderful monk" all over the world, without flowers.

At this time, Chu Liuxiang finally understood that when she was in Wuyi'an, the unconscious nun suddenly regained her consciousness when she was about to die, and what did the word "no" mean?

She didn't mean to say the name of a person surnamed Wu, or under the plane tree, but to say "no flowers".

Chu Liuxiang felt sad, but there were some things he had to do.

He rushed to Putian Shaolin Temple and learned that Master Tianfeng was with Wuhua. Master Tianfeng was addicted to tea, and Wuhua was making tea for Master Tianfeng.

Chu Liuxiang was shocked, Wuhua was very likely to kill Master Tianfeng, and he had to stop it.

He successfully stopped it.

Master Tianfeng told Chu Liuxiang more details about Tianfeng Shirou.

Back then, there was a tragic battle between Huashan and the two sword factions of the Huangshan family. The bloody battle continued for many years, and the Huangshan family was finally defeated. In the end, only Miss Li Qi was left.

In order to avoid misfortune, Li Qi crossed eastward to take mulberry. At that time, she had already suffered internal injuries. In addition, the road to the sea was difficult, and it was not good to travel to Fusang Island.

Li Qi, who was dying, met Tianfeng Shishilang. Tianfeng Shishilang fell in love with Li Qi at first sight and took good care of Li Qi, so that Li Qi finally recovered.

After that, the two got married, and Li Qi gave birth to two children for Tianfeng Shirou.

After giving birth to two children, Li Qi suddenly left without saying goodbye and returned to Middle Earth, leaving only a letter.

Shirou Tianfeng brought his two children and came to China to find Li Qi. He searched for Li Qi for a year, but to no avail. In despair, he successively found Master Tianfeng and Ren Ci to duel.

He asked two people to duel because he had no intention of living any longer, but he still had two children, and he had to find someone to raise his children first.

He thought of Master Tianfeng and Ren Ci,

But if you go directly to two people and ask them to help raise the child, they will definitely not agree.

So, Shirou Tianfeng thought of a way to find the two of them to fight, and then deliberately injured them in the palms of their hands.

His husband deliberately was seriously injured under the palm of Master Tianfeng, and then he deliberately died under the palm of Ren Ci.

In this way, Master Tianfeng and Ren Ci will adopt his two children because of their guilt.

This is indeed the case. Tianfeng Shirou's plan was successful. His two children, under the training of Master Tianfeng and Ren Ci, have both practiced outstanding martial arts.

After Master Tianfeng told Chu Liuxiang everything he knew, he asked Chu Liuxiang if Ren Cilao was dead?

Chu Liuxiang replied, "Yes."

Master Tianfeng was a wise man, and Chu Liuxiang's answer was enough to make him understand everything.

He understood that Wuhua, who was raised and raised by him, had the intention of harming him. He didn't feel sad, but just glanced at Wuhua's back with complicated eyes when he left.

Chu Liuxiang and Wuhua left at the same time.

Chu Liuxiang's heart was bitter, he always thought that Wuhua was his good friend, but Wuhua had tried to kill him many times.

On Daming Lake, Wuhua disturbed Zhongyuan Yidianhong's mind with the sound of the piano, and wanted to kill him with the help of Zhongyuan Yidianhong's hand.

After that, he attacked him in Wuyi'an, and on the edge of the cliff where he was looking for Qiu Yunsu, he pretended to be Shirou Tianfeng and wanted to kill him again.

This is undoubtedly a very sad thing.

However, as Wuhua said, he actually didn't want to kill Chu Liuxiang. If Chu Liuxiang didn't mind his own business, they would always be good friends.

But unfortunately, Chu Liuxiang couldn't ignore it.

Therefore, Wuhua had to kill Chu Liuxiang.

"The friendship between you and me, what's left now is not as much as the grains of sand in the eyes." This is what Wuhua said to Chu Liuxiang.

When Wuhua talked about seducing a disciple of the Goddess Palace and stealing Tianyi Shenshui for him, and the disciple of the Goddess Palace also died because of it, she said, "A girl who has never been in contact with a man always goes through There is no temptation, she feels that she died very willingly, why do you feel sorry for her."

Chu Liuxiang sighed for this, "You are really a strange person, no matter how despicable or hateful you are, you can say it in the most gentle and elegant tone."

Wuhua is indeed a strange person. He killed a lot of people, but he didn't even want to contaminate his own violin with murderous intent.

Chu Liuxiang asked Wuhua, why did he do this?

Is it for revenge, or for power? Is this his own idea? Or did his father Tianfeng Shiruro leave a last word for him to do this before he died?

Why did Chu Liuxiang think that Tianfeng Shishilang left a last word to Wuhua?

Because Tianfeng Shishilang did not hesitate to sacrifice his life, he also wanted Wuhua and Nangongling to devote themselves to Shaolin and the Beggar Gang respectively.

In this way, when the two grow up, they can first take over the portal of the world's largest faction and the largest gang, and then go further and rule the world.

This may be something Tianfeng Shirou himself wanted to do but couldn't do it, so he asked his two children to do it for him.

Otherwise, how could he die willingly?

This is Chu Liuxiang's guess.

Wu Hua neither admitted that Chu Liuxiang's guess was correct, nor did he say that his guess was wrong, only that he would naturally know the answer in the future.

After that, the two started, Wuhua's martial arts were extremely high, but after all, they were not Chu Liuxiang's opponents.

After going through a dangerous fight, Wuhua said slowly: "Very well, I finally confirmed today that I am indeed not your opponent."

His voice was very flat, just as it was confirmed that it was just a gamble with little wins or losses, and no one could tell that he had invested his life in this gamble.

Wuhua was defeated, but did not escape.

Chu Liuxiang asked him why he didn't run away?

He said that no matter how big the victory, it would not make him giddy with joy. No amount of failure, however great, could make him run away with his tail tucked like a wild dog.

Wu Hua did not run away, and did not want Chu Liuxiang to hand him over to others.

What else can he do?

There is only one way, and that is suicide.

He said that he was noble, that he disdain to bow his head in front of those who are humble, no matter what he did wrong, he was always a noble man, much nobler than most people in the world.

He asked Chu Liuxiang, do you admit this?

It's just that his body has fallen down, and he can no longer hear Chu Liuxiang's answer.

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth.

The noble Wuhua died, Chu Liuxiang was very sad and very tired.

Wuhua is dead, the truth is also solved, and the story of "Fragrant Sea of ​​Blood" ends here.

But, is everything really over? Have all your questions been answered?

Maybe it's over, maybe it's not over yet, at this time Chu Liuxiang doesn't want to ask anymore.

At least this moment, he didn't want to ask again.

All he wanted now was to get back to his boat, with three pink confidants in company, to raise the sails and leave the loathsome crowd forever.

... 2k novel reading network

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