Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1801 Bold guess

[Book Title: Little Farmer, Big Star Chapter 1801: A Bold Guess Author: In the Countryside]

Welcome to the latest chapter of Little Farmer and Big Star 2k Novel Network! The domain name of this site: the complete pinyin of "2k novel", it is easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: When the Demon Tide Rising, The Gate of the Xuanjie Selected the Heavens, The King of Eternal Night, the Great Ruler of the Holy Ruins, the Lord of Xue Ying, the Eternal Dragon King Legend and sadness.

As for the ending of Wuhua's final suicide, the book fans did not feel happy except for regret and sigh.

It stands to reason that a person like Wu Hua who is insidious and vicious, and who tried to kill Chu Liuxiang many times, finally committed suicide, book fans should feel very happy.

But the strange thing is that book fans do not feel this way, they only feel regret and sigh.

This may be because Wuhua's appearance is too stunning, and because Wuhua gives the impression that he is always elegant and elegant, and because Wuhua failed in the end, but he failed very gracefully.

After the life-and-death battle with Chu Liuxiang, Wuhua was defeated.

After the defeat, Wu Hua was very calm, and just said slowly: "Very good, I finally confirmed today that I am indeed not your opponent."

His voice was very flat, as if what he had just confirmed was just a gamble with little wins or losses, and no one could tell that he had invested his life in that gamble.

Even Chu Liuxiang had to say, "Although you have already lost, in any case, you did lose with grace."

In the end, Wu Hua asked Chu Liuxiang before he fell, "No matter what I did wrong, I was always a noble person, much nobler than most people in the world, Chu Liuxiang, do you admit this?"

After Wuhua said this, he died, and he hadn't heard Chu Liuxiang's answer yet.

And Chu Liuxiang did not answer.

However, countless fans believe that Chu Liuxiang's answer must be to admit.

Perhaps it is precisely because of Wuhua's death that book fans do not feel very happy about Wuhua's death.

However, even if Wuhua is noble and out of the world, what he has done is unforgivable.

He has harmed so many innocent people, and his hands are already covered in blood. In fact, he is no longer noble and no longer in the dust.

He is no longer worthy of being noble, and not worthy of being born again.

Book fans all understand this, and it is precisely because they understand that they feel more regretful.

But no matter what, fans of the book remember the name "Miao Seng Wu Hua".

There is no doubt that Wu Hua is the most successful role besides Chu Liuxiang.

Fans are talking about such a character, even if he is only a villain.

When discussing, there is a question that is the focus of the discussion among book fans.

That's what Wuhua did, and what was it for?

This question, Chu Liuxiang asked Wuhua.

Is it for revenge, or for power? Is this really his own idea? Or did his father Tianfeng Shiruro leave a last word for him to do this before he died?

Chu Liuxiang also analyzed the reason why Tianfeng Shirou left a last word to Wuhua.

But Wu Hua did not give Chu Liuxiang a clear answer, only that Chu Liuxiang would know the answer in the future.

Wuhua's answer is intriguing. He said that Chu Liuxiang would know the answer in the future, but he soon committed suicide.

Everyone else is dead, where will Chu Liuxiang know the answer in the future?

Fans of the book have been talking about it and can't figure it out.

Also, what exactly is Wuhua doing?

Wuhua himself did not say it, and the author Gu Yong did not point it out.

This is a bit strange. It stands to reason that the conspiracy designed by Wuhua is so big. The reason why he designed the conspiracy will undoubtedly be the top priority. The author Gu Yong should focus on the obvious.

But Gu Yong did not point out.

Of course, fans of the book can guess for themselves.

First, to avenge his father.


Although Tianfeng Shishilang was actively seeking death, he was the one who plotted against Master Tianfeng and Ren Ci. But no matter what, Tianfeng Shirou did die at the hands of Master Tianfeng and Ren Ci.

Wuhua and Nangongling avenged their father. Although it was against morality and morality, it was only natural for them to avenge their father.

The outside world can only accuse them of being ruthless, but they cannot say that they have done something wrong.

Second, for power and fame.

The Beggar Gang and Shaolin are the world's largest gang and the world's largest faction. Whether it is the position of the Beggar Gang's gang leader or the position of Shaolin abbot, they are very attractive.

It seems reasonable that the two of them poisoned Ren Ci and Grandmaster Tianfeng for the sake of the position of helper and abbot.

But it's not convincing enough.

Obviously, the two reasons that fans can think of are not enough to explain the cold-blooded and ruthless backlash of Wuhua and Nangongling.

A bigger reason is needed.

what is it?

Fans were talking about it, but they couldn't find any other reason.

Is it because they have limited vision and cannot find other reasons?

It is indeed possible, and fans of the book know it.

Therefore, they turned their attention to those famous celebrities, hoping that celebrities and famous people could solve their puzzles for them.

Celebrities and celebrities are indeed thinking and discussing this issue.

Times Literature Award Jury Office.

Yang Qiming and Li Bo were discussing.

Yang Qiming pondered: "The reason is indeed not sufficient, there should indeed be a bigger reason."

Li Bo said: "But now people really can't find a bigger reason, that can only explain a problem."

Yang Qiming said: "Indeed, it can only explain one problem, that is, the whole story is not completely over, and the ending we are seeing now is not the true ending of the story."

Li Bo said, "I thought of a person."

Yang Qiming smiled and said, "I also thought of someone."

Lipa said: "I have a very bold guess."

Yang Qiming also smiled and said, "I also have a very bold guess."

Li Bo added: "I still have a very bold guess."

Yang Qiming laughed again and said, "I also have a very bold guess."

Li Bo shook his head and smiled, "I thought I would think about this issue before you this time."

Yang Qiming said: "Maybe this time, you really thought about it one step ahead of me."

Li Po laughed and said, "Old Li, it's fine if you admit it."


After a few more jokes between the two, they expressed their views on their Weibo.

Yang Qiming wrote: "From the current content of the story, it seems that it is still not found enough to explain the real reason why Wuhua and Nangongling are so cold-blooded. Then, there is only one possibility, and the story is not completely over.

"The Legend of Chu Liuxiang" is a series of story works, Mr. Gu Yong should give us a deeper reason in the next story.

Moreover, I can venture a guess that the reason is related to one person.

who is it?

Li Qi, the mother of Wuhua and Nangongling.

It was mentioned in Master Tianfeng's account that at that time, Li Qi abandoned her two young children and Tianfeng Shirou, and soon after returning to the Central Plains, the four left behind by Huashan Qijian suddenly died tragically. , that was Li Qi coming back to avenge his father and brother.

But after that, Li Qi suddenly disappeared from the arena.

Suddenly disappearing, which seems a little out of the ordinary, apparently for an unknown reason.

Therefore, I guess that the cold-blooded and ruthless backlash of Wuhua and Nangongling is related to their mother Li Qi.

As for whether this is the case? We can only wait and see in the next story. "

Lippo also posted on Weibo, where he wrote: "Wuhua committed suicide in the end, which is regrettable and embarrassing. But what I want to say now is, is he really dead?

Did he really commit suicide? Or was it just a good show of cheating death in front of Chu Liuxiang?

I have a very wild guess that no flower is dead.

As for whether my guess is correct? Let's wait and see in the next story! "

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