Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1806 Find the truth

[Book Title: Little Farmer, Big Star Chapter 1806 Find the Truth Author: In the Countryside]

Welcome to the latest chapter of Little Farmer and Big Star 2k Novel Network! The domain name of this site: the complete pinyin of "2k novel", it is easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: the special security of the female president, the gate of the mysterious world, the selection of the day, the king of the eternal night, the great ruler of the holy market, the lord of snow eagle, the legend of the eternal dragon king I was very happy and sent my best wishes to all of them.

Although Zhongyuan Yidianhong used to be a ruthless killer, book fans admired him very much, and now they are naturally happy to see him reaping their love.

And the story continues to develop. When we got here, there were too many stories and twists and turns. Chu Liuxiang learned that the hard-working man, Shi Tuo, was Huangfu Gao, one of the Seven Swords of Mount Hua, and his pseudonym "Wang Fu Gao". The person who rushed", also after Liu Yanfei of the Huashan faction, finally solved a mystery that had puzzled him for a long time.

After solving the puzzle, Chu Liuxiang played the Zen machine.

Princess Pipa asked Chu Liuxiang, "Where is Shi Guanyin?"

Chu Liuxiang replied, "Shi Guanyin? Who is Shi Guanyin?"

Princess Pipa said again, "What do you think is so dazed that you even forgot Shi Guanyin?"

Chu Liuxiang replied, "If there is Shi Guanyin, there is no Shi Guanyin, and if there is no Shi Guanyin, there is Shi Guanyin. I have never remembered it, but why did you tell me to forget it?"

Princess Pipa couldn't understand Chu Liuxiang's words and said, "What are these words? Why can't I understand?"

Chu Liuxiang said, "You didn't understand it at first, this is a Zen machine."

Princess Pipa said with a smile, "Do you suddenly want to be a monk?"

Chu Liuxiang added, "I just suddenly thought of a monk."

Princess Pipa asked who the monk was?

Chu Liuxiang smiled without saying a word, no longer answering.

Princess Pipa didn't understand these words of Chu Liuxiang, and neither did the book fans.

Chu Liuxiang had just escaped from Shi Guanyin, why did she suddenly not know who Shi Guanyin was?

It is also said that there is no Shiguanyin if there is Shiguanyin, and there is no Shiguanyin if there is no Shiguanyin.

However, Chu Liuxiang said that he suddenly thought of a monk, and Princess Pipa didn't know who that monk was? Book lovers know it.

That monk should be the "wonderful monk" Wuhua.

Chu Liuxiang suddenly thought of Wuhua. Could it be that he already knew at this time that Wuhua was not dead?

It's just that Wuhua never appeared, and book fans just guessed that the person who deceived the Central Plains before was Wuhua.

How did Chu Liuxiang suddenly know that Wuhua was not dead?

Fans don't understand this.

In addition, there is also a possibility that Chu Liuxiang still does not know that Wuhua is not dead, he just learned the true identity of Shi Guanyin through Wuhua.

In other words, Shi Guanyin has another identity, and it is related to Wuhua.

Because of this, Chu Liuxiang would say who is Shi Guanyin? If there is Shiguanyin, there is no Shiguanyin, and if there is no Shiguanyin, there is Shiguanyin.

Before, book fans also thought about whether Wuhua had anything to do with Shi Guanyin?

So, on the whole, the second possibility seems to be bigger.

So, what is Shi Guanyin's true identity? What does it have to do with no flowers?

Chu Liuxiang obviously already knew about this question, but hadn't said it yet.

The book fans are not in a hurry. Now that the story is nearing the end, Chu Liuxiang will soon reveal all the mysteries.

They just need a little bit and keep looking down.

After Chu Liuxiang finished playing the Zen machine, the group met another wave of people. After the exchange, they learned that those people were sent by Black Pearl to find Chu Liuxiang.

At this time, Chu Liuxiang finally realized that the black pearl was her daughter, and that the three daughters, Su Rongrong, Li Hongxiu, and Song Tianer, were not kidnapped by the black pearl.

Instead, they came to the desert with Black Pearl willingly, and the four daughters have become good friends.

As for the reason why Black Pearl invited the three women to go to the desert, Chu Liuxiang didn't quite understand it, but Princess Pipa on the side understood it very well, and looked at Chu Liuxiang with a bit of resentment.

Knowing this, it was natural that Black Pearl could not be the one who secretly presided over the mutiny of the Qiuci Kingdom.

Then, the person behind the mutiny who secretly presided over the Qiuci Kingdom can only be Shi Guanyin, and now everyone has understood this.

Afterwards, Princess Pipa said something she wanted to anger Chu Liuxiang, "If you meet Chu Xiangshuai, the dead may be resurrected."

The speaker was unintentional, and the listener was intentional. The words of Princess Pipa made Chu Liuxiang suddenly enlightened and seemed to have understood everything.

The eyes of the book fans lit up, and it seemed that Chu Liuxiang at this time really knew that Wuhua was not dead.

Then, the Zen machine that Chu Liuxiang played before really showed that he already knew the true identity of Shi Guanyin and the relationship between Shi Guanyin and Wuhua.

what exactly is it? At this time, book fans were even more curious than before.

And they soon knew the answer.

Chu Liuxiang and others met King Qiuci again, as well as the two traitorous officials of Qiuci, and Wu Juxuan, a Han Chinese who was in trouble with them.

Wu Juxuan was a little surprised and surprised to see that Chu Liuxiang was still alive. He didn't know why Chu Liuxiang could escape from Shi Guanyin's hands?

After that, King Qiuci successfully subdued two traitors and regained his throne.

Wu Juxuan saw that the opportunity was not good and slipped away secretly, but Chu Liuxiang had been paying attention to him, so how could he let him slip away?

Therefore, Chu Liuxiang chased him out immediately.

Chu Liuxiang's Qinggong ranked first in the world, so he could naturally catch up with Wu Juxuan.

After Chu Liuxiang went to chase Wu Juxuan, Shi Guanyin suddenly appeared again, her target was King Qiuci, Princess Pipa, Ji Bingyan, Princess Pipa and others.

She was going to kill those people.

This is not a difficult task for her, because her martial arts are so high that she is far ahead of Hu Tiehua and Ji Bingyan, and even more powerful than Chu Liuxiang.

She is also very arrogant. She devalues ​​the martial arts of the two most prestigious schools in the world, the Shaolin School and the Wugong School.

This is really arrogant, but she does seem to have such qualifications, with her unfathomable martial arts.

Shi Guanyin easily restrained them, but Hu Tiehua, Ji Bingyan, Princess Pipa and others did not immediately kill them.

Hu Tiehua and Ji Bingyan were waiting for Chu Liuxiang to return, thinking that with the strength of the three of them, they should be able to control Shi Guanyin.

But unfortunately, Chu Liuxiang never came back.

Shi Guanyin seemed to have seen through, and Hu Tiehua and Ji Bingyan suddenly told them that they would not have to wait any longer.

Because, Chu Liuxiang will never come back.

Hu Tiehua smiled disdainfully and said that with Wu Juxuan's ability, he wanted to keep Chu Liuxiang?

However, Shi Guanyin said, "If there is only one person in the world who can put Chu Liuxiang to death, that person is Wu Juxuan, just because he has thoroughly studied Chu Liuxiang from head to toe, from the inside out, there will be no more in the world. No one knows Chu Liuxiang's martial arts and weaknesses better than him."

Hu Tiehua also said that there is no one person in the world who can fully understand Chu Liuxiang, even if he and Chu Liuxiang have been friends for 20 or 30 years, they do not fully understand.

Shi Guanyin also said that the reason why Hu Tiehua did not fully understand Chu Liuxiang was just because Chu Liuxiang was his friend, and he did not need to study Chu Liuxiang carefully.

The person who knows Chu Liuxiang best in this world will definitely not be his friend, but his enemy.

Only the enemy would spend a lot of time and work hard to study Chu Liuxiang's martial arts and weaknesses.

This does seem reasonable.

Therefore, "Wu Juxuan" is obviously not his real name. His real identity should be an enemy who is very familiar with Chu Liuxiang.

So, what is Wu Juxuan's real identity?

The answer seems to be ready.

Wu Juxuan is a "wonderful monk" without flowers.

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