Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1819 Vicious Child

[Book Title: Little Farmer, Big Star Chapter 1819, The Vicious Child Author: In the Countryside]

Welcome to the latest chapter of Little Farmer and Big Star 2k Novel Network! The domain name of this site: the complete pinyin of "2k novel", it is easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: The Gate of Bone Erosion and Mysterious Realm, Choose Heaven, King of Eternal Night, Inverse Scale, Lord of Xue Ying, Lord of Xue Ying, A Thought of the Legend of Eternal Dragon King

But, what's the matter with this Nima? How could Li Xun Huan's future wife run away with his best brother?

What happened in the middle of the unknown story?

Fans want to know, but they also know that no matter what kind of story there is, it is a very sad thing that Li Xun Huan's future wife ran away with his best brother.

Fans seem to understand why Li Xunhuan has been drinking all the time in these ten years.

After a sigh, the fans continued to look back.

After the man in Tsing Yi left, another strange man without legs came in.

The weirdo was also here for Jinsijia, he was inconvenient to move, but he was not afraid of Li Xunhuan's flying knife.

Because, he knew that Li Xunhuan was really poisoned and could no longer send out the flying knife.

The weirdo is one of the "Seven Wonderful People", "Miao Lang Jun Hua Bee", who is extremely skilled in poisoning. Li Xun Huan's wine was poisoned by him.

Therefore, Li Xunhuan said that he was not poisoned and that he could deceive others, but he could not deceive him.

In the end, the flower bee successfully got the golden armor and left.

After the flower bee left, Li Xunhuan, who had been poisoned, struggled to leave the restaurant, then sat down on a snowy ground, and took out a portrait that had not been carved out of his arms, and wanted to complete the sculpture.

However, the sharp knife in his hand could not even cut wood.

He kept coughing, and every cough seemed to be calling.

"Shiyin, Poetry..."


Seeing Li Xunhuan who was poisoned in his body calling out his name alone in the snow, all the book fans suddenly felt very sad.

Is the woman he misses deeply called Shiyin?

"Alas!" The fans still only sighed.

The big man driving the car found Li Xunhuan, and then ran wildly in the snow with Li Xunhuan on his back. He wanted to find the flower bee and get the antidote from the flower bee.

This was the only way to get rid of Li Xunhuan's poison, and he had to find the flower bee within an hour.

Otherwise, Li Xunhuan would die from the poison.

They did find the bee, but what they found was the body of the bee, and there was no antidote on the bee.

There are two possibilities. One is that the bee has no antidote, and the other is that the antidote was taken away by the person who killed the bee.

If it is the second possibility, as long as the person who killed the flower bee is found again, there may be a chance.

Although the chance was slim, the driver refused to give up, and ran wildly in the snow with Li Xunhuan on his back again, looking for the person who killed Huabee.

And when they found the person who killed the flower bee, they found that the person who killed the flower bee also became a dead man, and he was also killed by someone.

No antidote has been found on the corpse of the person who killed the bee.

Could it be that the antidote was taken away by the next murderer?

In this way, the big man driving the car carried Li Xunhuan on his back and frantically searched for the antidote all the way.

But it was all in vain, and they did not find an antidote.

Finally, they arrived at a wine shop in a small town. They had given up searching for an antidote, and Li Xun Huan wanted to drink for the last time.

Even when he dies, he will never forget wine. Li Xun Huan's life may be nothing but wine.

But Li Xunhuan had God's blessing after all. They met Mei Er in the "Seven Wonderful People" in the "Miao Lang".

After some twists and turns, Mei Er said that Li Xunhuan's poison was the only one in the world that Mei Er could solve. He also had to help Li Xunhuan to detoxify.

Mei Er is a weirdo,

Just now, a group of people put knives on his neck and asked him to heal, but he died, but now they want to take the initiative to help Li Xunhuan detoxify.

Li Xun Huan did not refuse in the end, and followed Mei Er to his residence together with the driver.

At Mei Er's residence, Mei Er was talking with Li Xunhuan in the house, but three people broke in outside.

One was in his thirties, short and dignified, with bright eyes.

The second man had a face like a jujube, long beard that crossed his belly, and a purple satin flower cloak.

The third person was a ten-year-old child.

The first person is called Ba Ying, and the second person is called Qin Xiaoyi. He is quite famous in the rivers and lakes, and is known as "iron courage shakes all directions".

Qin Xiaoyi's son was injured, and they made a special trip to invite Mei Er to heal Qin Xiaoyi's son.

Seeing that Qin Xiaoyi was famous in the arena, Mei Er asked a few people to come back in a few days, saying that he might agree to help heal the wound.

After hearing that, the teenage boy jumped his feet and said, "This guy is such a big guy, what are we talking about with him, won't we be finished with him?"

Ba Ying quickly apologized and said that if the illness is not serious, it is fine to wait a few days, but the patient's injury is too serious, not to mention a few days later, I am afraid that it will not be even a few hours late.

After hearing this, Mei Er said that he is now treating a patient, and he will only leave if the current patient is cured. Even if the patient was Qin Xiaoyi's son, it wouldn't work.

Qin Xiaoyi's face was full of anger after hearing this, but she didn't dare to attack.

The teenage boy suddenly said, "What if your patient dies?"

Mei Er said that if he died, he would not need to be treated, but it was a pity that his patient could not die.

The child laughed, indicating that it was not necessarily, and then suddenly ran into the house.

Obviously, he planned to go in and kill Mei Er's patients, and then Mei Er could go with them.

The child entered the house, saw Li Xunhuan, and asked if Li Xunhuan was Mei Er's patient?

Li Xunhuan replied, yes.

After that, the child took action against Li Xunhuan. At the age of ten, his martial arts skills were no longer weak, and his moves were vicious, and hidden weapons appeared one after another.

If the other party is just an ordinary expert in the arena, he will really suffer from the child's poisonous hand.

But unfortunately the other party was Li Xunhuan, and the child was destined to be unable to hurt Li Xunhuan.

Li Xun Huan saw that the child was so vicious at a young age. He wanted to abolish the child, but seeing that the child was too young, he couldn't bear it, so he let the child go.

Then he said that he was willing to accept the child as a disciple. If the child has his discipline, there may be hope in the future.

The child put on an innocent and simple appearance, and immediately expressed his willingness to worship Li Xunhuan as his teacher, and immediately fell down.

However, just as he bowed his head, three hidden weapons shot out from behind and shot at Li Xunhuan at an extremely fast speed.

This time, Li Xun Huan was really taken aback. If he hadn't been extremely skilled in martial arts and experienced hundreds of battles, he would have been hurt by the child's hands.

Seeing that Li Xunhuan was still not hit this time, the child not only did not admit his mistake, but instead relied on his parents' power to scold Li Xunhuan loudly.

Li Xun Huan sighed, and finally showed no mercy, and took action to abolish the child's martial arts.

Outside the room, Qin Xiaoyi and Ba Ying, who were originally very calm, rushed into the room in shock after hearing Mei Er said that his patient was Li Xunhuan.

He shouted loudly, "Li Tanhua, Li Daxia, be merciful."

But it was too late, Li Xunhuan had already abolished the child's martial arts.

Li Xunhuan asked Qin Xiaoyi and Ba Ying to take the child back, saying that if the child's parents wanted revenge, let them come.

When they saw this, the book fans only felt relieved for a while, the child was so arrogant, they were gnashing their teeth in hatred.

Now that Li Xunhuan's martial arts has been abolished, it can be considered that he has received due retribution.


It's just that they didn't expect that after Li Xunhuan learned the name of the child's father, in an instant, it was as if he was hit by a huge thunder, and his soul was shaken away.

Then he sat there blankly, a pair of sharp eyes that had turned dead gray.

Fans were stunned, what happened?

Could it be that the man named Long Xiaoyun is the husband of the woman named Lin Shiyin?

This vicious child is the son of Long Xiaoyun and Lin Shiyin?

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