Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1839 It takes 8 hours

[Book Title: Little Farmer, Big Star, Chapter 1839, It Takes Eight Hours Author: In the Countryside]

Welcome to the latest chapter of Little Farmer and Big Star 2k Novel Network! The domain name of this site: the complete pinyin of "2k novel", it is easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: Battle Spirit, Lingxiao, Wulian Peak In addition to being shocked, he appeared excited and excited, and there was a sense of sudden realization.

He knew that the identity of that mysterious young man must be far from simple. It turned out that he was the legendary Li Fan.

In this way, everything makes sense.

The auctioneer said very excitedly: "It turned out to be Mr. Li Fan, Mr. President, if this happens, the influence of this matter will be much greater than we previously estimated, because of Mr. Li Fan's influence The force is too great, too great. This is definitely an opportunity for our Demon Heaven Auction House."

President Yu Fangyi was equally excited. He only guessed Li Fan's identity after seeing Li Fan, which made him even more excited than before.

Because the donation of 1 billion yuan comes from the hands of Li Fan, the influence is much greater than that from the hands of others.

Because, as a legendary figure, everything he does will attract the attention of the outside world.

For what the auctioneer said, Yu Fangyi agreed very much, this is really an absolute opportunity for Motian Auction House, he said: "Yes, this is definitely an opportunity for us, this time, we have to pay for the assistance. 100% efforts will never fail Mr. Li Fan's trust and love for those children in need. From now on, I will personally supervise and arrange matters related to this aid operation."

The auctioneer condensed in his heart and said, "Yes, Mr. President."

Yu Fangyi nodded and said, "I'm going to prepare the relevant matters now, and I'll leave the matter here to you."

The auctioneer quickly said: "Okay, Mr. President."

Yu Fangyi left, and all the people at the scene slowly recovered from their shock.

When Yu Fangyi reminded the auctioneer about Li Fan's identity before, many people at the scene suddenly guessed Li Fan's identity.

Even if he didn't guess for a while, after the auctioneer revealed Li Fan's identity, he also knew that the mysterious young man was the legendary Li Fan.

After knowing Li Fan's identity, the mood of the people at the scene was similar to that of the auctioneer. They were shocked, surprised, excited, excited, and suddenly realized.

They have been thinking, what kind of identity does such a young person need to be so courageous?

Now, they finally know.

After knowing it, they were thinking again, they should have guessed it long ago, who else could such a character be besides the legendary Li Fan?

Liu Hui in the private room No. 12 let out a long sigh. He had tried to use money to scare the other party. What an ignorant and ridiculous idea?

From the moment he knew that the young man was Li Fan, all of Liu Hui's previous hearts instantly disappeared, only awe.

Apart from reverence, he dared not have any other thoughts.

Of course, there was still a little bit of joy, no matter how ignorant and ridiculous his previous thoughts were, it was a fact that he had bid with Li Fan at the auction.

He was the man who had bid with Li Fan at the auction, which would definitely make him boast a lifetime of arrogance.

And more importantly, why are they bidding? Because they fancy a lot.

And this lot is the only lot that Li Fan has bid for, which means that Li Fan only likes this lot.

And he also took a fancy to it.

Doesn't this Nima show that his vision is the same as Li Fan's?

This is absolutely capable of blowing two lifetimes of arrogance.

Therefore, although Liu Hui knew that he had done something extremely stupid,

But at the same time very happy.

Yang Yuan, who was standing beside them, also sighed: "It turned out to be Mr. Li Fan. Our Liu family lost to Mr. Li Fan, so it's not ashamed at all, except for the very stupid behavior."

The few people who were sitting beside Li Fan before, after knowing Li Fan's identity, in addition to shock, surprise, excitement and other emotions, also solved another doubt in their hearts.

That's why that young man was able to completely judge the value of the rough jade stone twice in a row?

It turned out that he was Li Fan.

As a result, several people were relieved. There were too many legends about Li Fan, and Li Fan's various abilities were at their peak. It was not surprising that he could accurately judge the value of the rough jade.

If there is one person in this world who can accurately judge the value of rough jade, that person must be Li Fan.

After solving this doubt, the hearts of several people were relieved for a while.

The previous person in charge stood in the corner of the hall and muttered to himself, "I didn't expect it to be Mr. Li Fan."


What's going on in the hall now? Li Fan didn't know. After he and Qin Yulin walked out of the hall, Qin Yulin went to work on her own. The auction was over, and her business should be done.

Li Fan went to the temporary storage room of the auction house, and the big stone was still there.

Now, Li Fan is going to get the big stone into the space.

Of course, he couldn't get into the space in the temporary storage room in plain sight. He said an address and asked the master in charge of delivery to deliver the big stones to that place.

Li Fan took the delivery car and left together.

After arriving at the place designated by Li Fan, Li Fan and the delivery master unloaded the big stone from the car, and then the delivery master said goodbye and left.

This is a place on the outskirts of the city. There is no one around and it is very safe. Finally, I can get the big stone into the space.

Even Li Fan couldn't help being a little excited.

"Xiao Zhu, pay attention, I'm going to send this big guy in." After saying hello to Xiao Zhu in his mind, Li Fan took the big stone into the space.

After several upgrades, the space is not only more than ten times larger than before, but also richer in spiritual energy.

No matter how unique the environment that Big Stone was in before, it must not be comparable to the Xianyuan space.

Therefore, as long as the stone is placed in the space, the life breath of the egg inside will be strengthened little by little.

A few minutes later, Li Fan asked Xiao Zhu: "Little curse, how is it? Is the breath of life getting stronger?"

Xiao Zhu replied: "Yes, Master, it is getting stronger a little bit. But because the original life is actually too weak, it will take a certain amount of time for it to return to its normal life breath."

Li Fan nodded and asked again, "So, how long will it take to recover to the point where you can perceive what kind of bird it is?"

Xiao Zhu said: "Judging from the current recovery speed, it will take about eight hours for the big sense."

eight hours? That is to say, tonight, you will be able to know what kind of bird it is.

Li Fan is very happy, looking forward, and excited!

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