Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1838 Guess the identity

[Book Title: Little Farmer, Big Star Chapter 1838 Guess the Identity Author: In the Countryside]

Welcome to the latest chapter of Little Farmer and Big Star 2k Novel Network! The domain name of this site: the complete pinyin of "2k novel", it is easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: The great adventure of the martial arts world, the great master of the world of martial arts, the great ruler of the holy market, the lord of Xue Ying, a thought, the legend of the eternal dragon king Can an auctioneer answer him?

Therefore, he hurriedly ran to the office area, preparing to report the matter to the president of the auction house, who happened to be in the office area today.

However, before the auctioneer ran to the office area, the manager had hurried out of the office area and happened to meet the auctioneer.

It turned out that the president has already got the news.

Even as the bank manager, the first time he got the news, he couldn't believe it. After repeatedly confirming that the news should be true, the bank manager also suddenly became excited and excited.

This is definitely an earth-shattering event. Once the media reports it, it will definitely cause a great sensation. It is definitely not a problem to be on CCTV's 7pm news broadcast.

Their Demon Heaven Auction House will definitely benefit a lot from this.

The manager walked in a hurry. After encountering the auctioneer, he asked eagerly, "Is that gentleman in the auction hall?"

The auctioneer quickly replied: "Yes, Mr. President, that gentleman is waiting for you."

The president kept walking, nodded, and said, "Okay, let's go over quickly, don't make that gentleman wait too long."

"Okay, Mr. President," the auctioneer said quickly.

Then, following behind the president, he hurriedly walked towards the auction hall.

After a while, the two approached the hall. The auctioneer pointed to Li Fan's location and said, "Mr. President, that's the gentleman."

Li Fan's youth is beyond the president's imagination, but the president knows that sometimes you should never look at a person by age.

Then, the auctioneer said again: "Mr. President, I will introduce you to that gentleman."

The president waved his hand and said, "No, I'll just introduce myself."

After speaking, the president quickened his pace and walked in the direction of Li Fan.

All the people in the hall saw the president. Some of them knew the president before, and some didn't, but even those who didn't know the president before knew that they would rush towards the young gentleman at this time. The person is the president.

No one was surprised that for a total of 1 billion donations, only the president was qualified to receive it.

In fact, up to now, everyone still can't believe that Li Fan will donate 1 billion yuan.

Although they also know that things are already true.

Li Fan naturally understood that the middle-aged man who hurried towards him was the president of Motian Auction House.

He smiled slightly and stood up.

Seeing Li Fan get up, the president turned his trot into a trot, and stretched out his right hand towards Li Fan from a distance.

Li Fan also stretched out his right hand and took a few steps forward.

When the president saw him, he respected Li Fan even more.

The two of them clenched their hands tightly, then released them. The president laughed and said, "I'm really sorry for making you wait for a long time. I am Yu Fangyi, president of Motian Auction House, and it is a great honor to meet Mr. , I don't know what to call Mr.

Li Fan smiled slightly and said, "President Yu is very polite, my surname is Li."

Yu Fangyi said: "It turned out to be Mr. Li, Mr. Li, please take a seat! Please take a seat!"

Li Fan nodded and said, "President Yu, please."

Then the two took their seats,

This is the hall, and generally speaking, it is not a place to talk about business, but neither of them seem to care about it.

Li Fan said: "President Yu, let's make a long story short. The question I asked the auctioneer before must have been conveyed to you. I don't know what President Yu's answer is?"

Yu Fangyi said quickly, "Mr. Li please rest assured,

We, Motian Auction House, absolutely have the ability to execute. We will do our best to complete this matter, and I will personally supervise the execution. There will never be any children in real difficulties left behind, please rest assured Mr. Li. "

Li Fan looked at Yu Fangyi seriously for two seconds, then smiled and said: "I believe in President Yu, then, let's do this. Helping children in difficulty has always been what I want to do. Now , I will leave this matter to President Yu."

Although he already knew that things should be true, but now hearing Li Fan say this with his own ears, Yu Fangyi is still extremely surprised and excited.

He quickly stood up from his seat, held Li Fan's hand tightly, and said, "Please rest assured, Mr. Li, our Motian Auction House guarantees by its credibility that we will carry out this matter well and will never fail Mr. Li's advice. To."

Li Fan nodded and said, "If that's the case, then I'll ask President Yu. Now, I'll transfer the donation to you."

After finishing speaking, Li Fan operated on his mobile phone for a while, and the amount of 1 billion was transferred to the account of the Magic Sky Auction House.

One 1, followed by nine 0s, Yu Fangyi couldn't help clenching his fists with excitement when he looked at the newly arrived number. This time they were going to do an earth-shattering event at the Demon Sky Auction House.

As the president, Yu Fangyi also seemed extremely restless at this time.

The auctioneer was even more restless. His hands were already trembling. He displayed the new series of numbers from the Motian Auction House's account on the big screen in the hall.

Everyone in the hall can see.

"1, 2, 3, 4, 5..." Many people can't help but count, how many 0s are after 1?

In the end, it was all counted clearly, one was nine zeros.

1 billion donations have been received.

In history, the record of individual charitable donations has increased to 1 billion, which is nearly 100 times higher than the previous record of 10 million.

This is really scary.

Seeing the extra ten-digit transfer record on the account of the Demon Sky Auction House, everyone dared to believe that the mysterious young man really donated 1 billion.

Even if they couldn't believe it, they had to believe it at this time.

All the people in the hall were stupid. They originally thought that Li Fan should have donated 100,000 to 80,000 yuan, but halfway through, they thought that Li Fan would be reluctant to donate even 10,000 to 20,000 yuan.

Afterwards, I thought that when Li Fan said that he wanted to help every child in difficulty, he was actually just bragging about a great arrogance.

But how do you know that people are not bragging, they really donated 1 billion.

Liu Hui in the private room No. 12 was also stupid. He pointed at Li Fan with trembling fingers, and wanted to say something with a trembling lips. But after all, not a word was uttered.

The men and women who previously provided Li Fan with tickets were also stupid. They thought that they thought that Li Fan could not afford a 3 million handbag. What kind of stupid idea would that be?

What do the people in the lobby look like now? Li Fan doesn't care. Now that things are done, he should leave. He still remembers that bird egg that he doesn't know what kind of bird it is.

Li Fan bid farewell to Yu Fangyi, Yu Fangyi got up in a hurry and wanted to send Li Fan away in person.

Li Fan waved his hand, indicating that Yu Fangyi didn't need to send him off, he just left.

Afterwards, Li Fan and Qin Yulin left the auction hall under everyone's attention.

After Li Fan and Qin Yulin left, the auctioneer came to Yu Fangyi and said, "Mr. President, with the 1 billion donated by that gentleman, we can help every child in need. It's just a pity that we only know the gentleman's surname is Li, but we don't know his name."

Yu Fangyi smiled slightly and said, "No, I know that gentleman's name."

The auctioneer was stunned and said, "Mr. President knows? I remember that Mr. President didn't ask, and he didn't say anything."

Yu Fangyi said with emotion: "A man so young, he donated 1 billion yuan so easily, and his surname is Li, plus his aloof demeanor hidden in the city. Can't you guess his identity? "

The auctioneer was shocked. After Yu Fangyi said this, he suddenly thought of someone.

who is it?

Naturally, it is the legendary man with many top identities, the owner of Xianyuan Farm, Li Fan!

Yes, absolutely can't go wrong!

The auctioneer is very sure.

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