Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1837 1 billion? Or a billion?

[Book Title: Little Farmer, Big Star, Chapter 1837, One Billion? Or 1 billion? Author: in the countryside]

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"What does this mean?" Everyone was thinking about this question.

Some people seem to understand a little what Li Fan means, but they think that they have absolutely misunderstood it, it is absolutely impossible to mean that, absolutely impossible!

Liu Hui also understands what Li Fan means, but he absolutely does not believe that Li Fan really means that. He thinks that Li Fan said this on purpose to let people know what he means.

But in fact, he is just pretending to be a coercion, and there will definitely be other sayings later.

Liu Hui was a little furious. He would never allow Li Fan to act like this again, and said loudly, "What do you mean, kid? There must be a limit to pretending to be forceful, so finish your next words, and treat everyone as fools. ?"

For Liu Hui's words, many people in the hall deeply agreed, and they also thought the same, and they all thought that Li Fan was just pretending to be a coercion.

It's just that there must be a limit to pretending to be coercive, and pretending to be such a big coercion is obviously too much.

Moreover, it is pretending to be like a fool, whoever believes that is a fool.

The auctioneer also frowned slightly. He also thought that Li Fan was just pretending to be coercive, and said, "Please don't use things like charity fundraising as a joke."

Only the previous person in charge and a few people in the VIP private room were at the scene, and everyone's thoughts were a little different.

Although they didn't believe that Li Fan really meant it, they didn't think Li Fan was pretending to be coercive. They thought that Li Fan's words should have some kind of intention.

They were quietly waiting for Li Fan's next words.

What do the people in the hall think? Li Fan didn't care, he smiled lightly, and said to the auctioneer: "I don't like to joke about this kind of thing, I now want to confirm one thing with Mr., whether your auction house is able to do it within a certain period of time. Give a helping hand to all the children in need in our country?"

Li Fan's words shocked everyone. They suddenly felt that Li Fan was not pretending or joking. He really meant it.

what do you mean?

It is to let a million children in need of help in difficulties, all of them get help this time.

The money needed to help one child is about 1,000 yuan, so the money needed to help a million children is...that is...

How much is it?

Many people suddenly found that they could not calculate it for a while, they only knew that it was a huge number.

Because of this, no one dared to believe that Li Fan meant that.

But now, they are horrified.

Someone murmured to himself with a trembling mouth: "One child is 1,000 yuan, how much is one million children? Let me calculate, one thousand times one million, it is one hundred million, one hundred million, how is this possible? Absolutely impossible, how could someone donate 100 million?"

One hundred million is definitely a huge number.

In China, there are a lot of rich people, but there are not so many people who are worth hundreds of millions.

Moreover, this is not worth hundreds of millions, but directly donating 100 million, this Nima is absolutely crazy.

Among the charitable donations in the history of Huaguo, the highest individual donation record is 10 million yuan, which is one of the top entrepreneurs from Huaguo.

In addition, there are several records of individuals donating millions at one time.

But only a few times.

But it was the few millions of millions and the 10 million individual donations that made many people sigh with emotion, and various media reported them one after another.


This mysterious young man should donate 100 million directly at one time, which is crazy.

No one can believe it!

Many people are crazy about the donation of 100 million, but the next voice makes them feel even more crazy.

"One hundred million? Is your math taught by your Chinese teacher?"

"What...what do you mean? No...not one hundred million? Could it be ten million? No, it can't be that small."

"It looks like your math is really taught by your Chinese teacher. It's not 100 million, not 10 million, it's 1 billion, 1 billion!"

"How much? 10...1 billion?"

"Do the math yourself."

"1000 multiplied by one million, the result is 9 0s after 1, 9 0s, 1, 10, 100, 1000..., nest! It's really 1 billion!"


1 billion!

That mysterious young man wants to donate not 100 million, but 1 billion!

This is insane, it is absolutely unbelievable, the expressions on many people's faces are completely stunned, and they are muttering and repeating, "This is impossible, this is absolutely impossible."

Liu Hui was also crazy. He couldn't believe it, and he didn't want to believe it. The other party donated 1 billion yuan directly. How much should he be worth? Who is he? What is his identity?

Liu Hui roared in his heart, but unfortunately no one can give him the answer now.

The people who were also roaring in their hearts, as well as the men and women who had previously provided Li Fan with admission tickets, as well as the few people who had sat beside Li Fan before, were also roaring in their hearts, "Who is he? Who is he? ?"

The previous person in charge, as well as the few people who thought Li Fan was not pretending to be coercive, were stunned and full of disbelief at this time.

Although they thought that Li Fan was not pretending to be coercive, but had his own intentions, they never thought that Li Fan really meant that.

1 billion, a full 1 billion, this is really unbelievable.

The previous record for individual charitable donations was 10 million.

Now, is this mysterious young man going to raise this record to 1 billion?

For the person in charge, if this is true, it is not just as simple as raising the record to 1 billion, and their Demon Sky Auction House will also be completely destroyed because of the donation of 1 billion. It resounds in every corner of China.

Their Motian Auction House will get a lot of positive influences because of this, which makes the person in charge suddenly become very excited and excited while in disbelief.

Of course, he is also fortunate, fortunate that at the beginning, he made the right choice.

At that time, he already felt that Li Fan was a person with status, but he was never in awe of Li Fan's identity as he is now.

That's right, it's awe!

Although he didn't know Li Fan's specific identity, his heart was filled with awe, which made him feel extremely fortunate.

On the auction table, the auctioneer's lips suddenly shivered.

He is the best auctioneer at Motian Auction House and the most eloquent auctioneer, but his mouth is trembling now, and he can't even speak clearly enough.

1 billion donations, too scary.

He said with a trembling lips: "This... this gentleman means... yes... yes... is he going to donate 1 billion... billion?"

Li Fan smiled slightly and said, "It's not sure yet. You haven't answered my question just now. Does your Motian Auction House have the ability to help all the children in need in our country within a certain period of time?"

Li Fan said this, it is undoubtedly a positive answer, provided that their Demon Sky Auction House has the ability to execute.

The auctioneer's lips trembled even more, and said, "Please... Sir, please wait a moment. Only our president is qualified to discuss this matter with the gentleman. I will go and invite our president."

Li Fan nodded, 1 billion is not a small amount, he naturally can't donate it at will, he must first confirm that Motian Auction House has the ability to execute.

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