Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1841 One more mystery

[Book Title: Little Farmer, Big Star Chapter 1841 Mystery One More Author: In the Countryside]

Welcome to the latest chapter of Little Farmer and Big Star 2k Novel Network! The domain name of this site: the complete pinyin of "2k novel", it is easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: The Evil God's Banner, the Great Ruler of Inverse Scales, Lord Xue Ying of the Holy Ruins, One Thought, The Legend of the Eternal Dragon King "After that, you just need to wait patiently for the little guy inside to break out of the shell.

Li Fan was very much looking forward to this, and after spending a while in the space, he left the space.

After a night of silence, the next morning, after breakfast, Li Fan and Qin Yulin left the apartment.

Today, Li Fan wants to accompany Qin Yulin back to Qinyuewan to have a look.

The two took a car and went straight to Qinyuewan. Li Fan has been here many times and is already familiar with this place.

Xuanba, one of the god beasts of Xianyuan Farm, was found in a groundwater pool directly opposite Qin's house.

Qin Yulin came to Qinyuewan just because he hadn't come back for a long time and wanted to come back and have a look.

Therefore, the two stayed in Qinyuewan all day today, and in the evening, they returned to Qin Yulin's apartment in the magic capital by car.

Arriving at the apartment, Qin Yulin said, "Brother-in-law, let's go back to the village tomorrow. After a few days, I feel better in the village."

Li Fan smiled slightly and said, "Since you want to go back, let's go back tomorrow."


The next day, Li Fan and Qin Yulin were on their way home.

The two were not in a hurry along the way, so it was already six o'clock in the evening when the bus they took arrived at the Longshan Township Market.

Back at the familiar Longshan Township Market, Qin Yulin couldn't help cheering, and Li Fan also felt that it was extraordinarily friendly.

The outside world may be more beautiful sometimes, but for every wanderer, the hometown is always the most intimate place.

Even for those who have settled in the big cities outside, the most intimate place in their hearts should also be the hometown where they grew up slowly.

Unless it is the kind of people who have not returned to their hometown for many years, when they return to their hometown, their hometown has become a foreign country.

This is a bit sad.

Today is Friday, when the two walked to the gate of Longshan Township School, Su Qing also happened to come out of the school gate.

The three walked out of the Longshan Township Market together and walked towards Sansheng Village.

Along the way, there was a little smoke from the chimneys of some villagers' homes, and it was time for every family to make dinner.

Whenever it was getting dark, Li Fan always had a very cordial feeling when he saw the smoke from the chimneys of every household.

He likes to see the smoke from the chimney, either white or light blue, slowly dissipating in the sky.

Slowly, the three of them arrived at the entrance of Sansheng Village. From the chimneys of every household in the village, there was also white or light blue cooking smoke.

It's just that the sky is already a little dark, and it's not too real to see.

When I walked into the village and returned home, my mother had already prepared a table of dishes and was waiting for the three of them.


Today is a day for Li Fan and Qin Yulin to return home.

For the outside world, it was a day that made countless people inexplicably excited.

The related incident of Li Fan at the Motian auction site yesterday has been spread on the Internet, and the process has been tortuous, vivid, and somewhat mysterious, causing countless netizens to exclaim and sigh.

Among them, the most mysterious place is the mystery of Li Fan entering the auction scene.

It is reported that Li Fan did not have an admission ticket to the auction at the time, because it was not in his plan to enter the auction house.

Li Fan just walked to the entrance of the auction by accident, and when Li Fan was standing at the entrance of the auction, a man and a woman came.

The two came to the auction.

Because those who are eligible to participate in the Demon Sky Auction,

They were both rich and expensive, which gave the two of them a strong sense of superiority. They thought that Li Fan also wanted to enter the auction site, but he didn't have a ticket. If you want to get in, it's just beyond your own power.

However, Li Fan smiled faintly, and then took out two tickets from his body.

Why two?

Because Li Fan is not alone, there is a girl with a very good figure with him. According to everyone's inference, that girl should be Qin Yulin.

Li Fan obviously had no tickets, but why was he able to take out two tickets in the end?

Some people may have guessed that the two admission tickets are actually the two men and one woman who are full of superiority.

Li Fan's various methods are magical, and it is really easy to "borrow" the tickets from the two of them.

A man and a woman saw that Li Fan had taken out two tickets, and instantly felt slapped in the face. The man embarrassed and wanted to take out his own tickets to find himself a step down.

As a result, everyone should have known that the man found that his two admission tickets were missing.

This is really not a mockery of others, but it has lost all face.

At this time, the man did not know that it was Li Fan who took his admission ticket.

The next thing after entering the auction is even more interesting.

Because the Motian Auction House needs to be seated according to the seat number on the admission ticket, Li Fan and Qin Yulin will naturally be seated according to the same number.

The man and woman just now had some skills. Although they lost their tickets, they still entered the auction site through some means.

They remembered the seat number on their admission ticket. They thought it would be fine if they lost the admission ticket. They could just go to the seat number on the admission ticket and take a seat.

Anyway, they are seated in the right number, and their admission ticket is lost, then the seat corresponding to the seat number on their admission ticket will definitely not be taken.

However, when they found the seat corresponding to the seat number on the ticket, they found that the seat was already seated, and it was the young man they mocked at the entrance.

At this time, the man suddenly realized that his admission ticket was taken away by the young man in front of him.

The man found the person in charge of the auction site and wanted to reveal that Li Fan had taken his admission ticket, but the final result was that the person in charge of the scene respectfully bid farewell to Li Fan and left.

This is not because the person in charge guessed Li Fan's identity, but because he faintly felt that Li Fan's identity may not be simple.

This is the reason and experience of Li Fan entering the auction house, and this is just a saying on the Internet.

There are many other claims on the Internet, and the details of each claim are different, but the overall plot is the same.

For example, Li Fan's admission ticket to the auction site was "borrowed" from two people with a sense of superiority, and what happened after entering the auction site, etc.

Various accounts have cast a mysterious veil on Li Fan's entry into the auction site, making countless netizens excited and excited.

Everyone was very interested in the mystery of Li Fan entering the auction scene, and actively discussed, analyzed, and inferred on the Internet, trying to find out the truth of the matter.

But only Li Fan knows the real truth. No matter how much netizens analyze and infer, it is impossible to find out the real truth. At most, it is quite close to the truth.

There is one more mystery that Li Fan left to the world.

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