Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1842 Big Report

[Book Title: Little Farmer, Big Star, Chapter 1842, Big Report Author: In the Countryside]

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And why is Li Fan so interested in that piece of amber, which is suspected to be a rough piece of amber, at the expense of 20.1 million to photograph it? It also led to speculation.

According to the exact information, that piece of amber is suspected to be rough, and it was the only time Li Fan made a shot at the entire auction.

In other words, there are countless good things in the whole auction, but Li Fan is only interested in the one suspected to be rough amber.

why is that?

Countless people are extremely interested in this and speculate one after another.

Some people say that it is a mysterious rough stone, which hides a big secret, but other people can't see it with the naked eye. Only Li Fan, who is called "exiled immortal", can see the secret. .

Some people also said that the original stone was something extraordinary. If it fell into the hands of other mortals, it would cause disaster. The reason why Li Fan took it away was for the safety of others, and only he knew how to deal with the rough stone. .

Some people say that there is a mysterious power in the rough stone, only Li Fan can feel that power, and that power will bring Li Fan a lot of help.

There are all kinds of arguments, and the more they say it, the more mysterious it is, it is almost nonsense, but netizens are still happy about it.

The authenticity is not important, the important thing is that everyone is really interested in it, and they all know that it is nonsense, but the people who say it love to say it, and the people who watch it love to watch it.

And the real reason why Li Fan is so interested in that piece of amber, which is the same as when Li Fan entered the auction, has become an eternal mystery.

Speaking of the suspected amber rough stone, the rough stone competition between Liu Hui and Li Fan in private room No. 12 will naturally also be talked about by netizens.

"Tsk tsk! The Liu family in the magic capital is so awesome. That kid named Liu Hui actually tried to compete with Mr. Li Fan in vain. He is really fearless!"

"I heard that the Liu family can also rank as a third-rate family in the magic capital. Compared to most people, the Liu family is indeed very rich, but in the face of Mr. Li Fan, their Liu family's property is simply ignored."

"That kid Liu Hui is really fearless. I don't know what kind of thoughts he will have after knowing Mr. Li Fan's identity? I guess he's just scared."

"Scared must be absolutely frightening, but in addition, he may be excited. Think about it, he is the only man who dares to bid with Mr. Li Fan at the auction, how awesome is this? Absolutely possible It's been a lifetime, and there's nothing wrong with it. After all, the fact that he and Li Fan bid at the auction is indeed a fact."

"Damn it! Listening to you, it's true, that kid is really the only one who dares to bid with Mr. Li Fan at the auction. At least he is the only one so far, this is really awesome. "

"Cut! It's not just because he doesn't know Mr. Li Fan's identity. If he does, it's not bad if he doesn't freak out. How dare he bid what price?"

"Although that is the case, the fact that people bid with Mr. Li Fan at the auction is indeed a fact, and it can indeed be bragging."

"That's right, I guess that kid is excited now."

"It's not just the bidding that makes that kid excited, but also his vision. Think about it, that piece of amber rough stone is the only lot that Mr. Li Fan shot, and that kid Liu Hui also shot, which shows that he and Mr. Li Fan You can see that the rough amber stone is extraordinary. Of course, Liu Hui is definitely a blind cat and a dead mouse, and it is impossible to really see what is extraordinary about the suspected amber rough stone. But if people want to brag like this , said that his vision was the same as that of Mr. Li Fan,

You really can't argue with that. "

"I'll wipe it! It seems to be the case, Liu Hui's luck is against the sky!"

"It's really against the sky. It seems that sometimes he is arrogant and ignorant, and he will get unexpected huge gains."


That kid Liu Hui is obviously arrogant and ignorant, but he has exchanged a bragging capital for himself, making countless netizens sigh.

In the end, the process of Li Fan donating 1 billion yuan was described vividly, with twists and turns and vivid plots. At the same time, it also described the changes in the hearts of the people in the auction hall at that time very well.

Through those descriptions, netizens can clearly feel the changes in the hearts of everyone in the hall at that time.

In the beginning, it was anticipation, slowly to disappointment, and then to contempt, and at the end, I suddenly felt surprised, until shocked, excited, excited, and unbelievable!

This kind of change in the hearts of everyone in the hall made netizens feel very comfortable. How about those guys dare to despise Mr. Li Fan? Did you get slapped in the end?

And Li Fan's huge donation of 1 billion yuan itself also made netizens very excited and excited.

Li Fan is worthy of being a legendary figure, and when he shoots, he has a majestic momentum.

Ordinary people think that it is enough to help dozens, hundreds, or thousands of children in need, while Li Fan thinks that he will help all the children in need and never leave one behind.

This is a kind of generous spirit of benevolence to the world!

Of course, if we really want to act, there must be enough wealth to help all the children in need.

Li Fan has such wealth.

Netizens were excited and excited, and at the same time, they were grateful for those children who were in difficulty.

With the help of Li Fan's 1 billion yuan, those children who are in difficulty will have a good time through the coming winter.

Children are lucky.

Now, netizens only hope that Motian Auction House can act as soon as possible, so that those children in difficulty can feel the warmth brought to them by Li Fan earlier.


Li Fan's donation of 1 billion yuan, in addition to the heated discussions among netizens on the Internet, also caused a great sensation in all walks of life.

You must know that in the past, the personal donation record was 10 million yuan. Now Li Fan has directly increased this record by 100 times. The sensation caused can be imagined.

Countless media have reported that Li Fan's donation of 1 billion is a front page headline.

Celebrities from all walks of life also sighed, lamenting that Li Fan's financial strength, courage, and kindness made him a legendary figure.

At 7 o'clock in the evening, CCTV News Network spent nearly 3 minutes to report on Li Fan's donation of 1 billion yuan.

At the end of the report, CCTV also stated that it will continue to pay attention to the charitable assistance of Magic Sky Auction House this time, and there will be follow-up related reports.

The CCTV News Network will conduct a special report, which is not surprising to the outside world. The influence of this incident is too great, and Li Fan's own influence is also too great. In addition, it is an extremely positive thing. CCTV News Network does not do special reports. Weird.

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