Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1844 Do you know each other?

[Book Title: Little Farmer, Big Star Chapter 1844 Do you recognize it? Author: in the countryside]

Welcome to the latest chapter of Little Farmer and Big Star 2k Novel Network! The domain name of this site: the complete pinyin of "2k novel", it is easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: The Legend of the Dragon King in the Library of Heavenly Dao, the Taikoo God King, Wulian Peak, the Gate of the Five Elements, and the Gate of the Profound Realm, the Eternal Night King, the Great Ruler, the Great Ruler of the Sacred Ruins, and the Lord Xueying after notifying Zhang Guangling and Luo Yunwen, Li Fan also set off. Back to the village.

In the evening of the same day, when he was about to return to the entrance of the village, Li Fan took the little guy who had just been born a few days out of the space.

He went out this time to allow the little guy to appear in the village openly. Naturally, he wanted to let the little guy out of the room and then return to the village with him.

At the entrance of the village, Qin Yulin was waiting for Li Fan.

Because Li Fan told her that when he came back this time, he would bring an interesting guy back.

What the hell is a funny guy? Qin Yulin was very curious.

Therefore, after knowing the approximate time when Li Fan returned to the village, he arrived at the entrance of the village early and waited.

From a distance, Qin Yulin saw Li Fan's figure, appearing within sight, holding something similar to a bird's nest in his right hand.

In the bird's nest, there is also a yellow and black animal. It looks the same size as the domestic chicken it is feeding, and its shape is a bit like a chicken, but it is definitely not a chicken. The neck of the chicken is not that long.

It was a guy with a very strange posture, which Qin Yulin had never seen before.

He knew that it must be the interesting guy Li Fan said.

What animal is that?

Qin Yulin found that even now, even if she saw the appearance of that interesting guy, she still couldn't recognize it.

This aroused Qin Yulin's curiosity even more, and greeted Li Fan from a distance.

After approaching, Qin Yulin took a second look carefully. Li Fan was holding the strange-looking guy he really didn't know.

Then he asked with some doubts: "Brother-in-law, is this the interesting guy you said? What animal is this? I feel like I've never seen it before."

Li Fan smiled and said: "Of course you haven't seen it before. It's the first time I've seen this kind of animal. This guy has a big background. At least what kind of animal is this guy? I won't tell you for now. Then we'll take the test. Old man, let's see if they know?"

When Qin Yulin heard Li Fan say, he didn't tell her what animal it was for the time being, and his little mouth pouted a little angrily.

However, after listening to Li Fan's further statement that he was going to take the test for some old men, he suddenly became interested again, and he was no longer in a huff, but rather excitedly said: "Okay! Okay! Let's go and see them. Do you know? Brother-in-law, let's go, it's getting late, I know where the old men are now?"

Li Fan nodded and said, "Okay, let's go faster."

After that, the two stepped up and walked towards the village.

Along the way, Qin Yulin seemed quite excited, and asked Li Fan to guess if any of the old men knew what animal this was?

Li Fandao: "Several Lao Tzus are well-informed people, and they should all recognize them. However, whether they dare to be sure of their own thoughts, it is unknown."

"Oh?" Qin Yulin was a little confused again, and said, "Since I know it, why can't I be sure?"

Li Fan smiled without answering, and said, "You will know after seeing a few old men."

"Cut!" Qin Yulin curled his lips and muttered to himself, but instead of asking, he said, "Then let's go faster."


Qin Lie, Su Yilin, Zheng Jie, and Liang Sheng were walking in the village. The sun had already set, but the sunset in the west was bright red, very beautiful.

The color of the sunset is reflected in the village, which is also very beautiful.

Walking in such a twilight shrouded in sunset is obviously a very pleasant thing.

Several people are chatting, and the content of the chat is precisely related to Li Fan and that little guy.

Zheng Jie said: "That kid said he was in a place inaccessible,

I found a very interesting guy, and I am going to bring the village to the village. I don't know what the interesting guy is? "

Liang Sheng said: "Look at the mysterious boy, he must have discovered some kind of endangered wild animal."

Qin Lie said: "It's very possible, and I don't know why, that kid always seems to have a relationship with animals."

Su Yilin said, "That kid should be coming back soon. I'll know what it is after I watch it."

Just after Su Yilin finished speaking, the four old men saw that Li Fan and Qin Yulin were walking towards them quickly.

The guy Li Fan was holding in his hand should be the interesting guy he mentioned.

Qin Yulin trotted a few steps, ran to the four old men, and said impatiently, "Four grandfathers, my brother-in-law brought back the interesting guy he mentioned, let's take a look, do you know what animal this is?"

Without Qin Yulin's words, the eyes of the four old men were all focused on the guy Li Fan was holding.

At first glance, the four old men were surprised. The guy in front of him was the size of an adult hen, but he seemed to be just a newly born chick.

What bird has such a large chick?

Is it an ostrich?

No, even ostrich chicks don't seem to be that big.

Besides, this guy is very different from an ostrich.

Although an ostrich cannot fly, it has wings, but this guy has no wings at all.

Also, the neck of an ostrich is not that long, and it is bare and featherless, this guy has a long neck and is covered with feathers.

Also, this guy's legs are stubby and powerful, which is also significantly different from that of an ostrich.

Obviously, this is not an ostrich.

What kind of bird is that?

The four old men were surprised, they had never seen such a bird, which was beyond their expectations.

Originally, they were confident that they could recognize the guy that Li Fan brought back, because they were definitely well-informed people and knew basically all kinds of endangered animals.

Even if you haven't seen it with your own eyes, you must have seen it on TV and the Internet, and you will definitely recognize it when you see it.

But now, they can't even recognize the guy in front of them. What kind of animal is he?

"Where did this kid get this guy back?" The four old men thought so in their hearts.

Qin Yulin observed his words and said, "Four grandfathers, don't you recognize what animal this is?"

Qin Lie coughed lightly and said, "This... this guy does look a little awkward."

Li Fan laughed and said proudly: "Don't worry, the four old men slowly observe and think carefully, maybe they will recognize this animal."

The four old men couldn't help but feel very depressed when they saw Li Fan's complacent appearance. They didn't want to see Li Fan's complacent appearance.

So, carefully recalled in my mind, what kind of animal is this guy?

Suddenly, Qin Lie seemed to have thought of what animal was this? His face was startled and unbelievable.

But soon, Qin Lie shook his head again and said to himself, "This shouldn't be possible. That kind of animal has been extinct for a hundred or two hundred years, so how could it still appear?"

Hearing Qin Lie say this, the other three old men couldn't help asking in unison, "Old Qin, do you recognize what animal it is?"

Qin Lie shook his head and said, "It should just look alike. That kind of animal has been extinct for a long time."

Su Yilin asked again, "What kind of animal is that? Lao Qin, talk about it."

Qin Lie said: "Moa, I've read some information about the moa before, and its physical characteristics seem to be exactly what the guy in front of me looks like. But the moa has been extinct for a long time, so it shouldn't be a moa."

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