Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1846 Going to a Field Trip

[Book Title: Little Farmer, Big Star, Chapter 1846, Going to a Field Trip Author: In the Countryside]

Welcome to the latest chapter of Little Farmer and Big Star 2k Novel Network! The domain name of this site: the complete pinyin of "2k novel", it is easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: the chaotic ministers and thieves of the late Qing Dynasty, the legend of the eternal dragon king, the legend of the ancient gods and kings, the peak of Wulian, the five elements, the gate of the mysterious world, the selection of heaven, the king of the eternal night, the great master of the scales, the great ruler of the holy ruins, Zhang Guangling and Luo Yunwen, exclaimed, their faces all over the place. A look of shock and disbelief.

Zheng Jie, Liang Sheng, Qin Lie, Su Yilin, and Qin Yulin all took a deep breath.

Zheng Jie hurriedly asked, "Lao Zhang and Lao Luo, are they really moa? Isn't it a bird similar to a moa?"

Zhang Guangling and Luo Yunwen didn't seem to have recovered from their shock. Zhang Guangling seemed to be answering Zheng Jie's question, and seemed to be talking to himself, "No, no, this is a moa, an absolutely genuine moa, You can't go wrong."

Luo Yunwen also seemed to be talking to himself: "Although it is the first time we have seen a moa, this is definitely a moa, absolutely not wrong. Mr. Ambrose's prediction twenty years ago , it came true."

"Ambrose?" Zheng Jie said, "Lao Luo, are you talking about Ambrose Mencken, a famous biologist in Lanzhou?"

Luo Yunwen nodded and said: "Indeed. Mr. Ambrose spent ten years in many uninhabited places, looking for the footprints of moa. Finally, twenty years ago, Mr. Ambrose was in a place and found After repeated confirmation, Mr. Ambrose officially announced to the world that the moa was not yet extinct. It is a pity that, apart from the traces of the activities of the suspected moa, Mr. Ambrose did not No other evidence has been found to prove the existence of moas, and his claim has never been recognized by the world's biological community."

After Luo Yunwen explained this, he stopped talking, but stared straight at the little guy in front of him with shining eyes. It seemed that there was nothing in this world that could attract him more than the little guy in front of him.

The same is true for Zhang Guangling.

Li Fan, Qin Yulin, Zheng Jie, and others understood their current mood, so they didn't bother them anymore, and prepared to let them see it for a while before talking about it.

After a while, Zhang Guangling looked away from the little guy, looked at Li Fan, and asked excitedly and expectantly, "Where did you find this little guy? Apart from this little guy, the surrounding Are there any traces of other moa activities? The place where they were found is within the territory of China?"

Zhang Guangling asked a series of questions, and Li Fan had already prepared for it.

When he went out a few days ago, he specially called Yu Fangyi, the president of Ferris Auction House, and asked where the big stone wrapped with the bird's egg was found.

According to the rules, the auction house should not have disclosed the origin of the big stone, but Yu Fangyi saw that Li Fan personally asked, so he didn't care about the rules and regulations, and told Li Fan what he knew.

The big rock came to their Demon Heaven Auction after several inversions. The place where it was first discovered seemed to be in the southernmost part of China, in a deserted and deep mountain.

Yu Fangyi was not entirely sure about this, but for Li Fan, it was enough.

In the past few days, he also deliberately went to the approximate location that Yu Fangyi said, and it was indeed deserted.

Li Fan smiled slightly and said: "Of course it was found on the territory of our country, where in the southernmost part of our country is a barren mountain. Except for this little guy, I didn't find anything else. Traces of moa life. Maybe there are traces, but I just didn't find them. After all, I'm not an expert on this."

Zhang Guangling said excitedly after hearing this: "Good! Good! As long as it was found on the territory of our country, it's fine. It doesn't matter if you don't find any traces of the lives of other moas, even if there are traces,

You probably won't find it either. You kid take us there, Lao Luo and I will go to the field to investigate in person, this discovery is bound to make a sensation in the whole world. "

Luo Yunwen was also excited, and said, "Even if we went to the field this time, we didn't gain much. This little guy alone is enough to make a sensation in the whole world. Look, there are countless biologists from all over the world. , After learning the news, they will definitely rush to our country."

Li Fan knew that the two experts would definitely request to visit the site in person, which was one of the reasons why he took a few days to prepare.

Therefore, he will not refuse, the two experts want to conduct a field trip, just take them there.

As for whether the two experts can inspect something? Then Li Fan was not sure.

Of course, Li Fan hopes that the two experts can really investigate something.

In that case, the moa incident this time will undoubtedly be more sensational, and more importantly, it can greatly enhance the status of China's biological community and the world's biological community. This is a good thing that will definitely benefit the country and the people.

When the two experts saw that Li Fan had agreed to take them there, they were so happy that they said yes, and they said that Li Fan was a good boy and sensible, which made Li Fan speechless for a while.

Qin Yulin's eyes lit up and he hurriedly said, "Brother-in-law, I'm going too, don't worry, I won't disturb the two experts' visits."

Li Fan nodded, this time, unlike last time, this girl can of course go if she wants.

After that, Zheng Jie said with a smile again: "This time we also plan to join in the fun."

Liang Sheng, Qin Lie, and Su Yilin nodded at the same time, and laughed at the same time: "Yes, this time we are going too."

"This..." The four old men are also going, which is somewhat beyond Li Fan's expectations, but naturally he will not refuse.

Zhang Guangling and Luo Yunwen were very happy when they heard that the four old men were also going, but they said, "Lao Zheng, Lao Liang, we are going for a scientific investigation, you old guys are running to join in the fun. ?"

Zheng Jie said: "You are doing your scientific investigation, and we will not disturb you. We have business to go."

Liang Sheng also said: "Yes, we also have business affairs. You investigate yours, we do ours, and do not disturb each other."

So it's settled.

Afterwards, Zhang Guangling and Luo Yunwen turned their attention to the little guy again.

Zhang Guangling smiled maliciously and said, "I said, Boy Fan, what are you going to do with this little guy?"

Li Fandao: "Lao Zhang, Lao Lao, let's talk about it first, you can't make it up, this guy won't go anywhere, and will stay in Sansheng Village in the future. Those foreign experts are good, ordinary tourists. Well, if you want to see it, you can only come to the village to see it."

Zhang Guangling sighed and said, "I knew your kid wouldn't let go, but that's fine. I don't know why, but I always feel that your kid has a special relationship with animals. This is a very magical place, and it's also a place where all kinds of animals live. Heaven, it should be the best choice for this little guy to live in the village in the future."

Li Fan smiled proudly and said, "This is natural, otherwise, why would I bring it back? I want it to live a better life. After all, it may be the last moa in the world. Yes, it's precious."

Luo Yunwen said: "Your kid's words are nice, but we can really rest assured that the little guy can live in the village."

Li Fan smiled and said, "Don't worry, I guarantee that this little guy will grow up healthy and become the tallest and strongest moa ever."

Zhang Guangling and Luo Yunwen nodded at the same time, and they did not doubt what Li Fan said.

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