Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1847 I want to go to China at the first time

[Book Title: Little Farmer, Big Star Chapter 1847 I want to go to China as soon as possible Author: In the Countryside]

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Ambrose Mencken, one of the most famous biologists in the country, also enjoys a high reputation in the world.

Ambrose is 75 years old, but in good health, and has never ended his scientific research and investigation work.

One thing Ambrose has been doing for the past few decades is scouring the world for moas.

Twenty years ago, in a place in New Zealand, Ambrose finally found what was suspected to be the traces of moa life.

After repeated research, Ambrose determined that it was a trace of moa life.

That was also the only time he found traces of the life of the moa during his decades of investigation. Even that time, it was only his speculation, and no valuable visual evidence was found.

It is precisely because of this that his statement that the moa was not extinct twenty years ago has not been recognized by the world's biological community.

In the next 20 years, his footprints have spread to many corners of the world, trying to find valuable evidence that the moa still exists in this world, but unfortunately there is no harvest.

The rest of the biological community persuaded Ambrose to give up the search for the moa. The moa have been extinct for more than 200 years. How can they still find traces?

Looking for the trace of the moa is doomed to be fruitless, just wasting precious time.

But Ambrose never gave up. For some reason, he always felt that there were still moas in the world.

Ambrose believes that it is his life's mission to find the footprints of the moa and make this mysterious giant bird known to the world so that they can survive better.

Until the moment when life stops, he will not give up searching.

Ambrose has always been committed to finding traces of moa, and it is often mentioned by biologists from various countries.

"Ambrose has been looking for moas for decades, and I really think he's wasting too much time on it."

"Who said no? But unfortunately Ambrose doesn't think so."

"We have all studied the moa, and it was our joint research decision to declare that the moa was completely extinct in the mid-18th century, but Ambrose never thought so. I hope God can let him understand earlier that the moa is really extinct."

"Actually, we all wish the moa hadn't gone extinct, a mysterious giant bird with a huge appeal. If someone were to tell me now, 'Oh! Lance, guess what I saw? Moa? That's a moa! It's unbelievable.' I thought, I'd go crazy with excitement. But alas, that's impossible."

"Maybe one day, Ambrose will tell you that the world is too big, there are too many places we can't get into, even with the help of today's high-tech tools, it is difficult to enter. Maybe there will be moas there. Woolen cloth?"

"I heard that Ambrose recently had another plan to go out and find the moa, and this time he's going to challenge where he's never challenged before. I really hope someone can remind him that he's 75 years old. Although The body is still strong, but it is too dangerous to go to places that have never been challenged before."

"Maybe it is because he knows he is 75 years old that he is going to challenge where he has never challenged before. Because, if he doesn't go, he may never have the chance to go in his life."

"It's just a pity that he is destined to be disappointed this time. I always think that the moa has been extinct for more than 200 years, and it is impossible to have traces of the life of the moa now."

"We all think that,

Only a few people headed by Ambrose don't think so. "


Biologists from all over the world always lament Ambrose's stubbornness whenever they mention Ambrose.

Of course, from another angle, it can also be said that this is Ambrose's obsession, but in the eyes of most biologists, Ambrose's obsession is destined to be just a waste of time.

The moa has been extinct for more than 200 years. It is almost impossible for most biologists in the world to jointly confirm the results after a lot of factual investigation and calculation.


As biologists from other countries have said, Ambrose has recently, once again embarked on a plan to find traces of the moa.

Although he is 75 years old, he believes that he can continue on his journey. He has to keep searching until the moment when life stops. This is his mission.

It is also the fate of being a biologist.

He is ready.

Every time he embarks on a journey, he is full of hope, but every time he returns disappointed, he sighed softly.

His biggest wish now is to find substantial evidence of the survival of the moa, proving that the moa really hasn't gone extinct.

What kind of substantive evidence?

The feces that have been discharged in recent years, the feathers that have been shed in recent years, etc., if it is the feces that have just been discharged and the feathers that have not been shed, it is naturally the best, but Ambrose does not hold such hope.

Of course, finding a living moa would be the most direct and favorable evidence, but it's almost impossible.

If anyone could tell him now, "Ambrose, come on! I found a moa, *moa!"

Ambrose will definitely go crazy with excitement, no matter where the other party is in the world, he will definitely rush over at the first time, at all costs.

But unfortunately, this is even more impossible.

Ambrose sighed again, he was 75 years old, and he didn't have enough time.

Perhaps, he will leave this world with eternal regret.

At this moment, his student and assistant Ferdinand came in with a phone and said, "Teacher, Mr. Zhang Guangling from Huaguo is looking for you."

Ambrose looked overjoyed. He had two old friends in China, Zhang Guangling and Luo Yunwen, and it was always a joy to receive a call from an old friend across the ocean.

He said repeatedly: "Okay, give me the phone, thank you."

Ferdinand handed over the phone, he knew the teacher would be very happy, so he just hurried over.

Ambrose answered the phone, and without saying a word, suddenly jumped up from the seat. The expression on his face was almost crazy with excitement. He kept walking back and forth in the room. If you look closely, you will find that, Ambrose's body trembled slightly.

Ferdinand looked at Ambrose in amazement. He had never seen his teacher so excited before in his memory.

"Mr. Zhang Guangling, a famous biologist from China, what did he say? What made the teacher so excited?" Ferdinand thought about this question in his heart.

And Ambrose was still walking around excitedly. At this time, he had hung up the phone, but he was even more excited than before, and his body trembled even more.

"Teacher!" Ferdinand whispered.

Ambrose did not respond, still caught in his own excitement.

Fortunately, his body is still very tough, so Ferdinand doesn't have to worry, he will feel unwell because of being too excited.

After a while, Ambrose stopped walking, but the whole person was still extremely excited, he said to Ferdinand: "Ferdinand, you go through the formalities to go to China immediately, I want to be in the first place. Time to go to China."

Ferdinand was a little surprised. Ambrose had already planned to go somewhere and continued to search for traces of the life of the moa. Why did he suddenly go to China again?

"This must be related to the previous phone call. What did Mr. Zhang Guangling say? He was able to make the teacher change the schedule." Ferdinand thought to himself.

But he didn't ask, but immediately said, "Okay, teacher, I'll prepare now."

After finishing speaking, Ferdinand went out to prepare. The teacher said that he would go to China as soon as possible, so he naturally needed to go to prepare immediately.

And Ambrose was still excited.

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