Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1849 Don't dare to step in

[Book Title: Little Farmer, Big Star Chapter 1849 I dare not step in Author: In the Countryside]

Welcome to the latest chapter of Little Farmer and Big Star 2k Novel Network! The domain name of this site: the complete pinyin of "2k novel", it is easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: The Gate of Yin-Yang Ghost Art, The Gate of the Mysterious Realm, The Eternal Night King, Inverse Scale, The Great Ruler of the Holy Ruins, Lord Xue Ying, One Thought, The Legend of the Eternal Dragon King go.

Xiaotian's speed is not fast, therefore, the group can sit on Xiaotian's back stably, and can also look around.

Along the way, a series of landforms such as dense forests, ravines, cliffs, swamps, and wastelands appeared. Except for various wild animals hidden everywhere, there was no trace of human beings.

Everything along the way retains its original appearance, full of dangers and mysterious mountains.

Zhang Guangling and Luo Yunwen both sighed that even the best field survival experts in the world would have difficulty traversing such landforms.

If it weren't for Xiaotian, they would never be able to cross such a landscape, and even with the help of a helicopter, they would not be able to fly over it safely and quickly as they are now.

Two hours later, Xiao Tian had already flown 500 kilometers, and within the sight of everyone, there was a large area of ​​wasteland, jagged rocks, overgrown with weeds as tall as one person.

Li Fan pointed to the wasteland in front of him and said, "That's our purpose, that's where I found that little guy."

Li Fan said so, but of course it wasn't the place to really find the little guy.

According to Yu Fangyi, president of Motian Auction House, the place where the big stone wrapped the bird's egg was first discovered was in the west of Nanhai Province.

A few days ago, when Li Fan came to investigate, he found that there was a large barren area in the west of Nanhai Province, which was exactly what he wanted.

He also rode on Xiaotian's back, turned this barren land over and over, and then chose the barren land he was referring to as the place to find the little guy.

Of course, he didn't choose it at will, but based on the living habits of the moa, if there were really moa living in this area, then the last possible place to live would be the one centered on the wasteland.

Although the moa is tall, strong and frightening, according to the research of biologists, the moa is actually a vegetarian, eating mainly the leaves, seeds and fruits of plants.

This wasteland is surrounded by dense forests with leaves, seeds and fruits of various plants, and it looks like a paradise for the life of kongbirds.

On Xiaotian's back, after listening to Li Fan's words, the group of people were all in high spirits, and they all looked at the wasteland and the surrounding landforms.

Qin Yulin and the four old men couldn't see anything special, but the two experts, Zhang Guangling and Luo Yunwen, had bright eyes and looked excited and excited.

Zhang Guangling said: "A wasteland is surrounded by forests, which is indeed very suitable for moas to survive."

Luo Yunwen also said: "No humans have ever been here. If it wasn't for Xiaotian's help, we probably wouldn't be able to come here. This is indeed the paradise where moa lives. I suddenly feel that we will definitely gain something this time."

The group did not ask Li Fan, what did he do in such a barren land by himself? They knew that the reason why Li Fan came here must have a reason for coming here. Since Li Fan didn't take the initiative to say it, they wouldn't ask.

Then, Li Fan smiled and said, "Since the terminal has arrived, we should also land."

Afterwards, Xiaotian landed steadily in the middle of the wasteland. After Li Fan and his party got down, they flew into the sky again and quickly disappeared above the clouds.

After several people once again sighed at Xiaotian's Shenjun, they began to look at the surrounding environment.

When the sky just fell to the ground, all kinds of wild animals hiding around were startled and fled.

Therefore, a few people do not need to worry now that they will suddenly be attacked by large wild animals.

Of course, you don't need to worry not only now, but at any time in the future, because Li Fan is there.

Once a dangerous animal is approaching, Li Fan will feel it, and Xiao Zhu will also warn Li Fan at the first time. Any wild animal that sees Li Fan, if Li Fan is willing, can let him immediately Fleeing in fear.

This is also the reason why Li Fan dared to promise Qin Yulin and several old men to come together. He was absolutely sure that he would be able to protect their safety.

And Qin Yulin and several old men absolutely believed that Li Fan could protect their safety, and they had absolute trust in Li Fan.

After looking at the surrounding environment, the group officially started this wilderness journey.


Sansheng Village.

Two foreign men had just gotten out of the taxi, one of them looked in his 70s and the other was much younger, only in his 40s.

The old man in his 70s was flushed, and anyone could tell that he was in a very good mood.

The old man looked at the majestic gate of Xianyuan Farm and said to the middle-aged man beside him, "This is the world-famous Xianyuan Farm. I've always wanted to come here to see it. Now, it's finally here."

The middle-aged man nodded and said: "Yes, teacher, we are finally here. I heard that there are mysterious guardian beasts here, as well as a large number of various animals, including many endangered animals. I believe that the teacher will like it here. of."

The old man nodded and said, "This is a magical land!"

The old and middle-aged man was naturally Ambrose, a famous biologist from Lanzhou, and his student and assistant Ferdinand.

After more than a day of non-stop rushing, Ambrose finally came to Sansheng Village in China.

Zhang Guangling told him on the phone that the moa, which was still a baby, was now at Xianyuan Farm in Sansheng Village, and the place where the baby moa was found was in the west of Nanhai Province, China.

Ambrose has to go to two places, and both places have a fatal temptation for him.

But the Sansheng Village, which has baby moas, is relatively more attractive to Ambrose.

So, he came here first.

And this was also expected by Zhang Guangling and Luo Yunwen.

Therefore, Li Fan specially arranged for Li Ru to receive Ambrose in person.

Ambrose stood in front of the gate of the farm, thinking that he was about to see the moa that he had been dreaming about for decades, and his mood was difficult to calm down.

He still can't believe that someone really called him and told him where a moa was found.

It was a surprise that shocked the deepest part of my heart!

He will never forget the inner feeling in his heart at that moment, he has never been more excited than that moment.

Even now, he is still agitated.

In addition to being excited, he also suddenly became very nervous. Although he absolutely believed that Zhang Guangling would not lie to him, there were really young moa chicks here, but he was still nervous.

He cares too much.

He was a little afraid to step into the gate of Xianyuan Farm.

From the moment he received Zhang Guangling's call, his greatest wish was to enter the gate of Xianyuan Farm earlier.

But now, when he really only needs to lift his foot to step in, he is a little afraid to step in.

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