Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1853 Found Moa Footprints

[Book Title: Little Farmer, Big Star Chapter 1853 Discovery of Moa Footprints Author: In the Countryside]

Welcome to the latest chapter of Little Farmer and Big Star 2k Novel Network! The domain name of this site: the complete pinyin of "2k novel", it is easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: The God of Maid, the Great Ruler of Inverse Scales, Lord Xue Ying of the Holy Ruins, A Thought of the Eternal Dragon King Legend of the Taikoo God King Wu Lian Peak Five Elements, The Gate of the Profound Realm, The Gate of Heaven, and the Desolate Land in the West of Nanhai Province.

Li Fan and his party have been here for two days.

Now, Li Fan is tinkering with something, he is going to make a bow and arrow, and then go to the pheasant and hare to come back on the hour, and roast them at night.

In this world, pheasants, hares and the like are not protected animals, they can be treated casually.

In the Xianyuan space, there are actually a lot of pheasant, hare, ducks and other game, but today Li Fan does not prepare the ingredients for the space, and he has to go hunting in person.

Hunting in the wilderness is a very interesting thing.

Seeing Li Fan fiddling with bows and arrows, Qin Yulin guessed what Li Fan was thinking, and shouted that he wanted to go hunting with him.

Although hunting in the wilderness is very interesting, it is also an extremely dangerous thing, and life may be in danger at any time.

However, if there is Li Fan, it will become absolutely safe.

Li Fan was absolutely sure that he could protect Qin Yulin's safety, so he did not reject Qin Yulin.

Zhang Guangling and Luo Yunwen are still doing data research, and the four old men are also watching from a distance with great interest.

However, Li Fan guessed that they couldn't understand it, so they were just watching the excitement.

In a short time, a simple bow and several simple arrows were ready.

Li Fan opened a bow and an arrow and tried to shoot an arrow in the distance. Although the bow and arrow were simple, the power was not small. Li Fan was very satisfied that pheasants and hares could cause enough lethality.

Qin Yulin looked at the bow and arrow in Li Fan's hand, his eyes were bright, and he was quite eager to try.

When Li Fan saw it, he put away the bow and arrow. This thing had certain dangers, and he didn't plan to let Qin Yulin try it.

Qin Yulin pouted, and did not continue to ask for a try.

After that, Li Fan took Qin Yulin to go hunting.

Because of Xiaotian's appearance before, all the nearby animals fled to far away places.

After Li Fan walked with Qin Yulin for half an hour, he saw the shadows of animals one after another.

After walking for a while, a brightly colored pheasant appeared within Li Fan's line of sight. The distance was still far away, but Li Fan had already seen it clearly.

Li Fan motioned Qin Yulin to lighten his footsteps, followed closely behind him, and the two slowly dived towards the location of the pheasant.

Of course, with Li Fan's skills and without any tools, it was a very simple matter to catch a pheasant.

However, using a bow and arrow is fun, and Li Fan is ready to shoot a few arrows.

It is estimated that the pheasant has reached the range, and the pheasant still does not notice it, and has been looking for food since ancient times.

Li Fan took out an arrow, set up a bow, pulled it full, and then only heard a "whoosh" sound, and the arrow shot towards the pheasant at a very fast speed.

The pheasant was destined to be unable to escape. After being hit by the arrow, it fluttered its wings in panic and wanted to fly away.

However, after fluttering a few times, it fell to the ground and didn't move, and the first prey was in hand.

Li Fan triumphantly asked Qin Yulin, "How is it? Is this archery handsome?"

Qin Yulin gave a "cut" and said, "Let's be so-so."

Li Fan laughed, walked over to pick up his first prey from the ground, weighed it, about a pound, which was not bad.

Afterwards, Qin Yulin also came over and looked at the pheasant held by Li Fan. She felt a little unbearable and felt that the pheasant was pitiful, but she was not a hypocritical person, knowing that since the pheasant is not a protected animal, people hunt pheasant very well. normal.

After that, Qin Yulin suddenly made a "Huh" again, pointed to a place not far away, and said, "Brother-in-law, what are those in front of you? What a strange footprint.


"Footprints?" Li Fan looked in the direction of Qin Yulin's fingers and saw that there was indeed a footprint on the ground.

And, it's really weird.

The footprints are three toes spread out equiangularly, each of which is very long, with the middle one being the longest, exceeding 40 cm in length.

This should be the footprint of a very large bird with three toes.

What kind of bird would it be?

Li Fan suddenly shuddered, the moa was very large, and it had three toes.

Shouldn't this be a moa footprint?

Moreover, judging from the shape of the footprint, the footprint will not be left for too long.

Could it be that there are really moas around here?

Besides the little guy, are there really other moas in this world?

And in this barren land?

Li Fan felt that it was a bit incredible. You must know that this was just the place where he found the little guy who he was looking for temporarily.

Now, it's a very coincidence that there are really moas here.

Of course, Li Fan can't be 100% sure that this is the footprint of a moa, but the possibility is very high.

Li Fan sighed at Qin Yulin: "Girl, it's alright, you actually found the footprints of the moa. You must know that Zhang Guangling and Luo Yunwen haven't found anything of value yet."

"Moa footprints?" Qin Yulin was overjoyed and said, "Brother-in-law, do you think these are MOA footprints?"

Li Fandao: "It's not yet 100% sure, but the possibility is very high. Think about it, other than moas, where in the world are there such large birds?"

Qin Yulin said, "Could it be the footprint of an ostrich? Ostrich is also very tall."

Li Fan shook his head and said, "No, even ostriches are not so big. Also, ostriches do not live in our country. And most importantly, ostriches only have two toes, but these footprints have three toes. Of course, among large birds, the emu also has three toes, but the emu is smaller than the ostrich, and it is impossible to leave such a large footprint."

Hearing what Li Fan said, Qin Yulin said excitedly, "So, it's very likely that these are the footprints left by the moa?"

Li Fandao: "I can't be 100% sure about this, but the possibility is very high. Let's go and invite the two expert masters, and they will give accurate answers."

Qin Yulin nodded and said, "Okay! Okay! Brother-in-law, let's go and invite the two experts over here now. We'll talk about hunting later."

Qin Yulin was very excited and couldn't wait.

Because these footprints were the first to be discovered by her, which gave her a great sense of accomplishment.

Li Fan understood Qin Yulin's current mood, and said with a smile, "Okay, let's go to the two experts."

After speaking, the two returned along the same path.

Back to the original place, the two experts are still collecting data, and the four old men are still watching.

They saw Li Fan and Qin Yulin come back.

Seeing that Li Fan was only carrying a pheasant in his hand, Qin Lie smiled and said, "Your hunting skills are still not good, so you only came back with such a pheasant."

Before Li Fan could speak, Qin Yulin said first, "Grandpa, we came back because we have a very important discovery."

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