Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1859 found adult moa

[Book Title: Little Farmer, Big Star Chapter 1859 Discovering Adult Moa Author: In the Countryside]

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Afterwards, Li Fan shouted at the group of biologists who had dispersed: "Lao Zhang, Lao Lao, Mr. Ambrose, gentlemen, I already know where the moa is, and we are going to find it now. Moa."

After speaking, Li Fan ignored the reactions of the biologists, took Qin Yulin's hand, and walked quickly in one of the directions.

All the biologists heard what Li Fan just said, and they were all slightly startled, all thinking, "Do you really know the exact location of the moa?"

Afterwards, a group of biologists slowly approached involuntarily, and one of them said, "Which direction did Mr. Li Fan just go?"

Another person pointed in one direction and said, "That direction, I just happened to be behind Mr. Li Fan, and I could see it clearly."

Several people asked at the same time, "Does Mr. Li Fan really know the exact location of the moa?"

Zhang Guangling smiled and said, "Who knows? However, I decided to follow him."

Luo Yunwen also said, "I also decided to follow him."

After speaking, the two ignored the reactions of the others, and quickly chased after Li Fan in the direction Li Fan had just walked.

The two didn't take two steps before Ambrose said, "I also decided to follow behind Mr. Li Fan."

After finishing speaking, Ambrose also followed behind Zhang Guangling and Luo Yunwen and hurriedly left.

The rest of the biologists look at me, I look at you, and there seems to be a little hesitation, "Would you like to follow along?"

After a while, one of them said, "Let's go, we'll follow, anyway, even if no moa is found, it shouldn't take much time."

This made sense, and everyone else nodded.

So, after Ambrose, the rest of the biologists followed suit.


In the wilderness, Li Fan and Qin Yulin walked in a hurry.

Li Fan said: "Girl, we have to hurry up, otherwise, they will catch up."

The "they" here naturally refers to a group of biologists.

Li Fan deliberately said that loudly before, so that a group of biologists could keep up with them. They only need to be the first to discover adult moas.

Li Fan had no interest in the various investigations of moa, and Qin Yulin was even less interested.

Of course, they are not professional either.

That being the case, after they first discovered the moa, the next thing should be left to those biologists, and naturally they should also discover the moa.

Of course, even if the biologists didn't believe him, it didn't matter if they didn't follow up, and they'd just go and bring them over later.

It's just that this possibility is very small, and Li Fan believes that those biologists will probably follow.

Therefore, Li Fan thinks they should go faster.

Qin Yulin naturally understood what Li Fan meant, so he quickened his pace and said, "Brother-in-law, let's go quickly, but we can't let them run ahead of us."

Li Fan smiled and said, "That's what it means."


The distance of 10 kilometers is not long, but it is not short. In addition, the terrain in the wilderness is complex, and it is difficult to travel. It is not much faster to speed up.

Of course, if only Li Fan was alone, he would be able to fly forward.

An hour later, Li Fan suddenly stopped, grabbed Qin Yulin by the way, and made a mute gesture.

Qin Yulin immediately became excited and whispered, "Brother-in-law, are you here yet?"

Li Fan didn't speak, but pointed in one direction and let Qin Yulin see for himself.

Qin Yulin had already guessed what Li Fan asked her to look at, and even more excited, he followed the direction of Li Fan's finger.

With just one glance, he couldn't help but let out a "wow".

At a distance of dozens of meters, through the layers of barriers, two long necks can be vaguely seen, with a small head on the neck, which is somewhat similar to the head of an ostrich.

Qin Yulin knew that it was the head of a moa, the head of an adult moa.

After searching in this barren land for so long, now I finally saw a living adult moa.

Moreover, she and Li Fan were the first to discover adult moas.

Qin Yulin knew that since Li Fan said that he would take her to discover the adult moa first, he would definitely be able to do it.

Qin Yulin was very excited, and Li Fan was also quite excited. The moa in this world really haven't gone extinct.

Before, he thought that little guy was the last moa in the world.

In that case, the moa would have been extinct for at least a few decades.

Li Fan looked at the adult moa dozens of meters away and sighed in his heart.

From now on, the ostrich will no longer be the tallest and largest bird in the world.

Although the entire body of the moa could not be seen, it was inferred from the obstacles that the height of the two moas in front was absolutely close to 4 meters, which was a lot higher than the height of the ostrich.

The rewriting of this world record is undoubtedly due to Li Fan, but he is a little sorry for the ostrich. The position of the good boss is gone.

Li Fan and Qin Yulin hid in the dark, carefully observing the moa in the distance. This feeling was extremely special.

A few minutes later, Li Fan smiled faintly, because a group of biologists had already arrived.

Li Fan pulled Qin Yulin and walked back for a short distance, and saw a group of biologists hurriedly approaching.

Li Fan also made a gesture of silence.

When a group of biologists saw Li Fan's gesture, they were stunned for a moment, and then became extremely excited and excited, "Could it be that the adult moa is really here?"

The eyes of the biologists looking at Li Fan were extremely hot and eager.

Li Fan naturally understood the eyes of the biologists, nodded slowly, and then pointed to the back with his finger.

After that, he and Qin Yulin turned around and walked forward cautiously.

A group of biologists also understood what Li Fan meant, and instantly became more excited and excited than before. They wanted to rush to catch up, but they were very worried that the movement would be too big and the moa would be scared away.

According to their previous research, although the moa is tall, strong, and terrifying, it should be relatively timid, and it will turn around and run away when it is a little frightened.

Therefore, in order not to disturb the moa, a group of biologists resisted the urge to quickly catch up, and chose to follow lightly.

After walking for a short distance, when they saw Li Fan and Qin Yulin stop in front, the hearts of the biologists jumped wildly. They had realized that they could see moas in front of them.

Approaching cautiously, following the direction of Li Fan's fingers, and looking carefully, the necks and heads of the two moas faintly appeared within the sight of the biologists.

The moa that was haunted by his dreams finally appeared, and Li Fan really sensed the position of the moa accurately. The mood of the biologists was destined to be unable to calm down for a long time.

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