Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1860 Leaving the Barren Land

[Book Title: Little Farmer, Big Star Chapter 1860 Leaving the Badlands Author: In the Countryside]

Welcome to the latest chapter of Little Farmer and Big Star 2k Novel Network! The domain name of this site: the complete pinyin of "2k novel", it is easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: Tune the Great Song, Lord Xue Ying, read the legend of the eternal dragon king, the immemorial god king, the peak of Wulian, the gate of the five elements, and the gate of the mysterious world After observing the two moas in the distance for a while, I carefully walked back along the original road for a while.

Knowing that the moa is in this position, they will study and formulate a corresponding observation plan, and then formally conduct an investigation of the moa.

But now, they did not immediately start researching and formulating plans, and they still need to wait until their mood completely calms down.

Zhang Guangling looked at Ambrose and said with a smile: "Ambrose, how is it? I said that the first person to discover the moa was us, right?"

Ambrose was in a very good mood, and he laughed when he heard the words: "Mr. Li Fan, after discovering the moa chicks before, has now led us to discover the adult moa. Mr. Li Fan is definitely a noble person in our lives."

After listening to the rest of the biologists, they had to nod their heads. Ambrose was telling the truth, and Li Fan was indeed their nobleman.

Not to mention the discovery of the moa chicks before, it would have been extremely difficult for them to enter this area without the help of Li Fan for this trip to the wilderness.

If it wasn't for Li Fan's suggestion to change course, they would never have found the place where the moa lived so quickly, and they might have never been able to find it.

Now, they don't understand why Li Fan's feeling is so accurate? But they already knew that Li Fan's feeling was accurate indeed.

They are now very fortunate that they chose to trust Li Fan's feelings before.

Otherwise, they are definitely still searching in the wilderness now.

Li Fan is indeed their noble person.

After listening to Ambrose's words, Li Fan waved his hands and said: "Mr. Ambrose is serious, I can find that the moa is also a kind of opportunity, this kind of opportunity belongs to me, and it belongs to you, where can you say that you are a noble person? ?"

Ambrose shook his head, still insisting on what he said, while Li Fan made a few more modest words.

Afterwards, Luo Yunwen said, "We just discovered two moas. How many moas will there be in this area?"

Zhang Guangling, Ambrose and the rest of the biologists shook their heads, and then all looked at Li Fan with obvious meaning.

Li Fan smiled and said, "I can't say for sure. I think there should be five or six. As for the area far away from here, are there other moas that survive? That's unknown. "

After hearing this, all the biologists nodded slowly. For some reason, they now trust Li Fan's words very much.

Li Fan said that there should be five or six moas in this area, and they all had no doubts.


After a long time, the mood of the biologists slowly calmed down.

After calming down, everyone began to discuss matters related to the investigation of moa in this area.

After several hours of discussions, a preliminary plan was finalized.

According to the preliminary plan, the biologists will stay in this area for several months.

Li Fan, Qin Yulin and the four old men obviously couldn't stay for so long.

When Li Fan came here with Zhang Guangling and Luo Yunwen, the main purpose was to help them find the moa, and take Qin Yulin to experience life in the wilderness.

Now that the moa has been found and wilderness life has been experienced, it's time to get out of here.

After knowing that Li Fan was leaving, all the biologists were very reluctant, but they also knew that Li Fan could not stay here forever, and they had to say goodbye to Li Fan.

Li Fan made an appointment with a group of biologists,

When the biologists finished their expedition and needed to leave this barren land, he would send Xiao Tian to help the biologists leave.

There is a beginning and an end. Since the biologists have been helped to come to this area, it is natural to help them leave.

In the early morning of the second day after the appointment, Li Fan, Qin Yulin and the four old men officially bid farewell to the biologists.

After saying goodbye, Xiao Tian appeared again, riding Li Fan, Qin Yulin and the four old men, and flew towards the edge of this barren land.

The ten-day life in the wilderness, because of Li Fan's existence, was not only without any danger, but also full of fun, making Qin Yulin and the four old men rather reluctant to leave.

Li Fan said with a smile: "If you want to live such a life, let's change to a wilderness place and experience it again."

Qin Yulin and the four old men's eyes lit up, this was indeed a good idea.


Li Fan and several others were leaving the wilderness, and he and a group of biologists discovered the adult moa in the wilderness, which was officially reported by the media in various countries around the world.

The first is the Chinese media.

"Heavy! Mr. Li Fan, Mr. Zhang Guangling, Mr. Luo Yunwen, and many biologists from many countries have successfully discovered adult moas in the barren land in the west of Nanhai Province in my country. Next, biological Scientists will conduct scientific expeditions for several months!"

"The adult moa was discovered! After Mr. Li Fan discovered the moa chick, he was the first to discover the adult moa in the wilderness!"

"Being the first person to discover an adult moa again! It is reported that biologists conducting scientific investigations in South my country Sea Province have successfully discovered an adult moa. The first person to discover an adult moa is Mr. Li Fan! "


In addition to the media in China, the media in other countries also carried out a lot of reports.

"Adult moa has been discovered! Biologists who are conducting a scientific expedition in Nanhai Province of China have successfully found an adult moa in the wild!"

"The legendary story of Li Fan, the owner of Huaguo Xianyuan Farmhouse, continues, and he is the first person to discover an adult moa!"


Domestic and foreign media are constantly reporting, and domestic and foreign netizens are naturally talking non-stop.

Whether it is domestic netizens or foreign netizens, they are all sighed that Li Fan has become the first person to discover an adult moa.

After sighing, someone raised such a question, "Mr. Li Fan was able to successfully discover the moa, which is obviously related to his identity as the owner of the Xianyuan Farm and various magical abilities. I don't know that Mr. Li Fan will be in the future. Will there be more animals that are now considered extinct by the biological community? Of course, I am not talking about the ancient animals that have been extinct for a long time, but similar to the moa, which are considered to be extinct in recent and modern times. animal."

As soon as this question was raised, it immediately aroused great interest from netizens, and they expressed their views on it.

"Don't say it, I think it's very possible. In fact, many animals that are considered to be extinct in the near and modern times are not necessarily extinct. After all, the world is so big, and there are many places where humans are It is difficult to reach, and the detection of various high-tech equipment may not be completely accurate. Maybe in a place that humans cannot reach, there is an animal that is thought to be extinct.”

"Indeed, this possibility is really not small, and places that are difficult for ordinary people to reach are not a problem for Mr. Li Fan."

"Yes, if someone in this world can go to various inaccessible places and find animals that are considered to be extinct, that person must be Mr. Li Fan."


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