Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1861 End of

[Book Title: Little Farmer, Big Star, Chapter 1861 "Amorous Swordsman Ruthless Sword" End Author: In the Countryside]

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"Listening to what you said, I suddenly have high expectations for this. If Mr. Li Fan can find one or two more animals that are considered to be extinct, that would be really cool!"

"I'm also looking forward to it. The key depends on Mr. Li Fan. Are you interested in continuing to discover?"

"I don't know if Mr. Li Fan found the moa chick on purpose, or did he discover it by coincidence?"

"I don't know this, we just need to keep looking forward to it."

"Not with expectations, but with considerable expectations!"

"Yes, keep looking forward to it! Maybe one day, Mr. Li Fan will suddenly surprise the world."

"I think this possibility is not small. You must know that Mr. Li Fan is the owner of Xianyuan Farm, and he has an indissoluble bond with various animals."

"Anyway, we just need to maintain a fair amount of expectations."



Sansheng Village.

Li Fan, Qin Yulin, and the four old men have returned to the village.

In the past ten days, many tourists came specially for the chicks of the moa, including many tourists from abroad.

In the past 10 days, the little guy has grown a lot. It used to be only the size of an adult hen, but now he is one size larger than an adult goose.

Li Fan looked at the little guy in front of him and was quite emotional.

After sighing with emotion, he pondered in his heart, "When will this guy take Qi Lingdan?"

This guy's talent potential is as high as 99%, and he is a guy who can grow into a divine beast. Li Fan naturally wants him to take Qiling Pill.

However, after consuming Qi Lingdan, it is not so easy for tourists to see the little guy again.

After all, the little guy is an animal that wants to grow into a mythical beast, and it still needs to be forced. How can it be easily seen by tourists?

And now there are still many tourists who come here specifically to see the little guy, including many foreign tourists. Is it not kind enough to let the little guy enter the space to grow up now?

After all, the whole world knows about the little guy in Sansheng Village. Why should the little guy stay in the sight of the outside world for a while longer?

After pondering for a while, Li Fan decided to let the little guy take Qi Lingdan after another ten days.


There is a lot of commotion about the moa here, and "Amorous Swordsman Ruthless Sword" has been serialized to the finale.

"Passionate Swordsman Ruthless Sword" is a work that makes countless fans endlessly sad and likes very much.

Li Xunhuan is a character who makes countless fans sigh.

During the serialization of "Amorous Swordsman Ruqin Sword", for countless book fans, it can be said to be painful and happy.

Of course, there is more happiness.

And now, whether it was pain or pleasure, it was over.

at the end of the story.

Li Xunhuan told Ah Fei that he had invited people to drink all kinds of wine, but he had never invited anyone to a wedding wine.

Fei asked why?

Li Xunhuan said that the wedding wine was too expensive.

"Too expensive?" Ah Fei didn't seem to understand.

Li Xunhuan explained that if a man wants to invite someone for a wedding drink, it means that he has to pay the bill slowly for the rest of his life, but unfortunately he doesn't want to disappoint his friends.

"Alfie laughed.

He hadn't laughed like that in a long time.

This smile made him suddenly feel that he was much younger, full of courage and confidence in himself,

Full of hope for life.

Even the withered leaves were full of vitality in his eyes, because he knew that there was new life there, and new shoots would soon grow.

He never knew that 'laugh' had such power.

He not only admires Li Xunhuan, but is also very grateful, because it is not easy for a person to keep his smile forever, but if he can make others laugh, he is truly great!

'Superfluous' is not only superfluous, but also ridiculous.

But there are too many troubles in the world, isn't it because you laugh too little?

Laughter, like perfume, can not only make you fragrant, but also make others happy.

If you can make other people smile, what's the point of doing stupid things? "

"Passionate Swordsman Ruthless Sword" ends like this.

At the end, Li Xun Huan laughed, Sun Xiaohong laughed, and Ah Fei laughed too.

Countless fans of the book also laughed, no matter what, this ending is happy.

Countless book fans have been discussing on the Internet, not only for this work, but also for Li Xunhuan.

Countless celebrities have also published their interpretations and appreciation of the character Li Xunhuan on their Weibo account.

Yang Qiming wrote on Weibo: "The Passionate Swordsman Ruthless Sword is over, but I feel that Li Xunhuan's story is far from over.

In this work, Gu Yong has created a very classic character for the martial arts novel world.

Li Xun Huan knows life very well, because he has experienced too much suffering, and the pain in his heart has been hidden for too long. He seems to be very passive and tired, but in fact he is full of endless love for life and human beings.

Li Xun Huan is not a healthy person. He often coughs non-stop, and even coughs up blood.

Among all the protagonists of Mr. Guyong's martial arts novels, Li Xunhuan is obviously the most unhealthy person, but his mind is absolutely healthy.

His will is as strong as steel, and few others can match his control.

He avoided the world, escaped his name, and no matter what he did, he did not want others to know.

But while he was alive, he had become a legend.

There are not many people who have seen him, but very few people who have not heard his name, especially his knife.

Xiao Li Fei Dao, the example is not false.

His knife never shoots casually, but as long as it is shot, it will never fail.

Compared with the previous works, Mr. Gu Yong's new style of work is very different in the description of martial arts.

In this new style of work, Mr. Guyong no longer describes the martial arts tricks and styles as he is in the situation, but focuses more on leaving more blanks for readers to imagine.

The same is true for Li Xunhuan's flying knife. Mr. Gu Yong has never described the shape and length of the flying knife, nor how it was shot, and how Li Xunhuan practiced his "fake hair".

With just a touch of water, Li Xunhuan often used carvings to stabilize his own hands.

Other than that, there is no description, and it is all left to the reader's imagination.

And Li Xunhuan's flying knife is also more suitable for readers to imagine.

Because his flying knife was originally a symbol, a symbol of the power of light and justice.

Therefore, although Shangguan Jinhong's martial arts were better than him, he still died under his flying knife in the end.

Because righteousness will triumph over evil.

No matter how long the darkness is, the light will always come sooner or later.

Therefore, I think Li Xunhuan's flying knife is neither a weapon nor a hidden weapon, but a power that can excite people.

As long as people see the appearance of Xiao Li Feidao, they know that power will be eliminated and justice will be done.

This is the 'Little Li Feidao' that makes countless people with bad intentions tremble.

"Passionate Swordsman Ruthless Sword" is a work with very high artistic achievements. Thanks to Mr. Gu Yong for bringing such a work to the martial arts novel world. "

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