Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1864 sentimental

[Book Title: Little Farmer, Big Star Chapter 1864 Sentimental Author: In the Countryside]

Welcome to the latest chapter of Little Farmer and Big Star 2k Novel Network! The domain name of this site: the complete pinyin of "2k novel", it is easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: Legend of the Dragon King Taikoo God King Wu Lian Peak Five Elements The Gate of the Profound World Yes, look down a little bit.

When Gu Yong said that "The Passionate Swordsman Ruthless Sword" was not his last martial arts novel, countless people instantly became extremely excited.

However, it was not long before the excitement, and the following content made fans sigh for a long time.

It's finally here!

Guyong's last martial arts work is finally here!

The book fans sighed and felt extremely lost, instantly covering the previous extreme excitement.

Disappointment is still greater than excitement.

And what Gu Yong said next made them fall into deep memories.

Since the birth of Guyong's first martial arts work, "The Sword of the Yue Girl", the brilliance created by Guyong's martial arts works and the emotions they have when watching Guyong's martial arts works have emerged little by little. in their minds.

They still remember the shocking feeling when they first read "The Sword of the Yue Girl". At that time, they never dreamed that martial arts novels could still be written like this.

Because of "The Yue Girl Sword", they knew for the first time that there was a martial arts author named Gu Yong.

They still remember that after "The Sword of the Yue Girl", Gu Yong told them that martial arts is a fairy tale for adults, and the world of martial arts is the world of rivers and lakes.

In the rivers and lakes, there are sons and daughters, there are swords and swords, and there are Jiuyin scriptures.

At that time, they still didn't understand what the "Nine Yin Classics" was? They just remembered what Gu Yong said.

They also remembered that after "Yue Nv Jian", Gu Yong's second martial arts work was "Liancheng Jue".

Thinking back to "Liancheng Jue" at this time, fans of the book can't help but tremble in their hearts, why is the word "miserable" so good?

It is precisely because of this work that they secretly gave Gu Yong a nickname called "Sadmaster and Mad Demon".

This title is still deeply imprinted in the minds of book fans to this day, and it will also make book fans subconsciously think that Gu Yong has the habit of abusing his master.

This is also the reason why so many book fans were once very worried that "Passionate Swordsman Ruthless Sword" would have a tragic ending.

After "Liancheng Jue", there are also a series of equally wonderful works such as "Xiaoke Xing", "Jade Blood Sword", "Book and Sword Enemy and Enmity", "White Horse Roaring in the West Wind" and so on.

Until after "Mandarin Duck Knife", Gu Yong once left the martial arts novel world and created pure love novels, and also brought classic drama works such as "Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai", "Dou E's Injustice" and "The Story of the West Chamber".

Just when the outside world believed that Gu Yong could no longer continue to create martial arts novels, Gu Yong returned with the legend of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes".

Book fans will never forget the extreme shock when they watched "The Condor Shooting". Guo Jing, Huang Rong, Dongxie, Xidu, Nandi, Beibei, Zhongshengtong, Old Naughty Boy, Yang Kang, etc. One is not the most classic character in the martial arts novel world.

"The Legend of the Condor Heroes" completely pushes martial arts novels to the peak. It is the first peak of Gu Yong's martial arts works and the first peak of the entire martial arts novel world.

Because of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", the martial arts novel was nominated for the Times Literature Award, and "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" undoubtedly became the first work to win the Times Literature Award.

As a result, the status of martial arts novels and martial arts authors has been unprecedentedly improved.

Wuxia novels have since opened a new chapter.

When it comes to the influence and historical significance of martial arts works, "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" is undoubtedly the first, even the later "Dragon Babu" is not comparable.

At this moment, recalling the legendary work "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", fans still feel agitated and restless.

After "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", there is "The Condor Heroes".

Book fans still remember the huge nationwide boycott triggered by the Little Dragon Girl incident.

Countless book fans have shouted the slogan that if Gu Yong does not modify the relevant plot, he will never read Gu Yong's works again.

It was not until Guo Jing said to Yang Guo that the strongest voice of "the great man is for the country and the people", did all the book fans return.

All these things, book fans still remember clearly to this day, as if it just happened yesterday.

Fans of the book also remember that after "The Legend of Condor Heroes", "Eternal Dragon Slayer" made them wonder who the protagonist was. It took a long time to find out that the protagonist turned out to be Zhang Cuishan's son, Zhang Wuji.

After "Ei Tian Tu Long Ji", there are voices from the outside world asserting that Gu Yong's martial arts novels will begin to decline from now on.

Because the height of the Eagle Shooting Trilogy is too high, even Gu Yong himself cannot surpass it.

However, the appearance of "Tianlong Babu" pushed martial arts novels to a new peak again.

No one is wrong, and all sentient beings are sinful. This is an epic masterpiece that is full of human nature and has a strong tragic color.

In terms of artistic achievements alone, there is no doubt that "Dragon Babu" has surpassed the previous "The Legend of the Condor Heroes".

Book fans still remember every bit of when they watched "Dragon Babu".

To this day, I am still saddened by the "empty promise of cattle and sheep", and I am still brooding over Xiao Feng's suicide at the end.

To this day, they have not given up.

Maybe never let go.

After "Tian Long Ba Bu", Gu Yong said that this time he really wrote martial arts novels to the peak, and even for him, it would be difficult to write better works.

However, there is more than one way of writing martial arts novels, and he will try to create a new type of martial arts novels.

Thus, "Seven Weapons" was born.

A new way of writing, but with the same success.

Because of this, more martial arts authors have been born in martial arts novels, attracting more martial arts fans, and the market for martial arts novels is still further prosperous.

With the successful attempt of "Seven Weapons", "The Legend of Lu Xiaofeng" and "The Legend of Chu Liuxiang" were born successively.

This is a martial arts novel and a suspenseful detective novel. In these two works, Gu Yong perfectly integrates the suspenseful detective and martial arts. Countless book fans are amazed and sighed, and can't stop watching.

A series of characters such as Lu Xiaofeng, Hua Manlou, Ximen Chuixue, Ye Gucheng, Chu Liuxiang, Monk Wuhua, etc., have become classic characters in the martial arts novel world.

Finally, when it comes to the just-concluded "Passionate Swordsman Ruthless Sword", book fans recall this series of works created by Gu Yong, as well as the various feelings when watching this series of works, and the incidents that happened, seem to be still yesterday.

In fact, time has passed quite a long time, which makes people even more sentimental.

The fans can only sigh.

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