[Book Title: Little Farmer, Big Star Chapter 1865 "Swordsman" Author: In the Countryside]

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As Gu Yong said in Weibo, goodbye is not to see each other forever, but to wait for the next reunion.

The flowers blooming tirelessly is only for the love of butterflies. Although Gu Yong has written martial arts novels, he will not stop writing, and he will continue to create new stories.

Because he knows that his fans love and attach to the stories he creates very much, just like butterflies are attached to the fragrance of flowers.

Gu Yong's closed-pen martial arts novels are an end, but also a new beginning.

Thinking this way, book fans finally stopped being so sentimental.

Besides, Guyong still has the last martial arts novel, waiting for them to enjoy.


This is the name of Gu Yong's last martial arts novel. This name makes fans excited. Since Gu Yong's debut with "The Sword of the Yue Girl", he has indeed been laughing at the world.

As the title of Gu Yong's last martial arts novel, this name is too appropriate, and only Gu Yong is qualified to use this name.

Only Gu Yong is qualified to laugh at the world.

And just this name is enough to trigger a lot of stories, and countless people are talking about it because of this name.


Times Literature Award Jury Office.

After reading Gu Yong's Weibo, Yang Qiming sighed with emotion for a long time, and then said: "Xiaoao Jianghu, Xiaoao Jianghu, he has always been Xiaoao Jianghu. And this magnificent Jianghu world was created by him. Although the martial arts novel is about to be closed, his name will forever shine in the world of martial arts novels, and he will always be proud of the world."

Lippo also sighed and said: "Indeed, Gu Yong will always be proud of the rivers and lakes. As a saying goes, although he is no longer in the rivers and lakes, there are still legends about him in the rivers and lakes. This sentence originally came from him. The mouth is to describe a certain Jianghu character in his writings. But now, this sentence is more suitable for him to use. "


Great Martial Arts Magazine.

Jian Yishen murmured: "Xiaoao Jianghu, what kind of unrestrained and unrestrained is this? It is really enviable. I hope one day, I can be like him, qualified to Xiaoao Jianghu."

Wang Yang smiled and said: "Xiao Tang, don't belittle yourself, from the current point of view, you are indeed the person who is most likely to be qualified to be proud of the world after Gu Yong. You must also be qualified to be proud of the world. Otherwise, it would be too lonely to only let Gu Yong be proud of the rivers and lakes alone, and Gu Yong certainly does not want to be the only one to be proud of the rivers and lakes. Therefore, I think Gu Yong uses such a name as his last name. The title of this work also has the intention of encouraging other martial arts authors to laugh at the world with him."

Jian Yishen nodded slowly, and said again: "I will, one day, I will be like him, arrogantly arrogant."


Jian Yishen sighed with emotion for "Xiaoao Jianghu", and the rest of the martial arts writers also sighed with emotion because of "Xiaoao Jianghu".

""Swordsman", Gu Yong used such a name as the name of his last work, and its intention is very obvious. Only Gu Yong is qualified to take such a title."

"Hey! I really envy Gu Yong for taking such a title. If we chose such a title, the readers would be afraid to speak every minute. In the hearts of readers, people who can laugh at the world, Gu Yong is always the only one."

"'Swordsman' is the name of the best martial arts novels in my opinion, and no other name can compare to 'Swordsman'.

Unfortunately, we cannot take such a title. Because we are still a long way from the qualifications of Xiaoao Jianghu. "

"On the title of "The Swordsman", there are already too many stories. It's just a pity that this is really Gu Yong's last martial arts work. After "The Swordsman", there will be no more stories. The appearance of Gu Yong's new martial arts works is the biggest regret and loss in the martial arts novel world."

"The world of martial arts novels without Gu Yong always makes people feel that they are not at ease. The world of martial arts novels really cannot be without Gu Yong."

"But Guyong has already made the decision to seal the martial arts novel. We must accept this fact after all."

"Yes, we must accept the facts after all. Alas! Fortunately, at the end, we can still see how Gu Yong is proud of the world?"

"The serialization of "Swordsman" will definitely attract everyone's attention!"



Martial arts writers are sighing, and countless martial arts fans are also sighing.

"Xiaoao Jianghu, Gu Yongda has always been Xiaoao Jianghu, it's a pity that after "Xiaoao Jianghu", we can no longer see Gu Yongda's new martial arts works."

"Actually, Gu Yongda has brought us nearly 20 martial arts works, and each of them is a classic, we should be satisfied."

"Yeah, I should be content. If there is no Gu Yongda, how can we see such wonderful martial arts works?"

""The Swordsman", the title of the book is really good, Gu Yongda is really proud of the world!"



In addition to celebrities, martial arts authors, and martial arts fans, many people from all walks of life are also paying attention to the event that Gu Yong is about to close his martial arts novels.

For example, writers in other fields, they are now in great admiration for Gu Yong's decision.

As the first person in martial arts novels, Gu Yong is the absolute king, but now at the peak moment, he chose to seal martial arts novels. How much courage does it take?

If they are Guyong, then it is absolutely impossible for them to seal the martial arts novels at this time.

You know, after Gu Yong went to a new field of novels after martial arts novels, could he still achieve such great achievements as he did in the field of martial arts novels?

This is really an unknown.

If Gu Yong fails in the next field of novels, then he really can only stay in the legend.

In the eyes of writers in other fields, Gu Yong's step is too risky.

Therefore, they greatly admire Gu Yong's courage. In the whole field of novels, perhaps only Gu Yong has such courage.

They talked a lot.

"I never imagined that Gu Yong really officially announced that he was about to close his martial arts novel. I am more and more admired for Gu Yong."

"Gu Yong must have a variety of reasons for choosing to close his martial arts novels at this time. And one of the reasons must be this, that is, he is very confident in the new novel field he will enter next, and he is confident that he will be in the new novel. In the field of fiction, it will also be a great success.”

"Gu Yong's creation of pure love novels before, and the creation of those classic dramas have indeed proved that he is good at novels, not just martial arts novels. But even so, I still think that his decision this time is too risky. already."

"Perhaps, in our opinion, it is an adventure, but in Gu Yong's eyes, he is not taking risks, he has absolute certainty. After all, his talent and talent are recognized as only under Li Fan. We can't use a general vision. go see him."

"Maybe, the world of absolute genius is not something that ordinary people like us can understand."

"In any case, Gu Yong will be the focus of the entire literary field in the next period of time. Is his choice right or wrong? Let's wait and see."

"Well, we'll wait and see!"


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