Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1866 Back to the previous style

[Book Title: Little Farmer, Big Star Chapter 1866 Return to the previous style Author: In the Countryside]

Welcome to the latest chapter of Little Farmer and Big Star 2k Novel Network! The domain name of this site: the complete pinyin of "2k novel", it is easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: The Secret Art of Appreciation Treasures, the Great Master of the Inverse Scales, Lord Xue Ying, The Legend of the Eternal Dragon King Reports were made in the first place.

"The Swordsman!" Gu Yong's last martial arts novel, The Swordsman is coming soon!"

"Gu Yong announced: After completing the next martial arts novel "Swordsman", the martial arts novel will be officially closed!"

"Gu Yong named his last martial arts novel "Swordsman", which obviously has an unspoken intention!"

"How will Gu Yong be proud in the end? Let's wait and see!"

"Gu Yong! The only person who is qualified to laugh at the world!"


Major media reported one after another, and people from all walks of life discussed it. Guyong and his "Swordsman" have become the absolute focus of the outside world and the media.

The serialization of "Swordsman" has attracted much attention!

For martial arts fans, martial arts authors, and many celebrities, although they are very sorry that this is the last martial arts novel of Gu Yong, they can still read another martial arts novel of Gu Yong anyway.

"Swordsman" is Guyong's last martial arts novel, it is destined to have an extraordinary meaning, and they are looking forward to it!

And time passed day by day, and finally came the day when the latest issue of "Laughing Rivers and Lakes" was released.

early morning.

The major bookstores and newsstands have not yet opened, but they are already surrounded by fans waiting to buy "Laughing Rivers and Lakes".

Perhaps because "Swordsman" is Gu Yong's last martial arts novel, the number of book fans who came to wait for the newsstand to open in advance today is far more than before.

Book fans in groups of three or five, sitting or standing, waiting and talking non-stop.

At this moment, they both hope that bookstores and newsstands can open sooner, so that they can see "Swordsman" earlier, and they hope that bookstores and newsstands don't open so early, they would rather wait a little longer.

Guyong's last martial arts novel, they are reluctant to read it so early, it is good to wait a little longer.

Their mood is very contradictory, and this contradiction makes them feel more and more emotional.

But as it got late, the owners of bookstores and newsstands finally came to open the doors.

The bosses of major bookstores and newsstands are also full of emotion at this moment, and Gu Yong is finally going to seal the martial arts novel.

The reason why they sighed was not only that they liked reading Gu Yong's martial arts novels very much, but also that after Gu Yong closed the pen, the sales of "Laughing Rivers and Lakes" would definitely decline to a certain extent.

This makes the bosses very sorry.

Of course, the decline should not be much.

After all, book fans already have very deep feelings for "Xiaojianghu" magazine. Even if Gu Yong's works are no longer serialized on it, everyone will definitely continue to buy it.

For one, the magazine "Laughing Rivers and Lakes" can make them feel that Gu Yong is still continuing to serialize martial arts novels.

Second, the magazine "Laughing Rivers and Lakes" is now the No. 1 magazine in the national martial arts category. There are many excellent martial arts authors under it. Even without Gu Yong's works, its quality is still the top.

All the bosses sighed in their hearts, the preparations for opening were inevitably slow. If it was before, if the book fans around found that the boss was slow, they would definitely have urged them.

But today, the book fans didn't urge, the boss's movements a little slower, maybe it was just what they wanted.

But no matter how slow the boss's actions are, he is still ready after all, the boss said: "I know everyone is here to buy "Laughing Rivers and Lakes", and now I am ready to start selling it.

Xiao Jianghu, Xiao Jianghu, Xiaoao Jianghu, I just found out today that the name of this magazine has always been Xiaoao Jianghu. "

For the boss's words, the book fans deeply agreed, and they all agreed.

Then, I finally took over from the boss, the latest issue of "Laughing Rivers and Lakes" magazine.

After one of the fans took over "Laughing Rivers and Lakes", his mind suddenly moved, and he said, "I suddenly have an upper link, is anyone interested in the second link?"

Naturally, everyone doesn't have any thoughts about the second link now, but some people said, "What is the first link? Let's listen to it."

The man just said: "Holding "Xiao Jianghu" in his hand, open it, "Xiaoao Jianghu"."

The book fans around didn't have any thoughts about the couplet at first, but after listening to this first couplet, their eyes lit up. This couplet is related to "Xiao Jianghu" and "Swordsman", but it is a very suitable couplet. In addition, the Shanglian is really good, so that book fans have some interest.

Some book fans began to ponder the lower couplet in their minds. After thinking about it for a while, they had no clue. The upper couplet didn't seem right.

Without a clue, everyone stopped thinking about it. At this time, everyone didn't have much thought to think about the next link.

As for the person who came out with the first line, he was obviously quite satisfied with his first line. Seeing that no one at the scene could answer the second line, he posted his first line on the Internet. come out?

Leaving aside the matter of Shanglian, the book fans took the latest issue of "Xiao Jianghu" in their hands, and wanted to open it to the place where "Xiaoao Jianghu" was serialized, but they were a little reluctant.

Gu Yong's martial arts novels, now I really read one sentence, one sentence less, everyone is naturally a little reluctant.

After hesitating for a long time, he finally opened the magazine.

Gu Yong's last martial arts novel "Swordsman" finally met with fans.

"The gentle wind is blowing the willows, and the fragrance of the flowers is intoxicating. It is the season of spring in the southern country.

On Ximen Street, Fuzhou Prefecture, Fujian Province, Qingshiban Road stretches out straight and leads directly to Ximen.

Before a grand mansion was built, in the two stone altars on the left and right, a flagpole with a height of about 20 feet was erected, and a blue flag was flying on the top of the pole.

The yellow silk thread on the right flag is embroidered with a majestic lion with fangs and claws. The flag flutters in the wind, making the lion more powerful and agile. There is a pair of bats embroidered with black silk thread on the top of the lion's head.

The left flag is embroidered with four black characters "Fuwei Escort", with silver hooks and iron strokes, which is extraordinary.


There was nothing special about the opening, but all the fans were stunned, not because of how amazing the opening was, but because of such an opening, it returned to the original style of Guyong.

Book fans originally thought that "Swordsman" would still inherit the martial arts style created by Gu Yongxin, which is the style of later works such as "Seven Weapons" and "The Legend of Lu Xiaofeng".

But Gu Yong has returned to the previous style. It seems that Gu Yong intends to use what style to come and go with what style.

Many book fans are even more excited, and they actually prefer the previous style.

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