Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1877 The old man wants to play a role

[Book Title: Little Farmer, Big Star Chapter 1877, the old man is going to play the role Author: In the Countryside]

Welcome to the latest chapter of Little Farmer and Big Star 2k Novel Network! The domain name of this site: the complete pinyin of "2k novel", it is easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: Online Games: The Heaven-Defying Ring, The Legend of the Eternal Dragon King "Song", if you want to create a "Sword of Proud Jianghu" in this world, "A Laugh in the Sea" is definitely Li Fan's first choice.

Now, there are so many book fans who are collectively petitioning, and the rest of the circles are also very concerned about this matter. Li Fan naturally doesn't mind bringing "A Laugh in the Sea" to this world.

The key question now is how to bring it into the world?

Li Fan pondered this question in his mind.

If it's just a single, the effect is of course not bad, but obviously it can't achieve the ideal effect.

To achieve the best effect, you still need to shoot a music video mv, just like the previous video mv of "Legend of the White Snake".

To shoot a music video mv, you still need to make certain preparations, including the director, crew, and actors.

In addition, there are many other musicians who are eager to try, and Li Fan is also interested to see what kind of works they can create?

Well, during the filming of the music video mv, it happened to look at the works created by other musicians.

Li Fan was pondering these questions when Qin Yulin on the side said, "Brother-in-law, you seem to be thinking about something, are you thinking about "The Swordsman"?"

Li Fan smiled and said, "Indeed, since everyone is so enthusiastic, I naturally can't spoil everyone's happiness."

Qin Yulin's eyes lit up and he said, "Really? Brother-in-law, when are you going to create? Who are you going to sing?"

Li Fandao: "Most of you girl won't like this kind of song, why are you so excited?"

Qin Yulin snorted softly and said again, "Who said I don't like it anymore? I like it. Tell me when you plan to create it."

Li Fandao: "I already have an idea. If I want to create it, it will only take an hour or two. The key is that I don't plan to simply release a single, and I plan to shoot a music video mv."

"Music video mv?" Qin Yulin's eyes brightened, and he said, "Is it like the "Legend of the White Snake" before?"

Li Fan nodded and said, "Yes, that's it. So, it will take a certain amount of time."

Qin Yulin said: "That doesn't matter, the effect of the music video mv is indeed much better than the effect of just a single."

At this time, Liang Sheng, Zheng Jie, Qin Lie, and Su Yilin also noticed the conversation between Li Fan and Qin Yulin.

Liang Sheng seemed to have thought of something, his eyes suddenly brightened, and he said eagerly: "You kid just said that the song "Swordsman" you created will be filmed as a music video mv?"

Li Fan looked at Liang Sheng and was a little puzzled. He didn't understand why Liang Sheng seemed a little excited all of a sudden, but he still replied, "Yes, that's exactly what I planned. What's wrong? Elder Liang."

Liang Sheng said again: "Since the MV is going to be filmed, the protagonists should be Liu Zhengfeng and Qu Yang, right?"

Li Fan still didn't quite understand what Liang Sheng meant, and replied, "Indeed, the protagonists are Liu Zhengfeng and Qu Yang, and there will also be some cameos."

Liang Sheng laughed and looked even more happy, and said, "Boy, come here, look at me, how about you say I'm going to play the role of Qu Yang in the mv?"

"Playing the role of Qu Yang?" Li Fan finally understood what Liang Sheng meant. He was a little surprised that Liang Sheng was actually interested in it.

Is this really possible?

Li Fan had never thought about this issue before, nor did he expect Liang Sheng to be so interested.

Thinking about it now, Liang Sheng would be so interested in this,

It's actually quite normal.

Li Fan is about to close his martial arts novel, and Liang Sheng's feelings will never be less than Li Fan's.

He watched Li Fan come out with "The Sword of the Yue Girl", and he has come to the present step by step, watching the status of martial arts novels getting higher and higher, and the market becoming more and more prosperous, the feeling in his heart is probably more than anyone else. Shen, including Li Fan.

Now, "Swordsman" is the final work of Li Fan's martial arts novels. Looking at the continuous serialization of "Swordsman", each additional chapter is one chapter closer to the end. What kind of feeling does Liang Sheng feel in his heart , only he knows.

He definitely wants to leave a mark on Li Fan's writing, which is his lingering martial arts complex, and the blood of martial arts will always flow in his life.

Playing a role in the mv of "The Swordsman" is obviously a very good choice.

Therefore, Liang Sheng was so happy and excited.

Of course, aside from Liang Sheng's feelings for martial arts, the act of playing a role in the MV is also very interesting and fun, and for Liang Sheng, it is also very tempting.

Liang Sheng wanted to play now.

These thoughts flashed across Li Fan's mind.

Then, Li Fan thought that it was a really good idea to have Liang Sheng play the role of Qu Yang.

First of all, this is just an MV, and it doesn't require the actor's superb acting skills. If it's not ideal, it's a big deal to shoot a few more times.

Secondly, Liang Sheng has a special identity. As the founder of the new martial arts novels and the first person in the martial arts novels, he personally played the role in the mv of "The Song of the Swordsman", which will make "The Song of the Swordsman" a kind of very special meaning.

As a result, it will also make Guyong's final work "Swordsman", which has a very special meaning, that is, the collision between the first person in the martial arts novels and the first person in the current martial arts novels.

This collision only happens once, but it can last forever.

Li Fan's eyes were bright, but he still had a doubt, why did Liang Sheng choose not to choose the decent person Liu Zhengfeng, but to choose the demon person Qu Yang?

Li Fan couldn't help but ask, "Lao Liang, why do you want to play the role of Qu Yang instead of Liu Zhengfeng?"

Liang Sheng laughed and said, "I like the character of Qu Yang. As a member of the demon sect, he has a noble personality and is bright. Moreover, in the ensemble of the two, Qu Yang played the qin and Liu Zhengfeng played the flute. .I prefer playing the piano to the flute."

"Okay." Li Fan nodded, indicating that he understood.

Liang Sheng said again: "You have asked so many questions, but you haven't said whether I can play the role of Qu Yang?"

Li Fan said with a smile: "Since Mr. Liang is so interested, of course I can't ask for it. In this way, I also save the trouble of looking for actor Qu Yang."

Liang Sheng was very excited, Lian Liang laughed a few times, and said again and again: "Good! Good! Good! That's the decision."

At this time, Zheng Jie's eyes were also bright, and his interest was extremely strong, but he pretended to be calm and said with a smile: "Since Lao Liang wants to play the role of Qu Yang, then I will play the role of Liu Zhengfeng. Boy, you Don't worry, my acting skills are much better than Lao Liang."

Li Fan is not surprised that Zheng Jie would say this, because he just noticed Zheng Jie's expression, which was quite emotional.

Not only Zheng Jie was moved, Qin Lie and Su Yilin were also very moved.

However, Qin Lie and Su Yilin had special identities and were not suitable for appearing on the screen as actors.

Sure enough, Qin Lie said with great regret, "If it weren't for my special status, Lao Su and I would have to show our faces. When it comes to acting, I think I'm better than you."

Liang Sheng laughed and said, "Lao Qin, Lao Su, you don't have this chance anymore, just be a good audience."

Zheng Jie also smiled and said, "Yeah, you two just wait and enjoy our wonderful performance."

Qin Lie and Su Yilin shook their heads with great regret.

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