Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1880 kicked off

[Title: Little Farmer, Big Star Chapter 1880 Kicks off Author: In the Countryside]

Welcome to the latest chapter of Little Farmer and Big Star 2k Novel Network! The domain name of this site: the complete pinyin of "2k novel", it is easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: The goddess's close guard Wulian peak Wuxing Tianxuan gate choose the day to remember the eternal night king inverse scales the great master of the holy market Xueying lord a thought of the legend of the eternal dragon king Li Fan is indeed the most worthy of the world Responsible boss, he has not been to Xiaojianghu Studio for a long time.

During this period, I almost never asked about the studio. How many artists are signed by the studio now? How many crew members are there? How many other staff and so on, he didn't know.

Rao Qianqian wanted to report the situation of the studio to Li Fan, but this fellow asked people not to report, saying that with Rao Qianqian there, he was relieved of everything.

This made Rao Qianqian both moved and helpless. For such an unreliable boss, Li Fan is definitely the only one in this world.

Now, the unreliable boss is finally here.

Li Fan and his party arrived at Xiaojianghu Studio.

Seeing Rao Qianqian, who I haven't seen for a long time, is still as beautiful and in good shape, Li Fan said with a smile: "Qianqian, this is the first time for the four old men to come to our studio, you can find someone to bring them to get acquainted with them. "

Rao Qianqian agreed, then glanced at Li Fan with a blank eye, and muttered to herself, "Didn't you come here twice?"

After that, Rao Qianqian found a staff member to accompany the four old men to familiarize themselves with the studio, and Qin Yulin was also with him.

After the four old men and Qin Yulin left with the staff, Rao Qianqian said again: "Boss, Director Lin Xin has arrived, shall I ask him to see you now?"

Li Fan nodded and said, "Let him come now, this time is tight, we have to hurry up."

Lin Xin is the contract director of Xiaojianghu Studio, one of the two assistant directors of the last "Journey to the West" TV drama crew.

After the filming of "Journey to the West", Lin Xin has successively filmed some other works, and now he is able to take charge of himself.

Therefore, Li Fan decided to let Lin Xin direct the MV shooting this time.

Before that, he needed to tell Lin Xin his thoughts in detail.

Lin Xin saw Li Fan again. He was excited, excited, and very nervous. He listened to every word Li Fan said very seriously, for fear of missing a word.

After the conversation, Lin Xin said goodbye and left, and he was going to form his own crew.

This time, Li Fan asked to complete the shooting as soon as possible, and he did not dare to delay a little time.

After that, Li Fan met a number of actors, all of whom were contracted actors of the studio, and finally determined the actors of Linghu Chong and Ren Yingying.

The actor of Ren Yingying is Xia Xiaoyue who successfully played the role of Xu Xian in the TV series "Legend of the White Snake".

After finishing the filming of the TV series "Legend of the White Snake", Xia Xiaoyue signed a contract with Xiaojianghu Studio at the suggestion of Li Fan.

The beauty of Xia Xiaoyue, although not as beautiful as Su Qing and Qin Yulin, is an absolute beauty.

Letting her play the role of Ren Yingying will definitely amaze everyone.

And this is exactly what Li Fan needs.

And the actor who plays the role of Linghu Chong, called Wen Xu, has just signed a contract with Xiaojianghu Studio and is not well-known on the screen.

However, Wen Xu is not a fledgling rookie actor. He has been acting for many years and is still a powerful actor, but his reputation has never risen, and he has always been a sixth-tier star.

He knows that what he lacks is not strength, but opportunity, so he joined Xiaojianghu Studio through a series of processes, hoping to get opportunities in Xiaojianghu Studio.

Now, his opportunity has come, much faster and bigger than he imagined.

Therefore, in addition to being excited and excited, he is also very nervous now.


After deciding on the director and actors,

Li Fan left the studio alone, and he had to choose the shooting location himself.

After Li Fan left, Lin Xin also used the fastest time to form a crew.

This time, the filming of the mv of "The Swordsman" has officially started.


The filming work on Li Fan's side has officially started, and the outside world has never stopped discussing this small music festival.

A group of musicians are looking forward to Li Fan's works, and the rest of the people are also looking forward to the works of other musicians who want to compose a song, except for Li Fan's works.

So, who will be the first to launch their own work? Everyone is paying attention.

It stands to reason that Li Fan must be the first to launch the work.

As we all know, it may take days or even longer for other musicians to create a piece of work.

But for Li Fan, one or two hours might be enough.

Therefore, the first to launch the work must be Li Fan.

And, it doesn't take too long.

Only this time, everyone's judgment seemed to be wrong. Two days later, Li Fan did not respond.

Then, another two days passed, and Li Fan still didn't respond.

This made a lot of people secretly murmured, wondering why Li Fan hadn't released his works yet?

Could it be that even Li Fan felt that the creation this time was a little difficult? Haven't created a satisfactory work for a few days?

This is of course impossible. Li Fan may indeed find it a little difficult, but it is absolutely impossible to say that he has not created a satisfactory work after a few days.

No one would think so.

Then, there should be only one reason why Li Fan has not released his works.

That is, Li Fan deliberately waited until the end before launching his works.

This is of course a matter of course, Li Fan's work is the absolute finale, and it should be released at the end.

After I figured out the reason, everyone stopped whispering, but looked forward to the other musicians to release their works as soon as possible.

It's been a few days, and it should be almost finished.


Many musicians have indeed completed the creation of their own works. Some people are happy, and some people shake their heads helplessly and regretfully.

Li Fan's decision to launch his own work at the end also gave these musicians a sigh of relief.

They were afraid that Li Fan would launch his own works early. In that case, everyone would go to appreciate Li Fan's works, and maybe they didn't have much thought to appreciate their works.

Now, Li Fan wants to release his works at the end, so everyone can fully appreciate their works first, which is better.

In this case, let your work meet with everyone.

Different musicians have slightly different moods at this time.

People who are satisfied with their works are more excited and expected than anxious.

And those who are not satisfied with their work are more apprehensive than excited.

As for expectations, it's pretty much the same.

Everyone creates songs, so musicians also need to find singers to sing their works.

This is of course not a problem, every musician can find a suitable singer to sing his own works.

Recording is the last step for musicians to launch their own work.

Now, the musicians have completed the final step one after another and began to officially launch their own works.

This time, the small music festival finally kicked off.

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