Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1889 The answer is about to be revealed

[Book Title: Little Farmer, Big Star Chapter 1889 The answer will be revealed Author: In the Countryside]

Welcome to the latest chapter of Little Farmer and Big Star 2k Novel Network! The domain name of this site: the complete pinyin of "2k novel", it is easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: The Legend of the Dragon King, the Legend of the Ancient God, the King of Wulian, the Peak of Wulian, the Gate of the Five Elements, and the Gate of the Profound World The heated discussion of "Laugh", as well as speculation about the identity of the beautiful figure in the mv, is still going on.

Also, it doesn't mean to stop.

Everyone guessed and guessed, and in the end, there was still no convincing answer. If you want to know the correct answer, you can only find it in the next series of "Swordsman".

And the serialization of "Swordsman" has already continued.

After the "Swordsman of the Swordsman" was regarded as the "Evil Sword Technique", Linghu Chong, Yue Buqun, Yue Lingshan, and a group of disciples from the Huashan School left Luoyang.

On the way after that, various conflicts continued. Linghu Chong, who was already injured, became more serious and complicated.

Ping Yizhi, the first doctor in the rivers and lakes, the "famous murderer", wanted to heal Linghu Chong's injury, but in the end he was helpless.

Ping Yizhi is known as "a famous murderer", and to save one person, one must be killed.

But now, if he can't save Linghu Chong, what should he do?

In the end, Ping Yizhi chose to commit suicide. He couldn't save Linghu Chong, so he could only kill himself.

Otherwise, what kind of "killing doctor" is it?

This is what Ping Yizhi said by himself. Linghu Chong couldn't help but feel sad when he saw that Ping Yizhi died because of him.

A group of book fans also sighed in amazement. They seemed to understand, but at the same time, they did not understand the practice of Ping Yizhi, who was not good at treating people, so they chose to kill themselves.

In addition to Ping Yizhi, along the way, there were countless people from the rivers and lakes, who gave gifts of rare and secret medicines to help Linghu Chong heal.

Those people in the rivers and lakes are called "Linghu son", and they respect Linghu Chong, but they are quite disregard for Yue Buqun and others.

This made Linghu Chong a little confused about the situation. He didn't know those people in the rivers and lakes. Why did those people in the rivers and lakes act like this?

The fans of the book were also very stunned, and they were also confused about the situation.

In the end, people from all corners of the world gathered at Wubagang, and there were thousands of people.

Linghu Chong was drinking and having fun with them, but he was very comfortable, but he didn't care about his injuries.

However, for some unknown reason, the thousands of nobles dispersed in a hurry, walking cleanly, as if someone was coming, which made them very frightened, so they left in a hurry.

Not only did Qunhao leave, but Yue Buqun, Yue Lingshan and others also left without saying goodbye.

The Wubagang, which was very lively before, was left with only Linghu Chong in the blink of an eye, which made people feel very desolate.

However, someone came.

It was in the Green Bamboo Alley in Luoyang City that the Green Bamboo Weng called him "Auntie", and Linghu Chong called him "Mother-in-law".

There was nothing wrong with this title, Lu Bamboo's aunt had to be ninety years old anyway, so Linghu Chong should really call her "mother-in-law".

All the book fans were in high spirits when they saw "Mother-in-law" appearing again.

Some people have speculated before that this "mother-in-law" is actually not very old. She should be the beautiful woman who played the piano in the MV of "A Laugh in the Sea".

For this kind of statement, more people think that it is not reliable at all. The mother-in-law is the mother-in-law, how can she be a young and beautiful woman?

So, is it possible that the mother-in-law is the beautiful woman playing the piano in the MV?

The answer may be revealed.

So, all the book fans are all in high spirits.

The mother-in-law was playing the qin, and after Linghu Chong listened to it, the miserable mood just now slowly calmed down.

And at this moment, Shaolin sent Xin Guoliang and others,

Going to Wubagang to search the Demon Sect Yu Dang, hearing the sound of the piano, he thought it was the Demon Sect Yu Dang playing, and wanted to arrest him.

In order to prevent Xin Guoliang and others from harassing his mother-in-law, Linghu Chong tried his best to deal with Xin Guoliang and others, and finally drove Xin Guoliang and others away, but his own injury became more serious.

Afterwards, Linghu rushed to his mother-in-law to say goodbye, and thanked her mother-in-law for helping him calm down with the sound of the piano.

The mother-in-law said that Linghu Chong had just sacrificed her life to fight against the powerful enemy, so that she would not be humiliated by the disciples, so she should thank Linghu Chong.

After that, Linghu Chong asked her mother-in-law where she was going? Indicates that he is willing to escort him for a ride.

The mother-in-law said that she had a formidable adversary, and she found Luzhu Lane in Luoyang to embarrass her. Now that she has avoided it, she is afraid that her adversary will come after him again.

After hearing this, Linghu Chong said that no matter where his mother-in-law was going, he would escort her.

Her mother-in-law was happy, but she asked Linghu Chong to answer her one condition, that is, no matter what the circumstances, she was not allowed to look at her, not to look at her face, not to look at her body, or to look at her clothes. Shoes and socks, you can't even see her back.

If Linghu Chong couldn't do it, then she wouldn't want him to escort her.

Although Linghu Chong murmured in his heart why did his mother-in-law have such a request? But still agreed.

In this way, Linghu Chong was in front and her mother-in-law was behind, and the two walked towards the post.

Linghu Chong was muttering in his heart, and all the book fans were also muttering, this mother-in-law's requirements are too harsh and weird.

People kindly want to escort you, but you let them not see anything. Isn't this nonsense.

"However, in this case, this mother-in-law is indeed a bit weird." Many book fans thought so in their hearts.

"Could it be that she is really young? The reason why she made such strange and harsh requirements is to prevent Linghu Chong from knowing that she is not young? The guesses of a few people, shouldn't they be correct?" In the hearts of many people, such murmurs appeared again.

The mother-in-law was so eccentric and demanding that they had to start muttering.

Then, will Linghu Chong really never look at his mother-in-law?

If for various reasons, Linghu saw her mother-in-law under the circumstances.

So, the identity of this mysterious mother-in-law should be revealed, right?

In this way, the questions that everyone has guessed before should have answers.

Everyone is more energetic, and they are all full of expectations for the answers that may be revealed next!

Linghu Chong and his mother-in-law were laid off one after the other, and after walking for a while, they met dozens of people from all corners of the world.

These people had all gone to Wubagang before. Linghu Chong knew them well and was about to say hello, but found that dozens of people were all looking at him and shivering.

Linghu Chong didn't know why at first, but then he realized that those people should be very afraid of the mother-in-law behind him.

what's going on? Is the identity of the mother-in-law very scary?

Linghu Chong thought so in his heart, and all the book fans also thought so in their hearts.

Next, three of the dozens of people immediately stabbed their own eyes and said that they had been blind before and could not see anything.

The others also seemed to be going blind in their own eyes.

Linghu Chong was shocked, and hurriedly asked her mother-in-law to stop them from doing so.

The mother-in-law agreed, saying that there is a Panlong Island in the East China Sea, and let those people go to the island to play and return to the Central Plains after seven or eight years.

Those who heard it were overjoyed and ran away in an instant.

Linghu Chong was horrified, thinking that her mother-in-law would send them to a deserted island in the East China Sea with just one sentence, and they would not be allowed to come back for seven or eight years. Instead, those people rejoiced, as if they had been granted amnesty. Could it be that the mother-in-law is some kind of terrifying big devil?

Linghu Chong shuddered, and all the book fans said, "Sure enough."

The identity of the mother-in-law is not simple.

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