Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1890 Undefeated in the East

[Book Title: Little Peasants, Big Stars Chapter 1890, Undefeated in the East Author: In the Countryside]

Welcome to the latest chapter of Little Farmer and Big Star 2k Novel Network! The domain name of this site: the complete pinyin of "2k novel", it is easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: Superstar, Lord Xue Ying of the Holy Ruins, One Thought, Legend of the Eternal Dragon King It's not simple, and it's enough to make many people in the arena feel terrified.

It's just that the specific identity of the mother-in-law is still unknown, so I can only continue to look below.

Although Linghu Chong had many doubts in his heart, he still followed his promise, continued to escort his mother-in-law all the way, and walked in front of her without looking back.

After walking for a while, I met Xin Guoliang and others of the Shaolin School again, and there was another eminent monk of the Fangzi generation, Fang Sheng.

Fang Sheng is the younger brother of Fang Zheng, the head of the Shaolin School, and his martial arts must be extremely high.

The mother-in-law dodged and hid in the bushes aside, Linghu Chong greeted Fang Sheng and others.

After some conversation, Xin Guoliang, Huang Guobai and Jueyue, although their words were not polite, they were very angry, which made Linghu Chong quite impressed.

Xin Guoliang said that they had just seen a woman following Linghuchong, but now they are hiding, sneaking and acting suspiciously, and most of them are not good people.

Linghu Chong was a little annoyed after hearing this, and defended his mother-in-law. Yi Guozi asked Linghu Chong to call her mother-in-law out. Is it true? His uncle, Fangzheng, has no falsified eyes, and he knows it at first sight.

Linghu Chong naturally refused, and Fang Sheng also stopped him, saying how could his family insist on seeing their elders and daughters?

However, Yi Guozi suddenly stabbed the bush where her mother-in-law was hiding with a sword, intending to force her out.

Linghu Chong was startled, and Fang Sheng immediately stopped him, but to everyone's surprise, Yi Guozi bounced back quickly after jumping into the bushes, fell to the ground, and died.

Obviously, he was killed by his mother-in-law.

Xin Guoliang, Huang Guobai, and Jueyue shouted angrily in unison, each with their swords raised, and threw themselves towards the bushes. Fang Sheng, relying on his mother-in-law's way of killing Yi Guozi, recognized her mother-in-law as a man from Heimuya.

Linghu Chong was startled and said to himself, "Heimuya is the headquarters of the Demon Sect. Could it be that this mother-in-law is actually a senior in the Demon Sect?"

Demon senior? Fans of the book were also taken aback.

However, this seems to explain why those people in the rivers and lakes just now are so afraid of their mother-in-law.

If the mother-in-law is really a member of the Demon Sect, and her status is not low, it is indeed very likely that those in the arena will be so afraid.

And according to the reactions of the people in the arena, it can be proved that the mother-in-law should indeed be a person in the demon sect.

Moreover, the status is not low.

This is interesting.

Book fans are no strangers to the Demon Sect. The former Qu Yang was the Demon Sect elder.

Of course, the name of the Demon Sect is not called "Magic Sect", but the Sect of the Sun and the Moon.

Fang Sheng recognized that his mother-in-law was from Heimuya, and immediately stated that he had a relationship with the Eastern leader in the past. Now that my mother-in-law has shot and killed someone, the two sides are right and wrong. Today, I have to make a decision, and ask my mother-in-law why she doesn't show up to meet?

Linghu Chong was shocked again. He knew that the "Oriental Cult Master" that Fang Sheng called was the current leader of the Sun Moon God Cult, Dongfang Undefeated.

East is undefeated?

Hearing this name, all the book fans felt a burst of excitement, this name is really domineering.

It is almost the same as the previous loneliness and defeat.

One "seek defeat" and one "undefeated", the meanings seem to be different, but in fact they are the same, both mean invincible in the world.

Of course, there are also differences. "Seeking to lose" is the desire to lose, and the hope that someone can beat him.

The "undefeated" is more of a kind of self-confidence and arrogance. He is invincible in the world, and it is impossible for others to defeat him.

But anyway,

The name "Eastern Invincible" echoes the previous "Dugu seeking defeat".

And one thing is certain, that is, the character of Dongfang Invincible, just by virtue of the name "Dongfang Invincible", can become a classic character.

No matter what the identity of the Eastern Invincible is? Is it right evil? What did you do? More or less scenes? All will become classics.

Because his name is "Eastern Invincible", this is enough.

All are convinced of this.

Sometimes, it is so simple to create a classic character.

All the book fans sighed with emotion, worthy of being Gu Yongda, just a name has created a classic character.

And all the martial arts writers were even more emotional.

If they want to create a classic character, they often have to work hard, set the background, set the plot story, etc., and the success rate is still very low.

And what about Gu Yong? One name is enough.

This gap is too big.

A group of martial arts writers were emotional and helpless, and in the end they could only shake their heads.

Dongfang Undefeated, the leader of the Sun Moon God Sect, did not officially appear on the stage, nor did he have any description of his deeds. Just after Linghu Chong said his name, he has become a martial arts fan and a classic character in the minds of martial arts authors. .

This kind of treatment is something that the protagonist Linghu Chong has never experienced before. If Dongfang Invincible knows about this, I wonder if he will apply to the former old master Jin Yong and let him be the protagonist of this work?

The story continues.

Fang Sheng asked his mother-in-law to show up to meet her, but her mother-in-law ignored it, and Fang Sheng finally shot at her mother-in-law.

But Fang Sheng was a generation of eminent monks after all.

And the mother-in-law was ruthless, and even killed Xin Guoliang, Huang Guobai, and Jueyue three people in a row, Fang Sheng saw this, and finally moved the truth.

But he still did not kill, but wanted his mother-in-law to give up resistance, and then go back to Shaolin Temple with him.

Knowing that her mother-in-law was not Fang Sheng's opponent, Linghu Chong heard that her mother-in-law was short of breath, staggered, and could fall down at any time.

What Linghu Chong used was the Nine Swords of Dugu. Fang Sheng recognized the Nine Swords of Dugu, and said with emotion, he did not expect that the swordsmanship of senior Huashan Fengqingyang would still be inherited in the world. He had received Feng Qingyang's great kindness back then , today's things should no longer embarrass my mother-in-law.

Afterwards, Fang Sheng invited Linghu Chong to Shaolin, saying that Linghu Chong's injury cannot be cured by medicine and stone, and only by practicing profound internal skills can he save his life.

Linghu Chong respectfully thanked him.

After that, Fang Sheng gave Linghu Chong two holy medicines for healing, and recited the "Rebirth Mantra" for the four corpses including Jue Yue and Xin Guoliang.

In the end, Fang Sheng looked at the four corpses and said, "Four stinky skins can be buried or not. It is a hundred years away from this world."

Then leave slowly.

After Fang Sheng left, only Linghu Chong and his mother-in-law were left, and the situation at this time was different from before.

The mother-in-law was also injured by Fang Sheng.

Linghu Chong took one of the pills that Fang Sheng had left behind, and the other was given to her mother-in-law, but her mother-in-law refused to take it.

To this end, after some twists and turns, Linghu Chong accidentally rolled down the mountain stream along the ramp, rolled straight to the edge of the water stream, and fell into the water with a "thump" sound.

When her mother-in-law saw Linghuchong rolled down the mountain and fell into the water, she couldn't help but panic. Because she was injured and unable to move, she also rolled down the slope to the edge of the river, grabbed Linghuchong's vest, and picked up Linghuchong from the water.

Linghu Chong drank several sips of the water, and after calming down, he saw two reflections reflected in the clear water, one was himself, and the other was a young girl, only seventeen or eighteen years old, just right. Grab your vest.

Linghu Chong was dumbfounded, and all the book fans were also dumbfounded.

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