Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1891 Mr. Mei Zhuangren

[Book Title: Little Farmer, Big Star Chapter 1891, Mr. Mei Zhuangren Author: In the Countryside]

Welcome to the latest chapter of Little Farmer and Big Star 2k Novel Network! The domain name of this site: the complete pinyin of "2k novel", it is easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: The Secret Art of Appreciation Treasures, the Great Master of Inverse Scales, Lord Xue Ying of the Holy Ruins, The Legend of the Eternal Dragon King God comes.

It was obviously that mother-in-law who picked up Linghu Chong from the water, but why was the reflection in the water a young girl of seventeen or eighteen years old?

Then I realized that the mother-in-law was not really a "mother-in-law", she was just a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl.

It's no wonder that in the past, the mother-in-law was a little annoyed that Linghu Chong kept calling her "mother-in-law, mother-in-law", and even asked Linghuchong to call out less when he was okay.

And, in this way, the previous question finally has an answer.

The truth really will only be in the hands of a few people, and this sentence seems to be true.

There were a few people who had boldly guessed that the mother-in-law was not very old, and she should be the beautiful woman who played the qin who appeared in the MV.

Many more people are against it.

But now the answer is revealed, and it turns out that a few people's guesses are correct.

Not only was the mother-in-law not old at all, but she was also the most youthful twenty-eight years old, with a beautiful appearance.

In addition, this mother-in-law, um, it should be said that this girl once played the song "Swordsman" in the Green Bamboo Alley in Luoyang, which is enough to prove that this girl appeared in the MV. The beautiful woman who played the piano.

All the book fans once again sighed that the truth really only lies in the hands of a few people.

After sighing, there is one more thing that seems to be certain, that is, this girl is the real heroine.

Yue Lingshan, who was considered by everyone as the heroine and the younger sister, has now empathized and fell in love with her younger brother Lin Pingzhi, which once made book fans feel unhappy and regretful.

Now, seeing the appearance of this beautiful girl, the unhappiness and regret in the hearts of book fans have finally been swept away.

The book fans are excited, and the most excited book fans are naturally the few who guess that their mother-in-law is not very old.

They laughed excitedly, smugly, and showed off on the Internet.

"How is it? How is it? That mother-in-law is really the beautiful woman who plays the qin, right? I know it at a glance, but you still don't believe it. Now you know the truth of the matter?"

"Hey! I really don't understand why you always refused to believe it before? It seems that your insight needs to be strengthened!"

"Because my insight is too strong, I found the answer in advance but no one believed it. This is also a very distressing thing."

"Who said no?"


Inside and outside the words, the meanings expressed are all showing off and being proud, and this has made many other book fans read, but they can only say two words very helplessly: Se!

It is indeed quite shy, but whoever makes people guess the answer correctly, they have the capital to shy.

Many more book fans looked helplessly at those people, looking helpless.

Of course, I was also excited when I was helpless. An old woman has now become a beautiful girl in 2008, which can always make people feel excited.

Just imagine, Linghu Chong is followed by an old woman in her 70s and 80s, and a beautiful girl in her 28th year. Which picture is more beautiful?

The answer is naturally the latter.

So, book fans are excited.

In addition to the excitement, the fans suddenly thought of another question. According to the previous situation, everyone has come to a certain conclusion, that is, this girl is a member of the magic sect, and her martial arts skills are not low, and her status is also not low. .

It can even make many people in the rivers and lakes feel fear from the heart.

Before, everyone thought that "mother-in-law" was an old man in his seventies and eighties.

That's all.

But now, the "mother-in-law" has become a beautiful girl in 28 years old, and compared with her identity, it seems to be a little out of place.

It's not a big deal for such a girl to come from a demon sect, but her status is not low at such a young age, and it makes people feel fearful, which makes people feel strange.

So, what is the relationship between this girl and the demon leader Dongfeng Undefeated?

Could it be that she is the daughter of the Eastern Invincible?

There is indeed such a possibility, and only in this way can the identity of the girl be explained.

With such questions, a group of book fans continued to look below.

The girl also saw her own reflection in the water stream, and knew that Linghu Chong already knew that she was just a girl. She was still lying on Linghu Chong's back. She couldn't help being ashamed, struggling to stand up.

Unexpectedly, because of the injury, not only did he not stand up, but he fell into Linghu Chong's arms again, and he was even more ashamed now.

And a lot of book fans are quite excited to see it.

Next, the girl said that she was called "Yingying". From her words and deeds towards Linghu Chong, it could be seen that she already had a secret affection for Linghu Chong.

And Linghu Chong's affection for Yingying is also secretly growing.

Now they may have been a pair of immortals in the rivers and lakes.


Next, "Swordsman" will continue to be serialized one after another.

Linghu Chong and Yingying lived in that mountain stream for more than 20 days. Linghu Chong's injury worsened and he fainted for one day.

Yingying remembered what Master Fang Sheng said before, and sent Linghu Chong to the Shaolin Temple, but she was willing to be detained by the Shaolin Temple.

Linghuchong woke up in the Shaolin Temple, and the Shaolin abbot Fangzheng said that Linghuchong wanted to heal his injuries only by practicing Shaolin's supreme internal strength, the Classic of Yi Jin.

He was willing to let Linghu Chong practice the "Yi Jin Jing", but the "Yi Jin Jing" could never be passed on to his disciples, so Linghu Chong had to change his studies to Shaolin.

Linghu Chong was a disciple of Mount Hua and was unwilling to switch to Shaolin, so he thanked Master Fang Zheng for his kindness.

In fact, at this time, the head of Huashan, Yue Buqun, had already announced to the world that Linghuchong had been expelled from Huashan because of Linghuchong's friendship with the leftists.

Linghu Chong is no longer a disciple of Huashan, and he can completely join Shaolin.

However, Linghu Chong still did not choose to enter Shaolin, but because of this, he was a little disappointed. He felt that the world was too big, and there was no room for him. However, it also stimulated the arrogance in his heart.

Therefore, Linghu Chong worshipped Fang Zheng and Fang Sheng, and left Shaolin with great strides.

On the way, he met an old man in white, who was fighting against hundreds of people from the two sects, and he was not afraid.

Linghu admired in his heart, drew his sword to help, and helped the old man get out of trouble.

The old man's name was Xiang Wentian. He was a straightforward and forthright person. After learning that Linghu Chong was suffering from an incurable disease, he said that he would take Linghu Chong to a place where someone would definitely be able to heal Linghu Chong's injury.

That place is Tangzhou Meizhuang.

Xiang Wentian and Linghu rushed to Meizhuang, and Linghu Chong listened to Xiang Wentian's arrangement one by one.

Xiang Wentian said frankly that Linghu Chong had concealed the matter, and he would make it clear to Linghu Chong afterwards.

Meizhuang has the "Four Friends in the South of the Yangtze River", and Xiang Wentian does what he likes and seduces the "Four Friends" with Linghu's sword competition with treasures of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting.

If the "Four Friends" wins, they will send treasures of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting.

In the end, the "Four Friends" lost to Linghu Chong, but they were very eager to get the treasures that Xiang Wentian brought. After some discussion, they said that there is another person in Mei Zhuang who can definitely beat Linghu Chong.

The man was imprisoned in the underground secret room of Meizhuang, and the "Four Friends" called him "Mr. Ren".

The "Four Friends" took Linghu Chong into the secret room and competed with Mr. Ren.

Mr. Ren refused at first, but in the conversation between the few people, they got interested in Linghu Chong's swordsmanship from Huashan Fengqingyang, and agreed to compare swords.

The stronger the Dugu Nine Swords, the stronger the enemy, the more subtle the swordsmanship Linghu Chong used.

Linghu Chong's opponent at this time, Mr. Ren, is an earth-shattering figure in today's martial arts. The strength of his martial arts has reached a realm unbelievable to ordinary people. .

If Dugu Qiuqiu is resurrected, or if Feng Qingyang comes in person, you should be very happy to meet such an opponent.

Seeing such a scene, all the book fans were once again excited.

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