Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1892 dizzying excitement

[Title: Little Farmer, Big Star, Chapter 1892: Dizzying Wonderful Author: In the Countryside]

Welcome to the latest chapter of Little Farmer and Big Star 2k Novel Network! The domain name of this site: the complete pinyin of "2k novel", it is easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: Legend of Qingyun Straight to the Dragon King Legend of Taikoo God King Wulian Peak Five Elements Tianxuanjie Gate of the Heavenly Profound Realm Selection of the Heavens Record of the Eternal Night King Ni scales Great Ruler Shengxu Xue Ying Lord The fans are once again excited, they know this Mr. Ren, he must be Will be a great man.

The article said that he was "an earth-shattering figure in today's martial arts. The strength of martial arts has reached a realm unbelievable to ordinary people."

So, why is a person with such a high level of martial arts imprisoned at the bottom of this Meizhuang Lake?

Who imprisoned him again?

As mentioned in the previous article, the person who imprisoned him here is not the four friends of Meizhuang, and the four friends absolutely do not have the ability.

In addition, after Linghu Chong expressed his desire to help Mr. Ren get out of trouble, the four friends said that if Linghu Chong knew the reason, he would not want to help Mr. Ren get out of trouble.

Because once Mr. Ren is released from here, the world will be turned upside down in the martial arts, and I don't know how many people will be killed, and there will be no peace in the rivers and lakes from now on.

And Mr. Ren also readily admitted, saying that once he gets out of trouble, there will indeed be no peace in the arena.

All these show a problem, that is, this Mr. Ren is definitely not a simple character.

So? What is the identity of Mr. Ren? Why was he imprisoned at the bottom of this Meizhuang Lake? Who is imprisoning him?

All of these make book fans extremely curious and eager to know the answer.

Also, Xiang Wentian said that there was a person in Mei Zhuang who would definitely be able to heal Linghu Chong's injury. Could it be this Mr. Ren? He knew Mr. Ren and knew that Mr. Ren was trapped at the bottom of Meizhuang Lake?

All kinds of questions linger in the minds of book fans.

Then continue to look below.

After Linghu Chong and that Mr. Ren finished the sword competition, Mr. Ren suddenly let out a long whistle, and Linghu Chong gradually lost consciousness. When he woke up, he found that he was actually imprisoned in the cell, just like Mr. Ren before.

what's going on? Linghu Chong didn't understand it, and neither did the book fans.

Linghu Chong thought that the four friends of Mei Zhuang had imprisoned him, but then he slowly realized that things didn't seem to be what he thought.

He found this handwriting on the bedside of the prison cell, "This old man has been happy and grudged in his life, murdering people like hemp, and being imprisoned at the bottom of the lake is also a due reward. Only the old man lets me get trapped..."

This is obviously left by the people who were imprisoned here before, but I don't know if I can do it, is it the previous Mr. Ren?

In the handwriting, the person who claimed to be my own person also said that he has a set of magical exercises engraved here.

Linghu Chong didn't believe that he had practiced it, and that magic power could be used in the world, but he had nothing to do in the prison cell, so he practiced according to the law.

I don't know if it's because his comprehension is too strong, or if there is such a chance, then what kind of magic has been mastered by him.

Later, one of Meizhuang's four friends, Heihezi, came to ask Mr. Ren to pass on his magic, and Linghuchong got out of trouble.

After getting out of trouble, Linghu Chong returned to Meizhuang and met Xiang Wentian, Mr. Ren and others, and all the previous questions were finally revealed.

It turned out that the person who claimed to be Ren Woxing in the cell was the same Mr. Ren who had competed with Linghu Chong before.

Ren Woxing was the former leader of the Sun Moon God Sect, and the then Dongfang Invincible was Ren Woxing's subordinate.

Ren Woxing trusts Dongfang Invincible very much, but Dongfang Invincible has wolf ambitions and usurps the position of Ren Woxing's leader while Ren Woxing is concentrating on the practice of attracting stars.

And he imprisoned Ren Wuxing in a cell at the bottom of Meizhuang Lake, and ordered four friends of Meizhuang to be responsible for guarding him. One prisoner is twelve years.

Ren Woxing was engraved in the prison cell, and the magical skill that Linghu Chong learned by chance was a star attraction.

Xiang Wentian is the left envoy of the Sun Moon God Sect. Twelve years ago, Ren Woxing suddenly disappeared.

Dongfang Invincible usurped the throne, Xiang Wentian knew that something was wrong, so he perfunctory with Dongfang Invincible, while secretly inquiring about Ren Woxing's whereabouts.

Only recently did I find out that Ren Wexing was trapped at the bottom of Meizhuang Lake, so he tried to rescue him.

It was Xiang Wentian's plan to lure the four friends of Meizhuang and Linghu Chong to compare swords with treasures of calligraphy and painting.

He knew that the four were not Linghu Chong's opponents, but he was very obsessed with those treasures. He would definitely let Ren Wuxing, who was imprisoned at the bottom of the lake, compete with Linghu Chong. As long as Linghu Chong saw Ren Wuxing, Ren Wuxing would be able to escape.

This is indeed the case, and let us escape successfully.

But this made Linghu Chong imprisoned at the bottom of the lake for more than two months. However, Linghu Chong also learned to attract stars and healed his injuries, which was a blessing in disguise.

As Ren Woxing said, Linghu Chong helped him get out of trouble and suffered from two months of imprisonment, but he also learned the star attraction he left behind and healed his original incurable injuries. The two can offset each other. , No one has to think about owing each other a favor.

Of course, having said that, Ren Woxing and Xiang Wentian were still quite apologetic to Linghu Chong, and apologized to Linghu Chong for a toast.

The two of them came to Meizhuang today with the intention of saving Linghu Chong out, but they never thought that Ling Hu Chong had already escaped from the predicament.

So, they are drinking now.

And what Xiang Wentian originally said was that Mei Zhuang would definitely have someone who could heal Linghu Chong's injury, and he really meant letting me go.

His original plan was to ask Ren Woxing to teach Linghu Chong to suck the stars after he rescued Ren Wuxing from the predicament to help him heal his wounds.

It's just that Linghu Chong was already in the prison cell, and he learned to attract stars, something Xiang Wentian had never thought of before.

Xiang Wentian concealed from Linghu Chong the matter of saving Ren Wu Xing, which was not right, but he had made it clear before that he had concealed something from Linghu Chong, and that he would wrong Linghu Chong for a long time, and he would explain the guilt to Ling Hu Chong in the future, and Ling Hu Chong agreed.

This is by no means unacceptable.

Moreover, Xiang Wentian really had the intention to save Linghu Chong's life.

Therefore, after Linghu Chong knew the truth, he was not surprised at all, nor was there any surprise in the hearts of all the book fans.


By chance, Linghu Chong learned to attract stars and healed the original incurable injury. All kinds of questions related to "Mr. Ren" have now been answered.

Therefore, the mood of the book fans is extremely comfortable now.

On the Internet, fans of the book are talking about it.

"Wonderful! It's wonderful! There are so many wonderful things to see. Now that the former teacher of the Demon Sect has returned to the rivers and lakes, the rivers and lakes are definitely more lively. However, I still hope that there will be no bloody storms."

"It turns out that there is such a story about the leader of the demon sect, Dongfang Invincible. Now the former teacher, Wuxing, has returned to the arena and will definitely regain the position of the leader. It looks good now. I don't know about Dongfang Invincible and Ren Woxing , Whose martial arts is stronger?"

"As mentioned in the previous article, Dongfang Undefeated's martial arts is known as the number one in the world, but now the description of Ren Woxing martial arts is, 'It has reached an unimaginable realm'. Who is stronger and who is weaker? However, I personally think that the East Invincible should be stronger."

"Perhaps, after all, the name 'Dongfang Invincible' is not called for nothing. However, the name 'Ren Wo Xing' is not simple, and it is equally domineering and conceited. It is worth watching."

"Gu Yong's great pen-sealing work still maintains the same level of excellence as before. Alas! Why did it seal the pen?"

"Yeah, the higher the level of "Swordsman", the more people will feel regret and pity for Gu Yong's big pen."

"No way, this is Gu Yongda, let's enjoy it, the rest of "Swordsman"."

"That's all it takes."


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