Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1894 not going to explain

[Book Title: Little Farmer, Big Star Chapter 1894 I don't plan to explain Author: In the Countryside]

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In the book, the rest of the people were also very curious after letting us say this. They also wanted to know who the three and a half people who Ren Wexing admired and did not admire were.

Someone asked, "Mr. Ren, who else do you admire?"

Ren Woxing said that that person was not among the people he admired, nor was he among the people he did not admire.

He also said that if that person had been practicing martial arts for 30 years, he might not be able to admire him.

After everyone heard it, they realized that it was extremely difficult to let Ren Ixing not admire him.

In this way, everyone became more and more interested in the three and a half people who Ren Woxing admired and disliked.

And Ren Wuxing did not continue to sell off the key, and then continued to talk to Master Fang Zheng, saying that Master Fang Zheng studied the "Yi Jin Jing", and the internal and external skills have reached the realm of transformation, but he is kind and humble, not as arrogant as he is. He has always admired it.

Among the three and a half people whom Ren Woxing admires, Master Fang Zheng is one of them. Everyone already knows this, and everyone is waiting for Ren Woxing's next post.

Ren Wuxing continued, but among the people he admired, Master Fang Zheng was not ranked first, but only ranked second. The person who ranked first was Dongfang Undefeated, who had won his position as the leader of the Sun Moon God Cult.

East is undefeated?

All the people at the scene were greatly surprised, as were all the book fans.

Dongfang Invincible seized the position of the leader of Ren Woxing, and imprisoned Ren Woxing at the bottom of Meizhuang Lake for 12 years. It stands to reason that Ren Woxing should hate Dongfang Invincible to the core.

But I never thought that Dongfang Invincible was the person Ren Wuxing admired the most.

Perhaps seeing everyone's surprise, Ren Woxing explained: "This old man has high martial arts skills, and is extremely alert, but the world is no longer able to resist, but unexpectedly, he has the undefeated way of the East and almost died. At the bottom of the lake, you will never be able to turn over. Dongfang is so powerful, why doesn't this old man admire him?"

Ren Wuxing said this, everyone is right, Dongfang Invincible is indeed a very capable person, and Ren Wexing admires him the most, which is also reasonable.

A group of book fans also nodded their heads, and now they also felt that the person Ren Wuxing admired the most should indeed be Dongfang Invincible.

It is Dongfang Invincible again, Dongfang Invincible has not yet officially appeared, but their deeds have been constantly mentioned.

This kind of treatment is not something that ordinary characters can enjoy. It seems that Gu Yong attaches great importance to the character of Dongfang Invincible.

A group of book fans thought so in their hearts, and they became more interested in Eastern Invincibility.

Of course, what book fans want to know most now is, who is the other person who I admire?

Ren Woxing continued to say that the third person he admired was the top master of the Huashan faction today.

Ren Wexing said this, everyone in the book thought that Ren Wexing was talking about Yue Buqun, but the fans of the book were enlightened. They knew that Ren Wexing should not be talking about Yue Buqun, but the teaching of Linghu Chong Dugu Jiu. The wind of the sword is clear.

The fact is as expected, Ren Woxing said that Yue Buqun is still far behind, and what he admires is the old gentleman Fengqingyangfeng, who has a good swordsmanship. To say that Mr. Feng Lao's swordsmanship is much better than him is beyond his reach. He admires it wholeheartedly, and it is absolutely true.

Sure enough, it was Feng Qingyang, and all the book fans were very happy. They liked Feng Qingyang very much. Now they know that Feng Qingyang is one of the three and a half people that Ren Wuxing admires the most, they are naturally happy.

So, who is the remaining half of the people I admire?

It is the head of Wudang Chongxu Daoist.

Let me say,

Daoist Chongxu's martial arts is extremely high, and the Tai Chi sword of Wudang school is also unique and exquisite, and Daoist Chongxu himself is pure and self-love, and he doesn't care about gossip on the rivers and lakes, which he admires very much.

However, Daoist Chongxu can't teach his disciples, and there are no outstanding talents in Wudang's family. After Dao Chongxu returns to the west, the unique art of Taiji swordsmanship will be lost.

Moreover, although the swordsmanship of Chongxu Daochang is high, he may not be able to beat him.

Because of this, he only admires Dao Chongxu by half.

Since then, the answers of the three and a half people whom I admired have been revealed, namely: Dongfang Invincible, Master Fang Zheng, Feng Qingyang, and half Daoist Chongxu.

Fans of the book have been raving about it.

And who are the three and a half people who Ren Wexing does not admire?

Fans can't wait to look down.

Among the three and a half people Ren Wuxing did not admire, the first was Zuo Lengchan, the head of the Songshan faction.

Ren Woxing said to Zuo Lengchan, "You have great martial arts skills and deep scheming, which suits the old man's spleen and stomach very well. If you want to merge the Wuyue Sword Sect, you have to compete with Shaolin and Wudang. You are sneaking around and arranging all kinds of intrigues and tricks, which are not the actions of a hero and hero, but they are very disgusting."

After hearing this, Zuo Lengchan said that he was flattered.

The book fans nodded slowly, Zuo Lengchan is indeed not a simple character, all kinds of ambitions have gradually surfaced, and all kinds of conspiracies are emerging one after another, which can be regarded as a heroic figure.

It is not surprising that he became the person Ren Wuxing most admired.

So, who are the next two and a half people? Fans continue to look down impatiently, wanting to know the answer as soon as possible.

However, after looking at it for a while, they did not find the answer.

After Ren Woxing said that Zuo Lengchan was the person he least admired, Zuo Lengchan sneered and said, "Your Excellency, are you procrastinating, or are you waiting for help?"

Ren Woxing said with the same sneer, "Do you want to rely on more to win and besiege the three of us?"

After that, the two sides fought each other for a while, and the three of Ren Woxing wanted to leave. Master Fang Zheng, Daoist Chongxu, and Zuo Lengchan wanted to let the three of Ren Woxing stay in Shaoshi Mountain.

In this way, a fierce battle is inevitable, and it will leave endless troubles for both sides.

In the end, Chong Xu Dao came up with an idea, that is, the two sides will have three people to compete, and until the point is reached, they will not hurt their lives and win two of the three battles.

If the three of us are victorious, they will let the three of us go down the mountain as soon as possible.

But if one of them wins, the three of us will stay on the Shaoshi Mountain for ten years, and will not be allowed to go down the mountain.

Ren Wexing agreed to Chong Xu Dao's idea.

Three people from each side competed.

The next match between the two sides is just the beginning.

In the first competition, Master Fang Zheng played against Ren Wuxing. As a result, Ren Wuxing took advantage of Master Fang Zheng's compassion to make Fraud win Master Fang Zheng.

In the second game after that, Ren Woxing played against Zuo Lengchan. For some reasons, Zuo Lengchan narrowly won.

Both sides won one game each, and the last game became the key.

In the last match, Xiang Wentian had originally fought against Xu Daochang, but Ren Wexing called out Linghu Chong, who had been hiding in the dark, and let Linghu Chong represent them in the third match.

As a result, Daoist Chongxu voluntarily conceded defeat, saying that he could not win against Linghu Chong, because a few days ago, he had a fight with Linghu Chong, and he lost at that time.

In this way, any side of our line won the test and could go down the mountain freely.

And at this time, the book still hasn't explained the people who I can't admire, except Zuo Lengchan, who are the remaining two and a half people?

Could it be that Gu Yong is not going to explain it?

A group of book fans were not reconciled, and continued to look back for a long time, but still did not find any relevant answers.

At this time, everyone finally determined that Guyong did not intend to explain, who are the remaining two and a half people?

This peat is too grassy, ​​and it makes everyone's hearts hang, and they can't let go.


On the Qixi Festival, I hope everyone who has a lover or who doesn't have a lover will be happy. Believe that if you don't have a lover, you will soon have a lover.

The author is the same. Although he is alone, he must be equally happy.

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