Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1896 Another set of answers

[Title: Little Farmer, Big Star, Chapter 1896, Another Set of Answers Author: In the Countryside]

Welcome to the latest chapter of Little Farmer and Big Star 2k Novel Network! The domain name of this site: the complete pinyin of "2k novel", it is easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: Diablo: Destruction, Lord Xue Ying, One Thought of the Eternal Dragon King Who is the third-ranked person?

In my opinion, the third place should be Xiang Wentian.

Xiang Wentian's martial arts are extremely high, and he is extremely smart. He is the only one who discovered the Dongfang Invincible Conspiracy, but he has been holding back and secretly investigated Ren Woxing's whereabouts.

It can be seen that the city's palace is very deep and invisible. He has been hiding for twelve years and finally found the place where Ren Woxing was imprisoned. After that, he cleverly used Linghu Chong to rescue Ren Woxing successfully.

From this, it can be seen that Ren Woxing should be extremely admired by Xiang Wentian.

However, Xiang Wentian has the same problem as Linghu Chong, that is, although he is smart and extremely capable, he has no ambition or ambition.

Such a person, Ren Woxing is obviously extremely disdainful.

To sum up, Ren Wexing's disapproval of Xiang Wentian is higher than his admiration for Xiang Wentian.

Therefore, Xiang Wentian is also a person who Ren Ixing does not admire, ranking third.

In the end, who is the half-person that Ren Ixing does not admire?

I think it's his daughter, Ren Yingying.

Ren Yingying was involved in the sinister rivers and lakes at a young age, and became the saint of the Sun and Moon Divine Sect, which made all those who were left and right in the rivers and lakes terrified.

She is stubborn and decisive in her work, and she is ruthless and ruthless towards the enemy. Although her martial arts is not top, she is enough to become a first-class master, and her intelligence is not inferior to any master in the world.

Ren Yingying's style of doing things is obviously quite in line with Ren Wuxing's spleen and stomach. For such a daughter, Ren Wuxing is proud and admired.

But Ren Yingying also has an obvious weakness, that is, he is too obsessed with the word "love".

Although a girl always wants to be in love, she has to admit that if she is entangled by the word "love", she will still not be as ruthless and decisive as before in handling many things.

This point is definitely not in line with Ren Wuxing's spleen and stomach, and it also makes Ren Wuxing extremely despised and admired.

Therefore, all in all, Ren Yingying can be regarded as someone who Ren Ixing does not admire.

But no matter what, Ren Yingying is always Ren Wexing's daughter, so Ren Wexing's dislike of Ren Yingying can only be regarded as half.

Then, my answer is very clear. The three and a half people who Ren Woxing does not admire are: Zuo Lengchan, Linghu Chong, Xiang Wentian, and Ren Yingying (half).

Of course, this only represents my personal opinion, and everyone is welcome to discuss and comment. "

As soon as Yang Qiming's Weibo was published, it quickly set off a heated discussion on the Internet.

If you only look at Yang Qiming's answer, many people would disagree, especially when Yang Qiming ranked Linghu Chong second, many people thought it was impossible.

Linghu Chong is the protagonist, how could Ren Wuxing not admire the number one expert in the world from now on? It should be very admirable.

But after carefully reading Yang Qiming's explanation and reasons, those people couldn't help but think again, "I'm rubbing it! It seems that it really makes sense."

Linghu Chong is free and unrestrained, has no ambition, has no interest in the position of the leader of the Sun Moon God Cult, and does not want to dominate the arena. These are not shortcomings, but for Ren Woxing, these are fatal shortcomings. It's definitely disrespectful to such a person.

Then, Ren Woxing dislikes Linghu Chong more than he admires Linghu Chong. It was only natural that Linghu Chong became a person that Ren Wuxing did not admire.

As for Ren Yingying, after reading Yang Qiming's explanation and analysis, he also felt that there was some truth to it.

Fans are talking about it.

"Mr. Yang Qiming ranked Linghu Chong second, which makes sense."

"Yeah, I really never thought that Linghu Chong would actually be on the list, and ranked second. But after reading Mr. Yang Qiming's analysis and reasons, I have to admit that it really makes sense."

"I was also very surprised that Ren Yingying was on the list, but after reading the analysis and reasons, I also felt that there was nothing wrong with it."

"Well, it seems that most people still agree with this statement."

"Everyone's confirmation is OK, but obviously there are still people who will have different answers, let's continue to wait and see."



It is true that some people have given different opinions, such as Jian Yishen.

Jian Yishen wrote on his Weibo: "After reading Mr. Yang Qiming's ranking analysis, I think Mr. Yang Qiming's analysis is very reasonable and convincing. However, my views and Mr. Yang Qiming's views are somewhat different.

I will also share my views, in order to discuss with you.

The number one is Zuo Lengchan, which is clearly explained by Mr. Gu Yong in the book, so we won't talk about it.

In the second place, I have the same answer as Mr. Yang Qiming. I also think it should be Linghu Chong. Mr. Yang Qiming has already analyzed it very clearly, and I will not repeat it.

Now let me focus on the third person, I think it should be Yue Buqun.

Many people may object, saying that he has done more than once, expressing disdain for Yue Buqun, and saying that Yue Buqun is far behind, and Yue Buqun is definitely not eligible to be included in the list.

But let's think about it from another angle, let me act repeatedly, expressing disdain for Yue Buqun?

If Yue Buqun was really a dispensable and insignificant figure in Ren Wexing's heart, Ren Wexing would not have been able to express his disdain over and over again.

He should just ignore Yue Buqun directly.

But in fact, Ren Wuxing did not ignore Yue Buqun, which shows that he is concerned about the character of Yue Buqun.

Moreover, they are very sure of Yue Buqun's hypocrite. He used to say, 'Yes, yes. Is the head of the Huashan faction still Yue Buqun? This man has a serious face, but unfortunately I was busy at first, and then I was conspiratorial, otherwise his mask would have been torn off. ’

In fact, this is indeed the case. Although Yue Buqun's martial arts at this time are not very high, he is insidious and cunning, ambitious, profound in life, and clever in disguise, and he may even be confused by himself.

This has some similarities with the Dongfang Invincible that Ren Woxing admires the most.

For such a person, Ren Ixing is admirable.

In addition, no matter what, Linghu Chong is indeed Yue Buqun's apprentice. Yue Buqun's own martial arts is not very high, but he has taught Linghu Chong, who is extremely high in martial arts.

Although Linghu Chong's martial arts are so high that he has nothing to do with Yue Buqun, the fact that Linghu Chong is Yue Buqun's apprentice is indeed a fact.

This can at least prove that Yue Buqun has a very accurate vision in choosing his apprentices, which obviously can make Ren Wuxing admire.

But since Yue Buqun has always appeared as a hypocrite, and his martial arts skills are not high, it can only make Ren Wuxing not admire.

Therefore, I think the third person should be Yue Buqun.

Next, is the remaining half.

I think it should be Yue Buqun's wife, Ning Zhongze.

Ren Woxing was very disdainful of Yue Buqun, but he always praised Ning Zhong. The wind is always the same, and you are the same child. There is also a "Huashan Jade Girl" Ning...Ning or something. Ah, yes, it's called Ning Zhongze. This little girl is also generous and heroic. She is a person. It's a pity that she married Yue Buqun, and a flower was inserted in the cow dung. "

After that, he expressed his appreciation to Ning Zhongze many times.

Ning Zhong, as a woman and a member of the Huashan faction, let Ren Woxing express his appreciation more than once. It can be seen that Ren Woxing admires Ning Zhong.

But Ning Zhong is married to the hypocrite Yue Buqun, which shows that her eyes are not good at seeing people, which makes Ren Wuxing very disdainful.

Then, Ning Zhong was honored on the list and became one of the people that Ren Wuxing did not admire.

However, since her martial arts are not good after all, she can only let Ren Wuxing not admire half of them, ranking last.

Well, my answer has also come out.

They are: Zuo Lengchan, Linghu Chong, Yue Buqun, Ning Zhongze (half).

The above is my answer and analysis. Of course, it only represents my personal opinion. Comments and discussions are welcome. "

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