Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1897 The purpose of taking advantage of the heat has been achieved

[Book Title: Little Farmer, Big Star Chapter 1897, the purpose of taking advantage of the heat to achieve Author: In the Countryside]

Welcome to the latest chapter of Little Farmer and Big Star 2k Novel Network! The domain name of this site: the complete pinyin of "2k novel", it is easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: Infinite Evolution Primordial God King Wu Lian Peak Five Elements The Gate of the Profound World God's answer is naturally another heated debate.

"Yue Buqun is indeed a hypocrite, and he feels more and more hypocrite, but he disguises himself very well, and it is indeed not impossible for Ren Ixing to not admire him."

"I always feel that Yue Buqun is not a simple character. At the end, it may surprise us. Jian Yishen ranks him as the third person who Ren Ixing does not admire, which is indeed quite convincing."

"The remaining half is Ning Zhongze, which is very surprising. However, after reading the analysis and reasons, I have to admit that Jian Yishen's analysis is indeed reasonable."

"Mr. Yang Qiming and Jian Yishen's answers are different from four characters, but their analysis is very reasonable. Why do I suddenly feel that anyone may be someone who Ren Ixing does not admire. ?"

"Naturally, it is impossible for anyone. However, many characters can analyze the reasons why Ren Ixing does not admire. This is true."

"Yeah, I can guarantee that there will be different answers from time to time. Moreover, there are convincing reasons."

"It's more lively with talent, isn't it?"

"That's right, this will make it more lively."



The fans of the book are indeed right. After Yang Qiming and Jian Yishen, the rest of the famous celebrities and martial arts experts also gave their answers on their own Weibo.

Compared with the answers of Yang Qiming and Jian Yishen, some of their answers were different from one person, some were different from two people, and some were different from one person.

For example, Ye Ye Wusheng believes that the three and a half people who do not admire should be: Zuo Lengchan, Xiang Wentian, Jiefeng, and Chongxu (half).

Zuo Lengchan and Xiang Wentian don't need to talk about it anymore, the key is to solve the wind and rush to the virtual.

As the leader of the beggar gang, Xie Feng's martial arts are very high. This can be seen from the fact that he let Linghu Chong look at the "engraving" on the pillar.

"The beggar gang leader Xie Feng suddenly said: 'Linghu Chong, come and look at these words.' Linghu Chong stood up, followed his finger and looked behind a wooden pillar, and saw three lines of characters engraved on the pillar. The line is: 'There is someone behind the plaque.' The second line is: 'I will pull him down.' The third line is: 'Wait a minute, this person's internal strength is both good and evil, I don't know whether it is a friend or an enemy.' Each line goes deep into the column , Mu Xinlu, was carved on the pillar by Master Fang Zheng and Xie Feng with their fingers. Linghu Chong was very surprised."

Even Linghu Chong was amazed. He was naturally very high in Jiefeng martial arts, and Ren Woxing would definitely admire him.

But Xiefeng's martial arts are so high, but his reputation in the arena is not large. This may be because Xiefeng is indifferent to fame and fortune, or it may be that he is not good at making a name for himself.

And no matter what the reason is, Ren Ixing will definitely not admire it.

Therefore, Xiefeng is on the list, ranking third.

As for the last half, why is it redemption? That's easy.

Ren Woxing only admires half of the rush, so naturally he doesn't admire the remaining half of the rush.

Therefore, the half that Ren Ixing does not admire is also Chongxu.

It is indeed very reasonable to say that it makes people speechless and unable to refute. And Chongxu also became a famous figure on both lists.

Another example, Wolong believes that the three and a half people who do not admire should be: Zuo Lengchan, Linghu Chong, Xiang Wentian, and Yue Buqun (half).

The answer of a big stroke is: Zuo Lengchan, Xiangtianwen, Mo Da, Chongxu (half).

The answer of the crescent moon is: Zuo Lengchan, Linghu Chong, Yue Buqun, Ren Yingying (half).


In addition, there are many famous celebrities and famous martial arts experts who all gave their own answers.

Although their answers are different, they mainly focus on a few characters, including Linghu Chong, Xiang Wentian, Ren Yingying, Yue Buqun, Ning Zhongze, Xie Feng, Mo Da, Chong Xu, etc.

However, Lippo also believes that the remaining two and a half people may not have officially appeared in the book, at least not yet.

There may be an official appearance in the future, but it is also possible that he will never officially appear, and will only pass the mouths of other people to let people know that they exist, and they are indeed people in the martial arts who are still alive today.

This statement of Lipa has also been unanimously recognized by the outside world.

Those who have not officially played yet may also be those whom Ren Wexing does not admire, just like Dongfang Invincible, who has not yet officially appeared, is the person Ren Wexing admires the most.

However, if it is really a character who has not officially appeared, then it is impossible for people to guess.

Of course, this is just a possibility.

Moreover, the possibility is still relatively small. More likely, it should still be among the popular candidates on the list.

But in any case, the topic of this speculation is very hot. Not only book fans, martial arts authors, and celebrities have speculated, but many media have also expressed very strong interest in it.

Major media have reported on this one after another. While reporting, the major media did not forget to give their own answers, and they themselves became participants.

This report and participation of major media has made the already very lively event even more lively.

This also makes people from all walks of life feel that the influence of Gu Yong's martial arts works is really too great.


Great Martial Arts Magazine.

Jian Yishen is very excited now. His answer this time has been recognized by many people. Book fans have been discussing his answer, which makes his answer very popular.

This time, his goal of taking advantage of Guyong's enthusiasm has been completely achieved.

Wang Yang was also happy for Jian Yishen and said, "Xiao Tang, you did a good job. After this, the number of fans of your book should increase by a wave. Competitiveness is very important. At that time, all martial arts writers will definitely exert their strength, and the competition will be much crueler than now."

Jian Yishen nodded, he naturally understood this.

In the current martial arts novel world, there is a big mountain of Guyong pressing on it. When the big mountain of Guyong is gone, it will definitely burst out in an instant, and it will be much more competitive than it is now.

In fact, there are many martial arts writers who are secretly preparing their own works. They all plan to launch them quickly after the official closing of Gu Yong to seize more markets.

Jian Yishen is also preparing such a work.

Everyone is ready to go, and the competitiveness at that time is so great, you can imagine.

Now, the answer given by Jian Yishen is very popular, and it will definitely attract a group of book fans. At that time, it will undoubtedly be more competitive and can seize more markets.

Jian Yishen was naturally excited.

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