Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1898 reveals weirdness

[Book Title: Little Farmer, Big Star Chapter 1898 reveals weirdness Author: In the Countryside]

Welcome to the latest chapter of Little Farmer and Big Star 2k Novel Network! The domain name of this site: the complete pinyin of "2k novel", it is easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: The Nine Heavens God Emperor Chooses the Heavens: The Eternal Night King, the Great Ruler of the Holy Ruins, Xue Ying, and the Legend of the Eternal Dragon King.

Li Fan is not surprised that the outside world is so interested in the question of who the other two and a half people are who Ren Wuxing does not admire.

In fact, Li Fan and they were in the same mood, and Li Fan also wanted to know, who are the remaining two and a half people?

Even now, Li Fan wanted to know.

But this question is destined to be an eternal mystery. In the previous life, Mr. Jin Yong did not explain it in the book. Who are the remaining two and a half people?

This question once made many martial arts fans in previous lives feel regretful and uncomfortable, including Li Fan.

Li Fan was "pitted" by the old man Jin Yong in his previous life.

Now, he "pit" many people in this world.

This made Li Fan's heart a little funny and proud.

Many book fans, martial arts authors, and celebrities have left messages under Gu Yong's Weibo, asking who the remaining two and a half people are?

To this, Li Fan could only reply uniformly: "I'm very sorry, in fact, I don't know who the remaining two and a half people are?"

This is the truth. He really doesn't know. The only person who knows the answer may be the old man Jin Yong in his previous life.

Even the old man Jin Yong didn't know that it was just one of his methods to deliberately create suspense.

Of course, this possibility is not high. In the heart of Mr. Jin Yong, there should be an answer.

Li Fan told the truth, but the outside world obviously didn't believe it.

Gu Yong himself doesn't know the answer? how can that be?

However, the outside world was not surprised by Gu Yong's answer, but it was still expected, they knew that Gu Yong's servant would not tell them the answer.

Since Gu Yong did not give the answer in the book, he would definitely not give the answer in other ways.

This has been proven many times.

Therefore, the outside world is not surprised by Gu Yong's answer.

In fact, this is fine. In this case, the outside world's answer to this question will continue to be speculated and disputed for a long time. After ten or twenty years, there should be people who will mention it.

If Gu Yong gives his own answer, then the discussion and controversy on this issue should end slowly.

Many people in the outside world do not want this. They still hope that this issue can be discussed and debated for a long time.

That way, it will be fun.


The problem is still being analyzed and discussed by the outside world, and the serialization of "Swordsman" is still going on.

In the three battles of the Shaolin Temple, the side of Ren Wexing won, and Master Fang Zheng let Ren Wexing and others go down the mountain as promised.

After going down the mountain, Ren Woxing lured Linghu to join the Sun Moon God Sect again, and was willing to marry Ren Yingying, but Linghu Chong refused because of the threat.

After that, he went to Hengshan to fulfill his promise and took over as the head of the Hengshan faction. Because the Hengshan faction was full of female disciples, Ren Yingying feared that Linghu Chong's reputation would be damaged, so he personally led a large number of Jianghu elites to cast under Hengshan's gate.

Master Fang Zheng and Daoist Chongxu, respecting Linghu Chong's character, went to Hengshan to congratulate him, and discussed with Linghu Chong the strategy of boycotting Zuo Lengchan to dominate the martial arts.

Dongfang Invincible sent his subordinates to sneak attack on the Hanging Temple, surrounded Fang Zheng and other three people, and Ren Yingying rescued them and subdued the enemies of the Demon Sect.

After that, Linghu Chong, Ren Yingying, Ren Woxing, and Xiang Wentian disguised themselves into Heimuya, the main altar of the Sun Moon Divine Sect, planning to go to find Dongfang Undefeated.

Let Wuxing want to take back the position of the leader of the Sun Moon God Sect.

That is to say, Dongfang Invincible is finally going to make an official appearance?

All the book fans are very excited,

For the official appearance of Dongfang Unbeaten, they have been looking forward to it for a long time.

Although Dongfang Invincible has not yet officially appeared, it already has a high popularity, because of the name "Dongfang Invincible" itself, and because of the various renderings in the previous article.

Everyone already knows that Dongfang's undefeated martial arts is known as the number one in the world today, and he usurped the position of Ren Wuxing's Sun Moon God Cult leader, and he is the person Ren Wuxing admires the most.

Under such a premise, everyone is naturally looking forward to the official appearance of Dongfang Invincible.

Since Ren Woxing wants to regain the position of the leader, it must be inevitable to fight the East without defeat.

So, is Dongfang's undefeated martial arts really the best in the world?

Since he is really number one in the world, but Ren Woxing still has Xiang Wentian and Linghu Chong, the two top players, can he beat the three of them together?

Can Ren Woxing take back the position of leader?

The answers to these questions have made fans very much looking forward to it!

They adjusted their excitement and continued to look down.

Linghu Chong, Ren Woxing, Xiang Wentian, and Ren Yingying, after Qiao Zhuang, entered the main altar Heimuya, and saw Dongfang Invincible in the hall.

However, there seems to be something wrong with Dongfang Invincible at this time. He never said a word, and all the words were spoken by a person named Yang Lianting who stood beside him.

There is a person named Tong Baixiong, and Dongfang Invincible is a fateful friendship, and Yang Lianting wants to punish Tong Baixiong on the grounds that Tong Baixiong made a mistake, but Dongfang Invincible still does not say a word.

This is clearly not right.

This was indeed the case. Ren Woxing, Xiang Wentian, Linghu Chong, and Ren Yingying took off their disguise and suddenly attacked.

In the end, it was discovered that Dongfang Invincible, who was sitting high in the position of the leader, turned out to be a counterfeit. He was shivering with fear when he was caught by Ren Woxing.

Eastern Invincible turned out to be fake.

So? Where did the undefeated East go? Why would he tolerate an impostor impersonating him?

And, still such a pustular fake.

Also, the counterfeit was obviously just a puppet, and the one who really gave the order was the man named Yang Lianting.

Could it be that Dongfang Invincible was killed by this man named Yang Lianting?

However, although Yang Lianting is very tough, but his martial arts is extremely poor, how can he kill Dongfang Undefeated, who is known as the best martial arts in the world?

Moreover, Dongfeng Invincible is still a person with a very high IQ. Even if Yang Lianting uses his tactics, it should be difficult to succeed.

However, if Dongfang is invincible and not dead, with his wit and martial arts, how can Yang Lianting be allowed to do such nonsense and order someone to impersonate him?

Everything is weird and confusing.

A lot of book fans now do not want Dongfang Invincible to really die. They have been looking forward to the official appearance of Dongfang Invincible for a long time.

If Dongfang Invincible is dead, it is obviously a very disappointing thing.

"Gu Yong can't possibly arrange the plot like this?" All the fans thought in their hearts.

So what is the truth of the matter? Why is this weird situation happening?

The fans were even more curious and a little nervous at the same time, they were afraid that Dongfang Invincible was really dead.

After all, the author of this work is Gu Yong, and it is a very normal thing for that guy to make some unexpected plots.

If that were the case, it would definitely be a disappointment.

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