Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1899 Oriental Invincible Embroidery

[Book Title: Little Farmer, Big Star Chapter 1899, Oriental Invincible Embroidery Author: In the Countryside]

Welcome to the latest chapter of Little Farmer and Big Star 2k Novel Network! The domain name of this site: the complete pinyin of "2k novel", it is easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: The Legend of the Eternal Dragon King, The Legend of the Immortal God and King, Wulian Peak, Five Elements, The Gate of the Profound World .

However, they are destined to not have to worry, because Dongfeng Invincible is not dead yet.

Ren Wuxing also thought that Dongfang Invincible was dead, which made him very disappointed. Although he went to Heimuya this time to kill Dongfang Invincible and regain the position of leader that belonged to him, he must defeat Dongfang Invincible with his own hands, so that he is a real winner.

If Dongfang Invincible is dead, he is not really a real winner.

Fortunately, the undefeated East is not dead, and he still has a chance to become a real winner.

An attendant said that Dongfang Invincible is not dead, he just lives in a very secret place, where only Yang Lianting knows how to open the secret door.

Yang Lianting has been restrained by Ren Wexing and others, saying that the leader of the East is invincible in the world. Since you people want to die, it is really good, and promise to take Ren Wexing and others to see Dongfang Invincible.

In this way, under the leadership of Yang Lianting, Ren Woxing, Xiang Wentian, Linghu Chong, Ren Yingying, Tong Baixiong, and Shangguan Yun walked towards the secret room where Dongfang Invincible was.

"This time, the real Dongfang Invincible should appear, right? A war is really about to start, right?" All the book fans thought in their hearts.

When they heard the waiter say that Dongfang Invincible was not dead, they let out a long sigh of relief, looking excited and looking forward to it.

And now, the real Eastern Unbeaten is about to play, and they seem even more excited and impatient.

The place where Dongfang Invincible is located is indeed very secretive, and several people have turned around several times in a dark tunnel.

Just when everyone wondered why Dongfeng Invincible lived in such a dim place, suddenly the light in front of them suddenly became bright, the sky was light, and the fragrance of flowers was faint.

Out of the tunnel, it is a very delicate small garden, red plums, green bamboo, green pines and cypresses. And pink roses, competing for beauty and beauty, beautiful and graceful.

This is a very beautiful place.

A group of book fans sighed that Dongfang Invincible lived in such a beautiful place, it was an absolute enjoyment.

Afterwards, Yang Lianting took everyone into an elegant small house, which must be the residence of Dongfang Invincible.

However, this small house has a strong fragrance of flowers. There is a picture of a lady hanging in the room. There are three beauties in the picture.

East Invincible live here? Not likely.

Well, it is also possible that this is the boudoir of a concubine of Dongfang Invincible, so it is very normal.

Linghu Chong thought so, and so did all the book fans.

Next, only one person in the inner room could be heard saying, "Brother Lian, who are you bringing with you?" The voice was sharp, but his voice was thick, like a man and a woman, and when he heard it, his hair stood up.

All the book fans are suffocated, what's the situation?

The person who speaks is the Eastern Invincible?

It shouldn't be fake, but how can the voice sound like a man and a woman?

Fans are very puzzled.

Yang Lianting replied, "It's your old friend, he has to see you."

The man in the room said again, "Why did you bring him here? Only you can come in here. I don't like to see anyone but you." The last two sentences were squeaky, obviously in a female voice. But the voice was clearly a man.

Fans are even more puzzled.

What the hell is going on here? Isn't that person in the room the undefeated East?

Book fans never thought that Dongfang Unbeaten, who is known as the world's number one master, would speak in such a whimpering voice, just like a woman.

"That person shouldn't be undefeated in the East." All the fans thought so.

However, they soon discovered that that person was the Eastern Invincible.

Because the following text shows that Ren Woxing, Xiang Wentian, Yingying, Tong Baixiong, Shangguan Yun and Dongfang Invincible are all familiar with each other, and that voice is indeed Dongfang Invincible's voice.

It's just like learning to sing Hua Dan by clenching your throat, so coquettish and pretentious, it makes people feel very uncomfortable.

This time the fans were completely stunned.

It's really Dongfang Invincible, but why do you feel that Dongfang Invincible is not male or female?

What is this operation?

Fans don't understand the situation at all. This is completely different from the undefeated East in their imagination.

In their imaginations, Dongfang Invincible should be calm and restrained, not anger and self-righteousness, the city government is very deep, the joy and anger are not visible, facing Ren Woxing, he said disdainfully and confidently: "It turns out that the teacher is here. Master Ren, you were not my opponent twelve years ago, and now, you are even less my opponent."

That's how it should be.

What's the situation now?

Fans don't get it, but keep reading.

Yang Lianting added: "No way, if I don't bring him, he will kill me. How can I die without seeing you?"

In the room, Dongfang Invincible said sharply: "Who is so bold, dare to bully you? Do you want me to do it? You ask him to come in!"

Dongfang Invincible just relied on Yang Lianting's words, and guessed that the person who came here is free to go, and his intelligence is so high that it really makes people feel terrified.

Ren Woxing, Linghu Chong and others admire Dongfang's undefeated talents, and fans of books are also full of emotion.

At this time, they suddenly felt that the Eastern Invincible was really the Eastern Invincible.

With such a high level of intelligence, it is no wonder that he was able to usurp the position of the leader of Ren Wuxing back then, and it is no wonder that he is the person Ren Wuxing admires the most.

Let me and others enter the room.

The room was full of flowers, and the fragrance of fat powder was fragrant. There was a person sitting by a dressing table next to the bead curtain, wearing a pink shirt, holding an embroidery stretcher in the left hand and an embroidery needle in the right hand, raised his head, and his face was surprised. color.

In addition to Linghu Chong, Ren Woxing and others all recognized the person in front of him. It was Dongfang Invincible, who had been known as the number one martial artist in the world for more than ten years.

However, Dongfang Invincible in front of him lost his beard, and his face was actually powdered. The style of the clothes on his body was neither male nor female, and the color of the demon was too delicate and too dazzling.

Clothes are nothing, but what is even more shocking is that such an earth-shattering and powerful martial arts geek is hiding in the boudoir and embroidering!


Dongfang Invincible actually embroidered in the boudoir!

Let us and others be stunned, and all the book fans are even more stunned!

They imagined 10,000 ways for Dongfang Invincible to appear, but they could never imagine that Dongfang Invincible would hide in the boudoir and embroider.

No, it's not just unimaginable, this is completely unbelievable!

And it is absolutely unbelievable!

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