Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1900 One more classic martial arts

[Book Title: Little Farmer, Big Star, Chapter 1900, Another Classic Martial Arts Author: In the Countryside]

Welcome to the latest chapter of Little Farmer and Big Star 2k Novel Network! The domain name of this site: the complete pinyin of "2k novel", it is easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: Returning from the world of Xianxia, ​​Lord Xue Ying once thought of the legend of the eternal dragon king. East Invincible is really embroidering.

They have to accept.

It's just that the martial arts geek who is known as the world's number one martial artist, why would he hide in the boudoir to embroider?

Book fans are desperate to figure this out right now.

Because, from the words in the text, it can be known that the previous Dongfang Invincible was not like this.

The East Invincible has only become like this in recent years.

Dongfang Undefeated with extremely high intelligence and high martial arts, why did it become like this?

All book lovers want to know the answer, but there is no answer for now.

And Dongfang is invincible like this, is his martial arts still the best in the world?

Or is it because Dongfang Invincible has become like this, that his martial arts is the best in the world?

Many of these questions are still unanswered, and book fans continue to read below, hoping to find out the answers to these questions.

Dongfang Invincible saw Ren Woxing and others, and said sharply: "It really is the leader Ren! You are finally here!"

After that, he put all his attention on Yang Lianting, looking at the injured Yang Lianting, his face was full of love and pity. Wife, serving her husband in general.

Such a scene makes people shudder. In the brocade and bead curtains and the rich and splendid embroidery room, the atmosphere is very strange and makes people feel very uncomfortable.

After that, Dongfang Invincible said to Tong Baixiong that he and Tong Baixiong had a fateful friendship, and it didn't matter how Tong Baixiong offended him, but Tong Baixiong should not offend Yang Lianting.

Now, Yang Lianting wants to kill Tong Baixiong, Dongfang Invincible said that he has no choice, since Yang Lianting wants to kill Tong Baixiong, he must kill Tong Baixiong. He also asked Tong Baixiong not to blame him, saying that whatever Yang Lianting wanted to do, he would do it for Yang Lianting.

Ren Woxing, Linghu Chong and the others were taken aback, as were all the book fans.

Dongfang is now undefeated, is there only Yang Lianting in his eyes?

For Yang Lianting's sake, Dongfang Invincible did not hesitate to kill Tong Baixiong, who had been kind to him and had always been a lifelong friendship?

"Will Dongfang Invincible do this?" All the book fans thought in their hearts.

And the answer is: yes!

Dongfang Invincible shot, and the speed was unbelievable. Even the few of us felt that there was a flash of pink things in front of us, and it seemed that Dongfang Invincible's body moved.

On the other hand, Tong Baixiong, who was in a state of full alertness and had a high level of martial arts, suddenly threw himself forward and fell on his face, and remained motionless.

He is dead.

The Eastern Invincible killed him.

However, Ren Woxing, Xiang Wentian, and Linghu Chong, who were highly skilled in martial arts, did not see clearly how Dongfang Invincible made his move?

They only saw Tong Baixiong's corpse's eyebrows, left and right temples, and four large acupoints under the nose, each with a small red spot, with a slight blood oozing, which was obviously stabbed by the undefeated embroidery needle in the east.

The weapon used by Dongfang Invincible was just a small embroidery needle.

The atmosphere at the scene was eerily quiet. Dongfang Invincible's martial arts skills were so high and quick to shoot that it was clearly beyond the imagination of Ren Woxing, Xiang Wentian, and Linghu Chong.

All the book fans were stunned.

They have already made preparations to become the world's No. 1 in Eastern Invincible martial arts, but they never thought that Eastern Invincible's martial arts would be so terrifying!

He had already shot and killed a person with a high level of martial arts, but Ren Woxing, Xiang Wentian, and Linghu Chong, who were highly skilled in martial arts, didn't even see how he shot.

This kind of martial arts is really too high, and it is no exaggeration to say that it is the number one in the world.

It seems that Dongfang Invincible has become what it is now, and it has no effect on his martial arts.

What's more likely is that Dongfang Invincible first changed to what it is now, and then the martial arts were so terrifying.

Which is the case? There may be an answer later.

Continue to look below.

After the atmosphere was eerily quiet for a moment, Ren Woxing said slowly: "Dongfang Invincible, congratulations on your mastery of the martial arts in "Sunflower Collection"."

Dongfang Invincible replied: "Master Ren, you passed on this "Sunflower Collection" to me. I have been thinking of your benefits."

"Sunflower Collection"?

Dongfang Invincible's current martial arts are so terrifying, is it because they have mastered the martial arts in "Sunflower Collection"?

the answer should be confirmed.

And Dongfang Invincible also said that "Sunflower Collection" was given to him by Ren Woxing, which is a bit strange.

Ren Woxing obviously does not know the martial arts in the "Sunflower Collection". Since the "Sunflower Collection" is so strong, why doesn't he practice it himself?

There was a new doubt in the hearts of the book fans.

After that, Dongfang Invincible said that before himself, he only wanted to be the leader of the Sun Moon God Sect, and he wanted to rule the rivers and lakes for a long time, so he deliberately sought the position of the leader of Ren Woxing, except for the wings of Ren Wuxing.

When the book fans saw Dongfang Invincible say this, they all nodded secretly. This is normal.

This is a person with extremely high martial arts and intelligence, who can do normal things.

But why is it now like this? I don't deal with academic affairs, I don't care about anything, there is only one Yang Lianting in my heart.

"Could it be because of the practice of "Sunflower Collection"?" the fans thought again in their hearts.

That's true.

I saw Dongfang Invincible continue to say that it was not until he practiced the "Sunflower Collection" that he slowly realized the meaning of life. After several years, he finally understood the essence of the transformation of heaven and man and the growth of all things.

The key to the transformation of heaven and man and the growth of all things?

What does it mean? Book fans do not quite understand the meaning of the words Dongfang Invincible.

However, one thing is now certain.

That is, Dongfang Invincible's temperament has changed greatly, and it has changed into the current appearance of neither male nor female, and often has the attitude of a little woman, which is really because of the study of "Sunflower Collection".

However, the practice of "Sunflower Collection" can make people neither male nor female, why is this?

Could it be that this martial arts is not a normal martial arts?

This really solves a question, but raises a new one.

After that, Dongfang Invincible said to Ren Yingying that he envied Ren Yingying very much, not only was she born as a daughter, but also so charming and youthful.

He also said that if he could move in with Ren Yingying, let alone the leader of the Sun Moon God Sect, even the Emperor Lao Tzu, he would not do it.

What does this mean?

It means that Dongfang Invincible wants to be a woman very much?

What kind of martial arts is this "Sunflower Collection"? To be able to train a big man with extremely high martial arts and high intelligence, so that he only wants to be a woman.

Fans still don't understand why.

However, one thing is certain, that is, no matter what kind of martial arts "Sunflower Collection" is? It has now become famous in the martial arts novel world.

It is like the "Jiuyin Zhenjing" that has moved the entire martial arts novel world.

The martial arts works themselves can become classics, the characters in martial arts works can become classics, and the martial arts in martial arts works can also become classics.

Most of the current classic martial arts are from the writings of Gu Yong.

For example: "Jiuyin Zhenjing", "Nine Yang Divine Art", "Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon", "Dog Fighting", "The Great Movement of Heaven and Earth", "Douzhuanxingxiao", "Lingbo Weibu", "North Ming Dynasty" Magic" and so on.

Now, there is one more, "Sunflower Collection"!

All book lovers sigh again!

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