Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1901 The Invincible Death of the East

Since then, there has been another classic martial arts in the martial arts novel world.

The fans were very excited, and after the excitement, their attention immediately returned to the plot of the novel.

They already felt that this part of the high dynasty was coming.

Dongfang Invincible said that he wanted to swap bodies with Ren Yingying, which caused Linghu Chong to sneer, saying that if the two really switched bodies, he would not fall in love with the old monster Dongfang Invincible.

Dongfang Invincible was furious after hearing this, and asked who Linghu Chong was in a shrill voice?

Linghu Chong was not afraid and said that his name was Linghu Chong.

However, after Dongfang Invincible heard it, his anger was soaring. Instead, he smiled slightly, saying that you are Linghu Chong, and he has long wanted to meet Linghu Chong.

Because he heard that Ren Yingying had fallen in love with Linghu Chong, he wanted to see what Linghu Chong looked like?

Now, he finally saw it.

After reading it, Dongfeng Invincible said that Linghu Chong was just ordinary, far inferior to his younger brother Lian.

After that, Linghu Chong deliberately said something that made Dongfang Bufei angry, Dongfang Bufei was angry and shot at Linghu Chong.

It was at this moment that Linghu Chong was waiting, and he stabbed with a sword...

The two sides played against each other once, and it seemed to be a draw, but in fact, Linghu Chong was completely at a disadvantage.

Dongfang Invincible used a small embroidery needle to swing Linghu Chong's long sword far away. His martial arts skills were unbelievable.

It is a fact that Dongfang's undefeated martial arts are far above Linghu Chong.

Perhaps, in the near future, Linghu Chong's martial arts will surpass Dongfang Invincible and become No. 1 in the world, but now, he is not an opponent of Dongfang Invincible at all.

However, Dongfang Invincible praised Linghu Chong's martial arts. He first said "Huh", and then praised: "The swordsmanship is very high!"

After that, he praised "Good swordsmanship! Good swordsmanship!"

However, although Linghu Chong's swordsmanship is high, Dongfang Invincible's martial arts is even higher.

Ren Woxing and Xiang Wentian saw that the situation was not right, they held a long sword and waved a soft whip, and at the same time they stepped forward to attack.

Linghu Chong, Ren Woxing, and Xiang Wentian, the three top players, joined forces to fight against Dongfang undefeated.

This part of the high dynasty finally came.

All the book fans are very excited. Sure enough, there is such a big battle, they have been looking forward to it for a long time.

It's just that they didn't expect that Linghu Chong, Ren Woxing, and Xiang Wentian would play against Dongfang Unbeaten at the same time.

This is enough to show that Dongfang Invincible's martial arts is much stronger than they had imagined before.

It is simply too strong, absolutely number one in the world.

Even if it is Master Fang Zheng or Feng Qingyang in person, he should not be Dongfang's undefeated opponent.

Although there is no evidence, fans of the book are sure about it.

Of course, some people say that Feng Qingyang's martial arts may also be invincible in the East.

After all, Feng Qingyang has never really shot, and no one knows how strong his martial arts are?

Feng Qingyang is stronger than Dongfang Invincible. In theory, it is not impossible.

On this topic, there should be a large-scale discussion and controversy in the future.

But now, book fans have no time to think about this problem, they just want to know, who will be the winner of this battle?

Is the East undefeated? Or is it Linghu Chong, Ren Woxing, and Xiang Wentian?

The answer has not yet been revealed.

Dongfang Invincible used two fingers, holding an embroidery needle, and inserted it between Linghuchong, Ren Woxing, and Xiang Wentian.

The book fans were secretly shocked. Looking at it this way, the winning rate of Dongfang Undefeated seems to be higher.

Aren't the three of them undefeated opponents in the East?

Three people can't do it, what about four people?

Shangguan Yun, who was also highly skilled in martial arts, also joined the battle, with four enemies and one.

However, not even four people.

During the fierce battle, Shangguan Yun was injured in one eye by Dongfang Invincible and withdrew from the battle.

The situation changed to Linghu Chong, Ren Woxing, and Xiang Wentian who joined forces to fight Dongfang undefeated.

Four people can't do it, and three people can't do it.


Xiang Wentian and Linghu Chong were stabbed with acupuncture by Dongfang Invincible one after another, and after fighting for a while, Ren Wexing was stabbed in the chest and throat respectively.

The four were besieging Dongfang Invincible, but they didn't even touch Dongfang Invincible's clothes.

The undefeated martial arts of the East once again amazed book fans!

Ren Yingying watched the battle, and the more she watched, the more frightened she became. If the needles were poisoned, the four of them would be wiped out.

Even if there is no poison on the needle, and if they continue to fight, the only people who will fail will be Linghu Chong, Ren Woxing, Xiang Wentian, and Shangguan Yun.

Dongfang Invincible's martial arts is beyond Ren Yingying's imagination. She must find a way to let Linghu Chong and Ren Woxing win.

She saw Yang Lianting in the room and made up her mind.

She slowly approached Yang Lianting, and then suddenly stabbed Yang Lianting with a sword, she wanted Dongfang Invincible to be distracted by Yang Lianting.

She succeeded.

In order to protect Yang Lianting, Dongfang Invincible no longer cares about his own life and death.

In the end, he successfully protected Yang Lianting, but he was stabbed by the swords of Linghu Chong and Ren Woxing.

Dongfang Invincible trembled and fell on Yang Lianting.

Invincible East finally failed!

"Sunrise in the East, only I am undefeated", the undefeated Dongfang finally failed!

It's just that the victorious side won't actually win. If it wasn't for Dongfang Invincible's distraction to save Yang Lianting, the victory would only be Dongfang Invincible.

But for the winner, the process sometimes doesn't matter, which is a shame, but it's true.

No matter what, in the end, it's my side that wins.

Dongfang Invincible smiled bitterly: "Master Ren, you finally won, and I lost."

Seeing Dongfang Invincible say this, all the fans sighed. Dongfang Invincible did not make excuses for his failure, but directly admitted that he failed, which shows that he is upright.

Of course, because Dongfang Invincible knew that using some means in order to win was actually understandable, just like he used various means in the past to seize the position of the leader of Ren Wuxing.

Now, it may be time for him to pay the bills.

Dongfang Invincible knew that he was going to die today, but he was very calm. He told Ren Wuxing that if he fought alone, Ren Wuxing would not be his opponent.

Ren Woxing hesitated for a while, but finally admitted that he was indeed no longer the undefeated opponent of the East.

Dongfang Invincible said to Linghu Chong again, saying that Linghu Chong's swordsmanship is extremely high, but he is still not his opponent.

Linghu Chong admitted without hesitation, and praised Dongfang's undefeated martial arts, indeed number one in the world.

After that, Dongfang Invincible smiled and said, "You two can say that, it shows the manly manliness. Alas, injustice, injustice, I practice the "Sunflower Collection", according to the secret recipe in the collection, alchemy and taking medicine, since... ...Alas, my beard gradually disappeared, my voice changed, and my temperament changed. From then on, I didn't love women, and killed all seven concubines, but... I put all my heart on Yang Lianting, a man with eyebrows. I was born as a daughter, that's fine..."

Dongfang Invincible's remarks are undoubtedly personally confirmed. The reason why his temperament has changed greatly is indeed because of the practice of "Sunflower Collection".

All the book fans once again let out a long sigh. Because of the practice of "Sunflower Collection", the undefeated martial arts of the East has become the first in the world.

However, Dongfang Invincible's temperament changed greatly, and it was also because of the practice of "Sunflower Collection".

So, is it good or pregnant to practice the "Sunflower Collection"? But it's hard to say.

In the end, Dongfang Invincible said to Ren Woxing that it doesn't matter if he died, but please let us see that for the sake of his kindness to Ren Yingying over the years, don't kill Yang Lianting and drive him off Heimuya. .

However, Ren Woxing said that he would chop Yang Lianting with a thousand knives.

After hearing this, Dongfang Invincible was furious and rushed to Ren Woxing.

However, at this time, Dongfang Invincible has been seriously injured, and even if he is the best in the world in martial arts, he is at the end of the game.

In the end, Dongfang Invincible blinded Ren Moxing's eye, and he himself died forever.

Sunrise in the East, only I was undefeated, the most famous master in the world, Dongfang Invincible just died.

The way he died was tragic, and it made people sigh endlessly!


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