Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1912 Idea Instillation

The three of Li Fan arrived at the president's office. After the two sides greeted each other, they set up a leisurely dragon gate array for a while, and then came to the business.

Liang Yuan said, "Boss, you are going to launch a new website. What is the main purpose of this website?"

Li Fan smiled and said, "It's specially used for serializing novels."

Liang Yuan and Gu Wei looked at each other and thought to themselves, "As expected."

After that, Liang Yuan said again: "Is the boss's next new type of work going to be serialized on the Internet? It's just that the boss didn't serialize it on Weibo before? Why should we launch a website for serialization this time? already?"

Li Fandao: "The serialization on Weibo in the past was just my attempt. I wanted to try the possibility of serializing novels on the Internet, as well as the degree of acceptance of the book fans. Now the attempt has yielded results, and book fans are very happy to accept it. , also felt the benefits of reading novels on the Internet. Then, it is time to implement the next step. After all, using Weibo as a serial carrier is not a long-term plan. "

"Implement the next step?" Liang Yuan and Gu Wei thought.

Gu Wei said: "The next step that the boss said is to launch a website dedicated to serializing novels, and then serialize the boss's works on this website?"

Li Fan nodded and said, "Exactly."

Liang Yuan pondered for a moment, then said: "Boss, there is of course no problem in launching a website to serialize novels. It's just that it will be a waste of resources? Moreover, launching a website specifically to serialize novels doesn't seem to make much sense. ."

Li Fan smiled slightly, and Liang Yuan would say this. He was not surprised. In fact, anyone who heard that he was going to launch a special website to serialize novels would think so.

It may indeed be a waste of resources to serialize only his own novels, but Li Fan's purpose in launching the website is not just to serialize his own works.

He said: "President, editor-in-chief, the reason why I want to launch such a website is not just to serialize my personal works, but to provide such a platform. In the future, other authors will be on our platform. , and serialize his own works."

"So it is." Liang Yuan and Gu Wei are both active-minded people. When Li Fan said this, they understood.

However, they still have a lot of things they don't understand.

Liang Yuan added: "Boss, as a platform, this idea is excellent. Just serialize novels on the Internet, and the author does not get the royalties. If there are no royalties, some authors will really choose to serialize novels on our platform. Is it? After all, the vast majority of authors, the only way to create a work’s income is the royalties.”

Li Fan said with a smile: "I used to serialize novels on Weibo, and they were all free, but this does not mean that serializing novels on the Internet is free. In the future, when our website is officially launched, the novels serialized on it will be free. There is a fee, if fans want to read novels, they need to pay to read them. Of course, there will be a certain number of words in front of each novel for readers to read for free, and they need to pay to read after a certain number of words.

Book fans can choose whether to continue paying for reading according to the number of free words in front of them. The fees paid by book fans to read books will be shared by our website and the author according to a certain proportion. In this way, not only the website has revenue, but the authors will also have royalties. Of course, this does not mean that as long as the works are serialized on our website, there will definitely be royalties. It depends on the quality of the works. If the quality of the works is not good and no book fans are willing to pay to read them, the authors will naturally have no royalties. "

"Book fans need to pay to read?" The amount of information in Li Fan's words is a bit large, and Liang Yuan and Gu Wei need to digest it well.

Li Fan did not disturb the two of them, but let them think slowly.

After a while, Liang Yuan said: "Readers should pay to read, just like now readers buy newspapers and magazines that serialize novels,

Also need to pay. The key question is how much does it cost readers to read? If there are too many, readers will definitely be reluctant to pay to read, and if there are too few, the income of the website and the author cannot be guaranteed. "

Li Fan glanced at Liang Yuan approvingly, this is indeed the crux of the problem, and said: "The president is right, this is indeed the crux of the problem, for us, this is very important. There is no need to discuss it now, it can be left to discuss later.”

Liang Yuan nodded. It is indeed a little early to discuss this issue. After thinking about it, he said, "Boss, how many authors do you think will serialize their works on our platform?"

Li Fandao: "There may not be many in the early stage, but with the continuous development of the website, the number of authors will definitely not be small, hundreds of thousands, millions, tens of millions, are all possible."

Li Fan's words are not an exaggeration. There are far more people in this world than in the previous life. With the emergence of the prosperous era of online literature, the number of authors of online novels will naturally be more than in the previous life.

Of course, although there are many online authors, there are only a few authors who can make money. For most of the online authors, there is no return for their efforts.

This is an unfortunate thing.

"Hundreds of thousands? Several million? Tens of millions? So many?" Liang Yuan and Gu Wei were taken aback. Are there really so many authors who will serialize their works on their platforms?

To be honest, they didn't believe it, but Li Fan said it, and they had to believe it.

They know that Li Fan's insight and vision are far from what they can compare. Since Li Fan said so, it must be the case.

After sighing a few words, Gu Wei said, "By the way, boss, what is the name of our website platform?"

Li Fan smiled and said, "Starting point Chinese website."

"Starting point?" Liang Yuan and Gu Wei nodded their heads. The novel was serialized on the Internet Mountain. Now it is really just the starting point. This name is indeed the most suitable.

After that, Liang Yuan and Gu Wei asked some more questions, and Li Fan all answered them one by one.

In the end, several people left the president's office. The former network management department and the magazine had several professional website writers with strong technical skills. Li Fan didn't need to find someone outside to make a website.

When he arrived at the network management department, Gu Wei explained the situation to several website writers. After they learned that they were going to write a website for the boss, they all seemed very excited and excited, but also very nervous.

In this case, if the website compiled cannot meet the requirements of the boss, how can they still have the courage to continue to stay in the magazine?

Li Fan smiled, so that the few people didn't have to be nervous, and then explained to them how to design the website, what functions were needed, and so on.

Several people listened intently, not daring to be distracted at all.


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