Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1913 New Work Preview

How should the website be designed? What features are needed? After Li Fan communicated with several website writers, he left the network management department.

After the website is completed, if there is any need to modify it, then modify it at that time.

After leaving the network management department, Li Fan went to the editorial department.

In the past, Li Fan asked Gu Wei to select a group of editors with business ability, accurate vision, and strong comprehension of new concepts, and temporarily formed a new working group.

This working group will be the first editorial team of Qidian in the future.

There are 10 editors in this temporary working group. Li Fan met them. They were all young senior editors with several years of work experience.

After a brief exchange with the editors, Li Fan was very satisfied. Gu Wei's vision for selecting editors was indeed very accurate.

Li Fan did not tell the editors in detail about the future work. First, because it is still early, there is no need to say too much. Second, about basic matters, Gu Wei will tell them that Li Fan did not You have to say it yourself.

After leaving the editorial office, Li Fan talked to Liang Yuan and Gu Wei again, and then left the magazine with Su Qing and Qin Yulin.

There is nothing to do at the magazine office for the time being. Li Fan is going to take the two daughters to have a good time. China has a vast land and resources, and there are too many places worth visiting.


As time passed, Li Fan took Su Qing and Qin Yulin to a lot of places, such as famous mountains, virgin jungles, remote ancient towns and so on.

Different places have obviously different styles, different beauty, and different customs.

After walking many places, Li Fan sighed in his heart that the land of the motherland is far more beautiful than he imagined. Only by walking with both feet can he truly feel it.

Time slowly slipped by during the trip of the three, and in a blink of an eye, it was three months later.

Several website writers of Xiaojianghu Magazine have already completed the design and compilation of

During this period, Li Fan reviewed the website several times by remote means, and the website writers finally decided it after several revisions.

After that, the writers hung the website on the server again, and after a trial run, and after confirming that there were no loopholes, they finally breathed a long sigh of relief. They finally completed the task that Li Fan gave them.

Next, just wait for Li Fan's arrangement to officially launch the website.

In the past three months, all kinds of speculation and heated discussions about Gu Yong's next new type of work have continued, and the heat has been very high.

Although Gu Yong did not respond for three whole months, the enthusiasm of the outside world has never diminished, and there is even a trend of getting hotter.

Because three months have passed, it should be closer to the time when Guyong officially launches the next new type of work.

The closer we get, the more we look forward to it.

Li Fan, who was still playing somewhere, pondered in his heart that he was almost ready to warm up.

How to warm up? Li Fan had already made plans.

He logged into Guyong's Weibo and updated this paragraph:

"Time: Unknown, it should be very early, very early.

Location: Shenzhou Haotu.

Heaven and earth are not benevolent, take everything as a sham dog!

There are no gods in this world, but since ancient times, human beings have seen the world around them, all kinds of strange things, lightning, thunder, violent storms, and natural disasters, countless casualties, and sorrows everywhere. withstand.

So I thought that above the nine heavens, there are all kinds of gods, and below the nine secluded places, it is also the place where the ghosts return, the Hall of Yama.

So the gods said, spread in the world. Countless human people worship sincerely, pay homage to the various gods they imagined and create, pray for blessings and complain, and the incense is flourishing.


To this day, there are countless people who have cultivated the truth and cultivated the Tao, like the crucian carp crossing the river. In addition, due to the vastness of the vast land of China and the many strange people and scholars in the world, there are many ways to cultivate.

are not the same.

The law of longevity has not yet been found, but gradually there is a distinction between sects and the difference between good and evil. From it, there are many views, intrigue and even fighting and killing.

When immortality seems so distant and elusive, the power brought by cultivation has gradually become the goal of many people.

In today's world, the right way is prosperous, and the evil spirits retreat. The land of the Central Plains has beautiful mountains and rivers, it is popular and rich in products, and it is firmly occupied by decent families. Among them, "Qingyunmen", "Tianyin Temple" and "Xianggu" are the three pillars, and they are leaders.

This story started from "Qingyunmen". "

After updating this text on Weibo, Li Fan did not make any other explanations, nor did he make it clear that this was the preview of the new work. He planned to let the outside world guess by himself.

Because if you don't say anything in this way, it will make the preview of this new work achieve the most ideal effect. If you talk too much, the effect will be discounted.

Of course, the reason why Li Fan can operate in this way all depends on Gu Yong's huge influence now.

If you don't have enough influence, you can't do this.

Li Fan is very much looking forward to how the outside world will discuss this text?

What kind of work is this?

It is an absolute classic work written by the great god Xiao Ding in the previous life: "Zhu Xian"!

It is also the first work selected by Li Fan for a new type of work.

There are two main reasons why Li Fan chose "Zhu Xian" as his first work.

First, because this work is absolutely classic, it is one of the three major Internet books of the year. Opening with it will definitely cause a complete sensation in this world.

Second, although this work is a classical Xianxia work, in some places, the shadow of martial arts can be vaguely seen, especially in the description of some fights.

Perhaps because of this, "Zhu Xian" was hailed by as the "Post-Jin Yong Martial Arts Bible" in its previous life.

From martial arts to immortals, or in the words of this world, from martial arts to new types of works, "Zhu Xian" is undoubtedly Li Fan's best choice.

In addition, Li Fan also considered "The Legend of Shushan Swordsman" by the previous life Huanzhuzhuzhu, but did not choose this work in the end.

It is not because this work is not classic enough, but because this work is rich in martial arts elements, it can be regarded as a magical martial arts novel.

Although this work is extremely classic and has a great influence on future generations, Jin Yong, Gu Long, Liang Yusheng and many great Internet writers in the new era have all been influenced by this work, but for Li Fan, this work is not the best s Choice.

Because, Li Fan now wants to open the prelude to the era of online literature with a new type of work.

Of course, Li Fan may consider launching "Shushan Swordsman Biography" in the future.

After all, if such a classic work does not come to this world, it will definitely make people feel very sorry.


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