Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1915 Heaven and earth are not benevolent, and all things are dogs!

I don’t know if it’s because of the server problem. When many people visited Guyong’s Weibo, they were stuck for a long time and didn’t get in. They were so anxious.

After waiting for a few months, I finally looked forward to the update of Gu Yong's Weibo, but I couldn't access it at a critical moment, which is indeed quite painful.

It wasn't until a long time later that those people visited Gu Yong's Weibo one after another.

At first glance, it has been updated, and there is still a lot of content. At a glance, I can see a lot of it.

Surprise, excitement, and excitement are all kinds of emotions, which are naturally indispensable.

After that, I calmed down and looked carefully, "Time: unknown, it should be very early, very early." This sentence is nothing.

"Location: the vast land of Shenzhou." This sentence is nothing.

However, when they saw the next sentence, everyone suddenly suffocated.

"Heaven and earth are not benevolent, and all things are dogs!"

Regardless of what this sentence means? This sentence seems to have a very, very high feeling. This feeling is difficult to describe in words, and it is a suffocating feeling.

Everyone murmured this sentence several times, and felt that it was too high.

This sentence comes from the Tao Te Ching in the previous life, Lao Tzu, "Heaven and earth are not benevolent, and all things are dogs. Sages are not benevolent, and people are dogs."

As for the meaning of this sentence, generally speaking, it is easy to understand it this way, that is, "Heaven and earth are very intolerant of kindness, and they treat all things in the world as cud dogs and play with them at will."

But in fact, this understanding is incorrect. The real meaning of this sentence is, "Heaven and earth do not care about benevolence, and there is no such thing as unkindness. It regards all things in the world as cud dogs. Everyone in its eyes is the same, and it is wrong to others. It’s good, and it’s not bad for anyone, it’s all going to happen naturally.”

In other words, in the eyes of heaven and earth, everything is the same, and it is treated the same.

So, in the work of "Zhu Xian", what kind of meaning should this sentence be understood?

In Li Fan's view, both interpretations can actually make sense. You can understand that the heaven and the earth do not allow mercy, and all living beings are treated as dogs. All kinds of creatures on the vast land of China have a miserable fate and struggle to survive.

It can also be understood that the world does not care about mercy, and all kinds of creatures on the vast land of Shenzhou are the same in its eyes, and they will not be good to good creatures, nor will they be bad to evil creatures. Good or evil, fate is in your own hands. People with bad fate should not beg for God's mercy, and God will not have mercy, but rely on their own efforts to fight against fate.

Both of these interpretations are acceptable, but Li Fan prefers the latter one.

Of course, this only represents Li Fan's personal views.

How do you understand this? There is no need to worry about whether Li Fan's point of view is correct?

So, how do book fans in this world understand this sentence?

This sentence is very strong, but the meaning is actually not difficult to understand, at least the meaning that is generally considered is not difficult to understand.

That is, "Heaven and earth do not allow mercy, and treat everything in the world like a dog." This means.

So, fans of the book now understand it this way.

After reminiscing about this sentence countless times, book fans continue to read below.

"There are no gods in this world... So I thought that above the nine heavens, there are all kinds of gods, and below the nine secluded places, it is also the place where the ghosts return, the palace of Yama. So the saying of gods spreads to the world..."

"Immortal? Is it a myth?" All the fans thought at the first time.

But soon, they rejected this idea. Myth is naturally not a new type of work, it can't be myth.

However, Gu Yong's new work will not be realistic, which is certain.

After you have harvested, continue to look down.

"Compared with other living species, humans may be at a disadvantage in terms of physique, but all things are spiritual, but it is absolutely true. Under the driving force of the pursuit of longevity, generations of intelligent and intelligent people have gone forward and devoted their lives to study hard. ...but there are some cultivators,

Through the creation of some heaven and earth, with the body of a mortal, mastering the tyrannical power, with the help of the power of various secret treasures, it can shock the world and have the power of thunder. And some seniors who have gained advanced knowledge, it is even said that they have lived for thousands of years without dying. People in the world think that if they become immortals, more people will devote themselves to the path of cultivation and cultivation. "

"Cultivation of truth? Secret treasure magic weapon? Shaking the world, with the power of thunder?" If the previous book fans can understand it well, this paragraph makes book fans a little confused.

The reason why they are confused is not because everyone can't understand these words, but the meaning expressed by these words makes them a little confused.

What does "cultivation" mean? Many people don't understand.

However, some people understand, because this word is not ancient and original, but has existed since ancient times.

In Taoism, learning the Tao and practicing, seeking the true self, removing the false and preserving the true, is called "cultivation", also known as "cultivating the Tao".

Those who understand explain it on the Internet, and those who don't understand also understand.

However, understand is understand, but still a little confused.

Those cultivators can shake the world with the help of secret treasures, have the power of thunder? so smart?

You must know that this is a human being, not an immortal, nor a demon. Humans can have such powerful power through self-cultivation?

"More people will devote themselves to the path of cultivation and cultivation." Could it be that this is a work about human cultivation and cultivation?

Of course, the premise is that this paragraph is Gu Yong's introduction and preview of the new work.

And this point, it should be able to be sure, Gu Yong is impossible to publish a piece of content that has nothing to do with the new work at this point in time.

At this time, although the book fans are a little confused, they already have some understanding of what kind of new type of works Gu Yong is about to launch.

It's just that the amount of information in this passage is too large, and they still need to ponder over and over again.

There is still a long paragraph below. After reading it first, I will say, "Shenzhou is vast, vast and boundless. Only the Central Plains is the most fertile and fertile... Up to now, there are as many people in the human world as the crucian carp crossing the river. , countless... This story started from the 'Qingyunmen'."

After reading the entire content of Weibo, one thing can be confirmed, that is, the next new type of work by Gu Yong, which is a work about human self-cultivation and Taoism.

Although we don't know yet, what kind of work should this be? But the words "Cultivation of Taoism" can also be regarded as the answer.

The doubts that had plagued the fans for months were finally resolved. The fans felt extremely comfortable at this time, and their breathing seemed to be a lot easier all of a sudden.

However, although the doubts have been solved, the fans of the book are still in a state of confusion.

Human beings practise Taoism, what exactly will this be like? Will it look good?


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