Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1917 I don't understand

Great Martial Arts Magazine.

Jian Yishen let out a long breath, and after reading Gu Yong's Weibo, his heart was finally at ease.

Cultivating the truth, Jian Yishen thought about this subject for a long time. He wanted to know if he could create a novel on this subject.

In the depths of his heart, the thought of competing with Gu Yong always exists.

Although he knew that the gap between himself and Gu Yong was too great, and he was not qualified to compete with Gu Yong at all, that kind of thought could never be erased.

Of course, it is understandable that Jian Yishen has such thoughts, as long as he can clearly recognize the gap between the two, not blindly confident, and will not affect his own mentality because of the strength of the ancients.

Jian Yishen thought for a long time, and finally shook his head helplessly and chose to give up.

He really couldn't think of how to create a work with such a theme? There was no concept in his mind at all.

Of course, if he wanted to forcibly create a work with "cultivating truth", he would be able to create it, but the quality was absolutely appalling.

Moreover, I am afraid that the works created will be dissimilar and laughable.

Jian Yishen sighed helplessly and said, "Editor-in-chief, I really can't think of how to create works with the theme of 'Cultivation of Taoism'. The gap between me and Gu Yong is getting bigger and bigger."

Wang Yang said: "Xiao Tang, it's normal that you can't think of it. After all, he is Guyong, and there is only one Guyong in this world. In fact, I don't know at all, what kind of works can be created with this theme? Those who know the answer, maybe Only Gu Yong is the only one."

Jian Yishen nodded slowly and said, "The editor-in-chief can rest assured that I will not belittle myself because of this. I have known for a long time that the gap between me and him will get bigger and bigger, and I have already prepared in my heart."

Wang Yang nodded and said: "Actually, what Gu Yong cares most about this time is 'the world is not benevolent, and all things are dogs!' This sentence is really a sage's word. Before, only There is Li Fan's "Three Character Classic" known as the words of a sage, and now Gu Yong has written such a sentence, which makes him one step closer to Li Fan. It's not simple!"

Jian Yi Shendao: "When I first saw this sentence, it did give people a feeling of being suffocated. It is too high. Maybe this is the real strength of Gu Yong, which is really disappointing."

Wang Yang said again: "Xiao Tang, how do you understand this sentence?"

Jian Yishen was stunned for a moment. He didn't understand the meaning of Wang Yang's question. Although this sentence is extremely powerful, it doesn't seem difficult to understand the meaning, right? Even those ordinary book fans can understand its meaning, let alone him?

After hesitating for a while, Jian Yishen said, "Editor-in-chief, the meaning of this sentence does not seem to be difficult to understand."

Wang Yang smiled and said: "According to the general idea, this sentence is indeed not difficult to understand. But I think this sentence may have another mystery. Of course, I can't say that my understanding is correct."

"There is another mystery?" Jian Yishen was stunned again, and said, "Editor, what is the mystery? Isn't this sentence understood that way?"

Wang Yang smiled again, but did not answer Jian Yishen's question, but said, "Maybe there is, let's take a look."

Jian Yishen looked puzzled.


Jian Yishen couldn't understand, how should he create a novel with the theme of "Cultivation of Taoism"? The other martial arts writers also couldn't understand it.

Like Jian Yishen, they also thought about it for a long time after reading Gu Yong's Weibo.

Although they didn't mean to compete with Gu Yong, if they could figure out this question, wouldn't that show their thinking and keep up with Gu Yong's footsteps?

This is definitely something that will make all martial arts writers feel extremely excited and excited. When chatting in the circle of martial arts writers in the future, it will become an ultimate means of pretending.

He is a person whose thinking and ideas keep up with Gu Yong's footsteps.

Who dares to disagree?

Therefore, a group of martial arts writers have exhausted all their thoughts and thought hard, in order to think of some ways.

But unfortunately, the result is regrettable. Like Jian Yishen, they have no concept at all in their minds, so how can they come up with methods?

Can't think of it, they can only sigh helplessly, Gu Yong's thinking is really not something that ordinary authors like them can figure out.

Since you can't figure it out, then honestly wait for the official serialization of Gu Yong's new work.

When Gu Yong's new work is officially serialized, they will always be able to understand Gu Yong's thinking.

They originally thought that they would no longer be curious and itchy after knowing Gu Yong's new type of work and what kind of new type of work it was.

But who knows, after knowing the answer, they are still very curious and itchy, even more curious and itchy than before.

Because they really want to know how Gu Yong will create works with the theme of "Cultivation of Taoism"?

In this way, although Gu Yong will no longer create martial arts novels, these martial arts writers will still "pursue" the new works created by Gu Yong.

The martial arts authors shook their heads helplessly. They cannot do without Gu Yong's works. No matter what type of works Gu Yong creates in the future, they are afraid that they cannot do without.

They will continue to be curious about Gu Yong's works, and they will continue to pursue them.


Sansheng Village.

Liang Sheng said: "That kid has been playing outside with two girls for a few months, and finally gave a new book preview, it's not easy!"

Zheng Jie laughed and said, "It's the right choice to give a preview at this time. What surprised me was that the boy would actually put out a sage's words in this new book preview, that boy really did. There will be a surprise for you all of a sudden!"

Qin Lie said, "The Three Character Classic has been published for so long, so it's really time for such a high-profile sentence."

Su Yilin said, "I'm thinking, how should this sentence be understood? Which one is the correct one? Or maybe both?"

Liang Shengdao: "There are indeed two understandings. Generally speaking, it is easier to understand the former one, but the real understanding should be the latter one."

Zheng Jie said: "It really should be the latter understanding. This sentence is not simple, it simply contains an infinite wisdom. I don't know if there is any context after this sentence? If there is, its meaning will be Not under the Three Character Classic."

Qin Lie said, "It may be, it may not be, and it is more likely not."

Su Yilin said: "Anyway, when that kid comes back, be sure to ask clearly."

Liang Sheng said: "I really need to ask clearly."


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