Guyong's new website was officially launched, but everyone was a little confused.

In addition to the column "This week's strong push", the situation is the same for many other columns. For the column name itself, everyone can understand what it means, but they do not understand the meaning and function of those columns on the website.

For example, scroll down the website, such as "Original Billboard New", "24-hour Hot Selling List", "Weekly Recommended Ticket List" and so on.

The names of these columns themselves, everyone can barely understand what they mean, but they don't fully understand what these columns are used for?

In addition, there is a very obvious "author zone", which also makes everyone confused.

Overall, this is a website that people can understand and can't understand.

It will take an hour before Zhu Xian will officially start serialization.

So, in this hour, Qidian, an incomprehensible website, naturally became the focus of everyone's discussion.

On the web, fans.

"I originally thought it would be a very simple website, but I didn't expect it to be so 'complex'. By the way, what does this website mean by Gu Yongda?"

"I don't know, I don't understand it at all. However, one thing seems to be certain. When you look at the 'work classification' column, in addition to the 'Xianxia' category, there are obviously other categories, just It's blank for now. I'm thinking, does this mean that the new types of works mentioned by Gu Yong are not just 'Xianxia', but also other new types?"

"From the perspective of the composition of this column, it seems to be the case. That is to say, after Zhu Xian, Gu Yongda will continue to launch other types of works?"

"According to our understanding, it seems to be the case. If that is the case, wow! That's really exciting!"

"From the column of 'work classification', it seems that this is indeed possible. However, columns such as 'strong push this week', '24-hour hot list', 'weekly recommended vote list', etc. What does each mean?"

"Well, then I don't understand it at all. I understand now that this new website launched by Gu Yongda is not just as simple as serializing his own new works."

"I don't know, but it really feels like it shouldn't be that simple."


Times Literature Award Jury Office.

Yang Qiming said with emotion: "So it is, so it is! The reason why Gu Yong wants to launch a new website is that in addition to serializing his own new types of works, there is some other purpose."

Li Bo nodded and said, "There should be some other purpose. Otherwise, there is no need for this website to be so 'complex'. But, what is the purpose?"

Yang Qiming pondered: "To know what purpose Gu Yong has, we should probably look for answers from these columns. Category of works, writer's area, this week's strong recommendation, and the 24 best-selling list."

Yang Qiming read the names of the columns on the website one by one, thinking in his mind while reading, Gu Yong launched the intention of these columns.

It's just that after reading all the columns over and over again, there is no clue.

Finally, he smiled bitterly and said, "The only thing we can be sure of now is that Gu Yong must have some other purpose. As for what purpose it is? It's still impossible to guess."

Lipo also gave a wry smile and said, "This really solves a doubt, and immediately adds a new doubt. To solve all the doubts may be far more complicated than we think."

Yang Qiming nodded, and he completely agreed with Li Bo's statement.

Of course, this is also normal. After all, that is a man of ancient times, how can his thoughts be completely solved so easily?

Great Martial Arts Magazine.

In the entire interface of Qidian, the column that Jian Yishen cares most about is the "Writers Zone".

Maybe it has something to do with him being a writer.

Jian Yishen couldn't understand, what does Gu Yong mean by having a "writer's area" on the website?

He asked Wang Yang, "Editor-in-chief, can you guess the purpose of Gu Yong's entire 'author zone'?"

Wang Yang shook his head and said, "I have been thinking about this issue just now, but I don't have any clues, and I don't understand Gu Yong's intention at all."

Jian Yishen sighed lightly and said, "I thought that Gu Yong launched a new website just to serialize his own new works. Now it seems that Gu Yong's purpose is obviously more than that. It really can't keep up at all. His rhythm!"

Wang Yang said: "This is something that can't be helped. However, this finally solves a previous question, that is, why does Gu Yong want to launch a new website to serialize his works? Because he has some other purpose."

Jian Yi Shendao said: "But a new question has been added. What is his purpose?"

Wang Yang smiled bitterly and said, "This is unknown."

The interface and functions of Qidian were designed by Li Fan with reference to his previous life, but some columns have not yet been launched, such as the "Sanjiang" column, which is currently not available on Qidian

Regarding Qidian, the outside world is a little confused, and Li Fan naturally knows this, but he does not intend to give an explanation.

Because no matter how much is explained now, the outside world may not fully understand it, and the effect of explaining it now is not good.

He plans to let Zhu Xian start the serialization first, and then let everyone familiarize himself with the interface and functions of the website little by little during the process of Zhu Xian's serialization.

After everyone has a certain understanding and familiarity with the interface and functions of the website, he will explain the things that everyone does not understand. In this way, the effect will naturally be very good.

This thing can't be rushed, it needs to come a little bit. When the time is right, he will also launch the starting point app, which will be more convenient for everyone.

Now, let everyone guess and discuss.

After an hour, everyone did not discuss the reason.

However, everyone very tacitly stopped the discussion.

Because, as everyone knows, Zhu Xian is going to be officially uploaded.

Li Fandeng entered the author's backstage 6. He has already completed the author's registration, and the pseudonym is still "Gu Yong".

The process of the new cloth is the same as the starting point of the previous life. Create a work, work name, introduction, upload the first chapter of the text, and wait for review.

Of course, Zhu Xian does not need to be reviewed. As soon as Li Fan uploads it in the background, it will be displayed on the website immediately.

Where does it appear on the website?

displayed in many places.

The strong wind blows, this week's strong push, the editor's recommendation, the original wind and cloud list, the 24-hour best-selling list, etc., are all pure Zhuxian.

And, only this one work.

Fans who are waiting for the official serialization of Zhu Xian are still thinking, in which column of the website will the relevant information about Zhu Xian be displayed? Where should they be looking?

Before they could figure it out, they realized that there was no need to think about it at all.

Because, in almost every column, you can see the work of Zhu Xian.

"Can you see the text of Zhu Xian if you click anywhere?" Everyone was thinking.

Then, randomly clicked a place.

Sure enough, the page jumped to the serial page of Zhu Xian.

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