Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1932 beautiful

[Book Title: Little Farmer, Big Star Chapter 1932 Beautiful Author: In the Countryside]

Welcome to the latest chapter of Little Farmer and Big Star 2k Novel Network! The domain name of this site: the complete pinyin of "2k novel", it is easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: Wulian Peak Five Elements, The Gate of the Profound Realm, Choose Heaven, King of Eternal Night, Inverse Scale, Lord of Xue Ying, Lord of Xue Ying, a thought of the legend of the eternal dragon king .

This sweet-smiling woman really has a painful memory hidden deep in her heart.

At this time, Baguio was weak and helpless, which made people feel endless pity.

At this time, fans only hope that from now on, Zhang Xiaofan can protect Baguio well and not let Baguio be so helpless again.

There is also Lu Xueqi. Fans think of Lu Xueqi again. Lu Xueqi also needs someone to protect her when she is weak.

Fans also hope that Zhang Xiaofan can protect these two people at the same time in the future.

They believe that Zhang Xiaofan definitely has this ability, he is the supreme law of Taoism and Buddhism, and he has a magic weapon made from the fusion of the two most ferocious things in the world, and now he has obtained a mysterious book of heaven.

In the future, Zhang Xiaofan's strength will be the highest, and book fans have no doubts about it.

Now, the eyes of book fans will go to the bleeding hole again.

After being in a coma for a long time, Baguio finally woke up, Zhang Xiaofan untied Baguio's heart.

Perhaps it was because of this time, the scene of the two people living and dying in the bleeding cave moved the gods. When Baguio woke up, they finally found a way out.

The two finally left the bleeding cave, and the feeling of the rest of their lives after the catastrophe made both of them very happy.

Zhang Xiaofan roasted a rabbit and shared it with Baguio.

After eating the rabbit meat, Baguio snuggled beside Zhang Xiaofan, with a faint smile, she fell asleep with peace of mind.

This is a very beautiful picture.

Book fans are very happy, and they hope to see such pictures more often from now on.

Only, it seems a little difficult.

Because the next morning, after the two woke up, Zhang Xiaofan told Baguio that he is the righteous way, and Baguio is a demon sect, right and wrong are incompatible.

From now on, they must be separated, and they will be enemies the next time they meet.

Baguio was a little sad, at this time, she actually had feelings for Zhang Xiaofan, but Zhang Xiaofan's mind was very firm in the concept of right and wrong, and they had to separate.

Zhang Xiaofan left, still resolute.

Baguio sat alone, beside the pile of ashes where Zhang Xiaofan grilled the rabbit last night, with tears in his eyes.

This made the hearts of book fans a pain, they knew that Baguio at this time needed care.

It's just that the man Baguio most wanted to be by his side at this moment had just left and left without looking back.

The man was still puzzled.

The book fans sighed in their hearts, in fact, Zhang Xiaofan cannot be blamed for this matter.

After all, there is nothing wrong with the notion of right and wrong.

Righteousness and evil are inherently opposites, and they will always be opposites. Evil must be eliminated by justice.

It's just that the opposition between justice and evil does not represent a relationship between decent people and demons, it must be an opposition relationship.

There may be evil in decency, and there may be justice in magic.

And although Baguio is a member of the demon sect, it does not mean evil in itself, Zhang Xiaofan has absolutely no need to regard Bi Baguio as the opposite person.

Fans of books know this very well, but unfortunately Zhang Xiaofan can't hear the voices of fans, he divided Baguio into the "evil" side.

That's why he went so decisively.

It's not Zhang Xiaofan's fault, certainly not Baguio's fault, it's a fool of fate.

Only poor Baguio can only sit beside the ashes and cry helplessly at this time.

It's a heartbreaking picture.


After Zhang Xiaofan left Baguio, he walked out of the barren mountains and ridges alone, drinking tea in front of a small tea stall one day,

Baguio's father, Ghost King, took the alias of "Wen Wanxiang" and deliberately made friends with Zhang Xiaofan.

During this period, the ghost king recognized Zhang Xiaofan's burning stick, which was a fusion of bloodthirsty beads and soul absorbing two most ferocious things, and informed Zhang Xiaofan.

After Zhang Xiaofan knew the origin of his weapon, he fell into the anxiety, struggle and pain of what is the right way and what is the wrong way, but in the end he was firm in the heart of the right way.

And he realized that even if the fire stick is something of a demon, it is the right way to use it to slay demons and exorcise demons.

At the same time, Zhang Xiaofan also knew that "10,000 people" was a pseudonym, he asked the identity of the other party, the ghost king left without telling him.

After Zhang Xiaofan was stunned for a while, he also left.

After leaving, I met an old man with a little girl. The old man's beard and hair were all white, and his face was pure and innocent.

However, the old man was holding a bamboo pole in his hand with a piece of white cloth hanging on it. The words "Immortal guide the way" were written on it, which made people feel that something was wrong.

The old man said that Zhang Xiaofan was covered with dark clouds, his hall was black, his face was dead, and something was wrong, so he wanted to take a look at him.

It turned out that the old man was a physicist, and the book fans pouted secretly, they thought that Zhang Xiaofan had really met someone who was highly skilled.

It was just a photographer.

Just looking at it, book fans found that this physicist does not seem to be an ordinary physicist.

He calls himself "Monday Immortal" and doesn't know Taoism, but he is often able to miraculously avoid danger at a critical moment. He said that the several photo books, "Nine Calculations of Numerology" and "Yuzhu Xiangxue", were handed down by his ancestor Qingyunzi.

Who is Qing Yunzi?

It is the founder of Qingyunmen, who also walked in the rivers and lakes as a master in his early years.

Could it be that Zhou Xian has something to do with Qing Yunzi?

There are still many places where Zhou Xian is puzzled. The more book fans read, the more and more they feel that Zhou Xian is a bit mysterious.


The storyline continues to become more and more exciting, and all kinds of exciting plots continue.

Book fans all have a feeling of being overwhelmed. They are often still emotionally overwhelmed by the previous episode, and the next episode is coming.

The next episode seemed to be more exciting than the previous episode, and they had to immediately give up the emotion for the previous episode and turn to the emotion for the next episode.

Before they could finish their emotion, the next episode came again. Such constant repetition really dazzled the fans of the book.

Zhang Xiaofan came to a small town and met Shi Shi, the only descendant of Venerable Dali, the sect master of King Kong Gate. In order to help the town get rid of the demon, the two went to the Black Stone Cave to get rid of the fox demon together.

Before entering the cave, Zhang Xiaofan and Baguio meet again.

After learning about the purpose of Zhang Xiaofan's trip, Baguio went with Zhang Xiaofan and Shito to remove the demon.


The demon sect occupied Liubo Mountain in a large scale, and the people of the right way came here one after another to block the demon sect.

On Liubo Mountain, Zhang Xiaofan saw Tian Linger holding Qi Hao's hand, his heart was eroded day and night by the burning fire stick, and suddenly he was so violent that he wanted to kill his senior brother Song Daren.

After regaining consciousness, Tian Buyi punished him to kneel in the rainy night.

Lu Xueqi and Ba Yao came to visit Zhang Xiaofan one after another.

Lu Xueqi accompanied Zhang Xiaofan through the wind and rain, his whole body was soaked, Zhang Xiaofan was in a trance and couldn't believe it, thinking it was an illusion.

Baguio held an umbrella for Zhang Xiaofan to keep out the wind and rain.


Both Lu Xueqi and Baguio were obviously already in love with Zhang Xiaofan. And Zhang Xiaofan has also slowly freed himself from his love for Tian Linger, and slowly began to fall in love with Lu Xueqi and Baguio's two daughters.

All of this was originally very beautiful, and the fans of the book were looking forward to Zhang Xiaofan being able to take the two daughters together.

However, they never imagined that all the good things would come to an abrupt end in an instant.

What is left is just a picture that will make people feel heartbroken forever.

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