Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1943 Author registration function is activated

[Book Title: Little Farmer, Big Star Chapter 1943 Writer registration function opened Author: In the Countryside]

Welcome to the latest chapter of Little Farmer and Big Star 2k Novel Network! The domain name of this site: the complete pinyin of "2k novel", it is easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: the best all-around student, the five elements, the gate of the mysterious world, the selection of heaven, the king of the eternal night, the great ruler of the holy ruins, the lord of the snow eagle, the eternal dragon king, the legend of the ancient gods, and the book fans are very interested in the unsolved mystery of Zhuxian. There is a lot of discussion on the Internet.

Obviously, although "Zhu Xian" is over, the discussion among book fans is far from over.

Not only book fans are discussing, but also celebrities and martial arts authors are also discussing, and they are also very interested.

In addition, for those who are looking forward to becoming an online writer, while discussing the unsolved mysteries of "Zhu Xian", they are also looking forward to the opening of the "author registration" function of Qidian

Gu Yong said that after the end of "Zhu Xian", the author registration function will be opened.

Now that "Zhu Xian" is officially over, the writer registration function should be opened soon, right?

They are looking forward to it!


Sansheng Village.

Li Fan understands the expectations of those people, and he will no longer continue to hang his appetite. He logged into Guyong's Weibo and announced an announcement that the writer registration function of Qidian will be opened on time at 10:00 a.m. tomorrow.

As soon as the news came out, many people cheered, very excited and looking forward to it. They finally waited.

Signing up as a writer should be a wonderful feeling, right?

They can't wait!

The time of the day is always easy to pass, and in a blink of an eye it is 10 am the next day.

Countless people have logged into Qidian, clicked on the "Author Zone", and found that a new writer registration function has been added.

The author registration function is finally open, and at the same time, the author benefits are also updated along with it.

Writer perks? This is undoubtedly a matter of great concern.

Those who are preparing to sign up as writers, look very carefully.

"Complete Attendance Award: After the works have been successfully signed, the website can arrange the works to be put on the shelves. After the works are put on the shelves, the updated new chapters are classified as VIP chapters, and readers need to pay to read them. After the works are put on the shelves, within each natural month, If you can guarantee more than 4,000 words of updates every day, you can receive a full attendance bonus of 600 yuan in this natural month."

"Creation Guarantee Award: For works listed on the shelves, the total number of valid updated words in the month is not less than 180,000 words, and the writer's total remuneration for the month is less than 1,500 yuan, and the author can apply for creation guarantee. After the application is reviewed and approved, will provide the author with the actual remuneration for the month. On the basis, the supplementary amount will be paid to 1,500 yuan, and you can apply for four consecutive months.”

"Diligent Writing Award:..."

These writer benefits seem to be good, and those who want to register as writers are getting more and more elated.

According to the benefits of these writers, as long as the works can be successfully signed, meet the standards for listing, and after the successful listing, and then ensure the daily update volume, you can earn a little pocket money every month.

It's still pretty good to think about.

If so, why are you hesitating?

Register now!

Those people have been waiting impatiently for this moment.


In addition, Li Fan has explained to the fans in advance that they need to pay to read the VIP chapters.

The payment standard also explains that for ordinary members, 10 starting coins, or 10 cents, are needed to read a 2000-word VIP chapter.

In addition, there are also junior VIP members and senior VIP members, who need 8 starting coins and 6 starting coins to read a 2000-word VIP chapter.

In this regard, most book fans expressed their understanding and support. The authors worked hard to create codewords. They paid to read and support the author, so that the author could have a bite to eat, which is also what it should be.


The author starved to death, but no one wrote to them.

Moreover, the price is not expensive, only a dime per chapter.

Besides, they need to spend money to read traditional novels and buy newspapers and magazines that serialize novels.

And it is more expensive than reading online novels on Qidian

Therefore, most people expressed their understanding and support, and were willing to pay to read.

However, there are also a small number of people who are not very happy. They think that reading novels on the Internet is free.

In the past, the novels serialized by Gu Yong and Li Fan on Weibo were completely free, but now they are suddenly charged, and they are naturally unhappy.

It's not that they can't afford that little bit of money to read novels, they just don't like it.

However, although they are not happy, they also said that if there is a work worthy of their payment, they can still pay to read it.


After the works of other authors are successfully put on the shelves, the VIP chapter will be opened.

However, Li Fan promised the fans that Gu Yong's serialized works on Qidian will not open VIP chapters.

In other words, all the works serialized by Guyong on will not be charged, and will be completely free for book fans to read.

Gu Yong's promise made all book fans cheer.

What they are most looking forward to is the works created by Gu Yong himself, and now there is no charge for Gu Yong's works, which is quite beautiful.

Writers of novels in various fields are amazed at this. People who are not poor in money are so willful.


Sansheng Village.

The reason why Li Fan decided that there is no charge for the serialized works on Qidian, apart from the fact that he is not bad for money, is mainly to repay those fans who have always supported him.

When he came to this world, he was able to achieve so much in the field of literature, and a large part of the reason was due to the support of book fans.

From the first fairy tales, to the later comics, martial arts, detective works, pure love works, mythological works, works of gods and demons, to the current fairy tale works, etc., these works are inseparable from the support of book fans.

Although book fans don't know that Li Fan and Gu Yong are the same person, he knows that he is grateful to those book fans who support him.

Therefore, he is willing to repay the book fans who support him in a way of not charging for his works.

The four elders, Zheng Jie, Liang Sheng, Qin Lie, and Su Yilin, fully agreed with Li Fan's decision and believed that Li Fan's decision was very correct.

At 11:00 in the morning, Zheng Jie asked, "It's been an hour, how many writers are registered now?"

Li Fandao: "Just now, editor-in-chief Gu Wei sent a message saying that it has exceeded 1 million people."

"More than 1 million?" The four old men were shocked. They knew that there would be a lot of people registering, but they didn't expect it to be so many. In just one hour, more than 1 million people have registered. This is too exaggerated. .

Li Fan shook his head and said, "It's normal to have this number. One million people who have registered to become writers does not mean that all of these one million people really want to be online writers. I am afraid that half of them are just following the trend. It’s just registration, it’s nothing more than feeling novel, join in the fun, and you won’t really create works after registration.”

The four old men all nodded, and what Li Fan said was indeed the truth. However, throwing away half the number of people, 500,000 registered writers in an hour is quite surprising.

Li Fan sighed softly, and then said, "The authors of online novels are all rushing through the sand. Of these 500,000 people, eventually 10,000 people can persevere, which is not bad."

Liang Sheng smiled and said: "There is no way out. Some people choose to give up because their passion is gone after a period of time. Some people choose to give up because they can't see hope. It's human nature. Generally speaking, successful people are the ones who persist to the end. But if a person is really not suitable for this path, it is also the right choice to give up early and find another path."

After listening, Li Fan nodded. He completely agreed with Liang Sheng's statement.

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