Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1954 Healing

A few women looked puzzled, but they didn't say anything else. Instead, they returned to the place where they just washed the things, picked up the things on the ground, put them in a foot basin-like thing, and put them on their heads.

After that, he began to greet a group of children, and it seemed that he was going back to the village.

I don't know if it was because of Li Fan's arrival that they chose to go back early?

A group of children agreed, and while looking back at Li Fan, they walked in the direction of several women.

Li Fan smiled lightly. He knew that women and children were wary of him.

This is of course normal. It is indeed a very strange thing for a foreigner with a different skin color to come here when it is getting dark.

Li Fan can understand, so he does not intend to disturb this village.

When he just passed by from a distance, he saw a group of cute children by the stream, so he couldn't help but walk over to take a look.

Now, it's time to leave and move on to find a place to spend the night.

Returning to the village from the stream requires passing through a small forest. Li Fan saw the figures of several women and a group of children. They had already entered the woods, smiled faintly, and was about to turn around and leave.

But I saw a child, hiding behind a tree, looking at him cautiously.

"Oh?" Li Fan thought it was quite interesting, so he didn't leave immediately.

After a while, the women and the other child were gone, but the child was still hiding behind a tree and watching him.

This child seems to be more courageous, Li Fan smiled slightly, and said to the child: "Child, I'm leaving, you go back quickly."

After speaking, Li Fan turned around and left.

After taking a dozen steps forward, Li Fan could feel that the child was still looking at him.

This time, Li Fan felt a little strange. He turned to the child and said, "Child, do you have anything to say to me?"

The child still looked at Li Fan. After a while, he finally came out from behind the tree. He was a little timid, but he was more determined and said, "Where did you come from?"

Li Fan approached slowly and said with a smile, "I'm from China."

The child said, "I know the country of China, which is very powerful and rich. You...will you heal?"

"Healing?" Li Fan asked, "Is anyone injured in your family?"

If the child is not injured, it is very likely that someone in the child's family is injured.

The child nodded and said, "My dad was injured. A few days ago, he went hunting with several people in the village and was attacked by an unknown animal. Everyone was injured. My dad was injured the most, and he is still alive today. Can't move."

"Unknown animal?" Li Fan asked, "Has your father ever seen that kind of animal?"

The child said, "Dad said no."

Li Fan nodded and said, "Didn't your father go to the hospital?"

The child shook his head and said, "I didn't go. I heard that it would cost a lot of money to go to the hospital. We don't have any money. There is a doctor in our village, and he will treat the injury. The injuries of the others are almost all healed, except for my father's. "

Li Fan nodded and said with a smile: "I will heal the wound, can you take me to see your father?"

The child said, "Are you a doctor?"

Li Fan smiled and said, "I'm not a doctor, but I will heal wounds."

The child was very happy after hearing this and said, "I'll take you to see my father, thank you."

Li Fan said: "No thanks, what's your name?"

The child said, "My name is Buddy."

Li Fan nodded and said, "Buddy, let's go."

Buddy replied and turned to lead the way. At this time, he was no longer timid.

Li Fan followed Buddy, walked through the woods, and came to the village.

The group of children just now had already dispersed, but after seeing Buddy come in with Li Fan, they all gathered around again.

Perhaps because they were already in the village, the timidity and vigilance in their eyes were much less.

More of a curiosity.

They are still a bunch of kids after all.

A child asked, "Buddy, what did you bring him in for?"

Buddy said: "He will heal, and I asked him to heal my dad."

Another child asked, "Buddy, is he a doctor?"

Buddy said: "No, but he will heal."

"How can a doctor treat an injury?" A group of children all looked at Li Fan. They obviously didn't understand why Li Fan would treat an injury.

And at this moment, several men came over with alert expressions in their eyes. After asking the reason, one of the men said, "Can you really heal? But you didn't bring any equipment and equipment on you. Medicines."

Li Fan said: "I passed by here, and I didn't know that Buddy's father was injured, and he didn't come here specifically to treat the injury. Naturally, he would not bring equipment and medicinal materials with him."

After listening to this, the man thought about it and said, "I'm very sorry just now, but we were rude. My name is Gino, and I'm the village chief here. We are very grateful for your kindness. It's just that Mr. has neither equipment nor medicinal materials. , how to heal the wound?"

Li Fan smiled lightly: "This one needs to look at the condition of the injured person first."

When the village chief named Gino heard this, he nodded and said, "Sir is also right. Thank you again for your kindness. Please come with me, sir."

Li Fan nodded and walked towards the village with Gino, while Buddy and a group of children ran in front.

Along the way, Li Fan learned about Buddy's father's injury through chatting with Gino.

1o A few days ago, Buddy's father Ansai and a few hunters in the village went to the periphery of a virgin jungle, a hundred kilometers away from the village, in order to hunt an animal.

In the process of hunting, there was an accident, and a huge and unknown animal attacked them.

Originally, the animal could easily kill them all, but for some reason, the animal finally let them go and turned away.

Li Fan was somewhat interested in that unknown animal, which obviously wouldn't be a wild animal known to humans.

Otherwise, it is impossible that several hunters have never seen that animal.

Just as he was talking, Gino said, "Sir, this is the place."

Buddy came out of the house with the hand of a woman who should be Buddy's mother.

After some conversation, Li Fan entered the house and met Ansai, the injured Buddy's father.

Li Fan saw that Ansai was wearing bandages in many places, it was a trauma.

In addition to the trauma, Ansai also suffered obvious internal injuries. It is precisely because of the internal injury that Ansai's injury has not improved for a long time.

The doctor in the village was able to heal external wounds, but not internal wounds.

Therefore, Ansai's trauma has obviously improved, but he is still unable to move.


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