Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1955 Entering the Jungle

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Buddy said cautiously, "Sir, can you cure my dad?"

Li Fan touched Buddy's little head and said, "Of course you can, Buddy. The reason why your father can't get better is because he has suffered a serious internal injury in addition to the external injury. As long as the internal injury is cured , your father will slowly get better."

Li Fan can naturally cure Buddy's father.

In the space's mall system, there are a variety of elixir, which can make Ansai fully recover in a very short period of time.

But Li Fan didn't intend to use that kind of elixir, it seemed too shocking.

In addition to the elixir, there are also relatively common medicines. Common medicines can also restore Ansai to health, but it takes a long time.

Li Fan decided to use common medicine.

When he came to this village, he was related to this village. Healing Ansai's injuries is just a matter of raising his hands.

Of course he would not refuse.

Later, Li Fan said that he had understood Ansai's injury and would deliver medicine for Ansai tomorrow.

Now, he has to leave the village first.

After Gino and the others listened, they quickly persuaded Li Fan to stay overnight in the village tonight, saying that it would be very dangerous to leave the village at this time.

Li Fan smiled and waved his hand. Under the watchful eyes of Gino and others, he left the village and disappeared into the night.

Before leaving, Li Fan also reassured Buddy, saying that he would definitely deliver medicine for his father tomorrow, and that his father would get better soon after taking the medicine he sent.

Gino and the others watched Li Fan slowly disappear in the night, and after Li Fan completely disappeared, a man next to Gino said, "Village chief, it is really dangerous for him to leave the village alone, wouldn't he? Are you scared?"

Gino said: "He said he was just passing by, which should be true, it was almost dark at that time. This proves that he is not afraid of danger. He is a warrior!"

The man said again, "Will he deliver medicine for Ansai tomorrow?"

Gino said: "Yes, I believe him."

The man said: "I don't know why he passed by here alone? You know, within 100 kilometers of this place, except for our village, it is all a wilderness. Where is he going?"

Gino shook his head and said, "I don't know either. In short, we must not offend him. I always feel that he is not an ordinary person."

The man said: "Village, I know."


After leaving the village, it was pitch black all around, and there was no moonlight.

Li Fan summoned Xiaotian from the space, and then jumped on Xiaotian's back, Xiaotian's huge body quickly walked through the night.

Li Fan decided to go to Ansai where several people were attacked by unknown animals. Although it was 100 kilometers away from the village, for Xiaotian, it took dozens of breaths to arrive.

When he was in the village before, Li Fan had already asked Gino the exact location of that place.

Li Fan is interested in that unknown animal, is he going to see if that guy is still around?

As long as the guy hasn't run too far, Little Charm can spot it.

After dozens of breaths, Xiaotian stopped over a jungle. Li Fan looked at the jungle below and nodded. It should be here.

"Little Mantra, is there anything you've noticed?" Li Fan asked Little Mantra in his mind.

After a while, Xiao Zhu replied: "There is nothing to see for now. There are many animals within a radius of 100 kilometers, but there are no special animals. If what the hunters said is true, then the unknown The animals should have left this outer jungle and returned to the depths of the jungle."

Li Fan nodded and said, "Let's go deep into the jungle tomorrow to have a look."

The main purpose of his visit to Africa University 6 this time is to those primitive jungles that human beings have never set foot in. There may be such places in the depths of the jungle in front of him, so naturally he has to go in and take a look.

Afterwards, Li Fan chose a tall ancient tree as a place to rest tonight.

With the help of Xianyuan Space, he can create a very comfortable place to sleep at the top of the ancient tree.


The night gradually receded, and the next day soon arrived.

Waking up in the morning light, Li Fan packed his things into the space and summoned Xiaotian out of the space.

He will go back to that village again today to deliver medicine to Buddy's father.

He has disguised the medicine, and disguised it as a kind of oral medicine that seems to be a bit ordinary, but it doesn't seem to be ordinary.

At a distance of 10 kilometers from the village, Li Fan got off Xiaotian's back and summoned Xiaotian into the space again.

Li Fan walked slowly towards the village. When he was about to reach the entrance of the village, he saw the village chief Gino waiting there with a group of people, including a group of children including Buddy.

Obviously, they are ready to meet Li Fan.

Seeing Li Fan, Buddy and a group of children ran over, and the village chief Gino and others also hurried up to greet him.

Li Fan also quickened his pace.


An hour later, Li Fan left the village again.

The village chief, Gino, led a group of people to send him far and far. They have regarded Li Fan as a noble and a benefactor.

Before, An Sai took the medicine sent by Li Fan, and half an hour later, the situation had improved significantly.

Ansai himself was excited and excited, and expressed his gratitude to Li Fan again and again.

Little Buddy was equally excited, jumping and jumping.

The village chief Gino and others were also very surprised. They never thought that the medicine Li Fan sent would have such a miraculous effect.

When Li Fan said goodbye and left again, everyone, including the village chief Gino, felt very reluctant. They hoped that Li Fan could stay in their village for a few days.

Li Fan said that he still has very important things to do in the village, and promised that if there is another opportunity in the future, he will return to the village to visit everyone.

A group of people were very reluctant to send Li Fan away, one ride after another.

When they were far away from the village, a group of talents finally stopped sending each other.

Zuobie Jinuo and others, after Li Fan walked another 100 kilometers, he summoned Xiaotian out of space, jumped on Xiaotian's back, and flew towards the deepest part of the jungle.


Li Fan has already entered the virgin jungle of Africa, and in the past two days, the attention of countries around the world to Li Fan's exploration trip has not diminished.

Everyone was looking forward to it, and Li Fan suddenly brought them a surprise.

"Mr. Li Fan should have already arrived at the African University 6, but I don't know if he entered the jungle at this time?"

"It would be great if Mr. Li Fan could give us a live broadcast of his exploration process, it would be quite exciting."

"Don't think about the live broadcast. I heard that Mr. Li Fan doesn't like to appear in the camera."

"Mr. Li Fan doesn't need to appear in the camera, he just needs to broadcast what he sees in front of him."

"If Mr. Li Fan is really live, it will be wonderful."



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