Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1956 Extremely real live broadcast

Some people suggested that Li Fan could live stream the process screen during his exploration.

There is also a live broadcast platform in this world, but it is completely free, and there are no functions such as viewers to brush gifts.

When Xianyuan Farm opened, the qd live broadcast platform broadcasted the opening process of the farm.

This proposal excites everyone, and it would be absolutely wonderful if we could actually see the scene.

They didn't dare to expect Li Fan to live stream the whole thing. As long as Li Fan could occasionally broadcast a short segment, it would be quite satisfying.

National Academy of Sciences.

Zhang Guangling and Luo Yunwen were also very excited about the live broadcast proposal. In fact, they wanted to see the scene more than netizens.

Of course, this is true of biologists from all over the world, eager to see what's going on in the field.

Zhang Guangling called Li Fan's phone, and when he got through, Zhang Guangling was overjoyed. The situation that he was worried that Li Fan's phone had no signal did not appear.

A few minutes later, Zhang Guangling hung up the phone, and Luo Yunwen asked, "How is it?"

Zhang Guangling looked delighted and said, "That kid said he could broadcast some scenes properly, but he won't appear in the camera."

Luo Yunwen was also delighted and said, "He won't appear in the camera. Everyone has already guessed that. It's regrettable, but it doesn't matter. It's good to see the scene."

Zhang Guangling laughed and said, "I'll announce this news to the outside world. In addition, I have to ask the above for instructions, and use relevant technologies to realize the simultaneous live broadcast of the live broadcast on the global network."

Luo Yunwen also smiled and said: "The above will definitely agree on this matter, that kid is winning glory for our country."


In the virgin jungle, Li Fan stood among a cliff, with a bottomless ravine in front of him, and the surrounding cliffs stood like knives.

"Live? It's interesting." Li Fan said to himself.

He had just received a call from Zhang Guangling, and Li Fan agreed to Zhang Guangling's proposal without hesitation. It seemed like a very good idea to let the audience from all over the world follow him on the adventure.

As for if he can let the audience all over the world see his live broadcast, then he doesn't need to worry about it. He only needs to send the live broadcast back, and the rest of the relevant personnel will carry out technical processing, so that the world's The audience can see it simultaneously.

As for the live broadcast equipment, for ordinary people, if it is a personal live broadcast, it is usually broadcast live through the mobile phone camera.

That's a bit of a hassle, either with one hand holding the phone or a stand to hold the phone in place.

Li Fan naturally couldn't do such a troublesome thing, and the effect was not good.

In the space mall system, there are top-level intelligent live broadcast equipment, which can be intelligently captured without Li Fan's manual operation. Li Fan wants to capture the picture.

And the clarity is very high.

Li Fan bought such a set of equipment, and then wondered if he could let the audience see the picture in front of him? Just try it out.


Zhang Guangling announced to the outside world that Li Fan will broadcast some of the pictures live, and also announced the way for audiences around the world to watch Li Fan's live broadcast through the Internet.

As soon as the news came out, the whole world cheered.

Ordinary netizens rejoiced, explorers and adventure enthusiasts rejoiced, and a group of biologists rejoiced as well.

They are excited and looking forward to it!

Then, according to the method announced by Zhang Guangling, he started to fiddle with the Internet to ensure that when Li Fan broadcasts live, he can see the picture as soon as possible.

Li Fan's live broadcast this time is extremely precious, and they don't want to miss any part of the picture.

After the first operation, when Li Fan started to broadcast live, they would know at the first time.

What made them extremely excited and surprised was that it didn't take long for the live broadcast of Li Fan to come.

in the screen,

The clouds and mists in the distance are like a fairyland, and the surrounding cliffs stand upright, bottomless, and across the computer screen, the audience can feel their feet trembling slightly.

Everyone couldn't help but exclaimed, the picture they saw was too dangerous and too beautiful.

"God! Where is Mr. Li Fan? It feels too dangerous!"

"For other people, it's more than a danger, it's just ten deaths and no life. However, for Mr. Li Fan, it may be nothing."

"What equipment did Mr. Li Fan use to broadcast the live broadcast? Not to mention the high definition, the key is the picture we see, just like the picture we saw with our eyes when we were on the scene. That is to say, I It felt like I was there, rather than sitting in front of a computer watching live footage."

"I feel the same way too. This is completely different from watching other live broadcasts. When we watch other live broadcasts, we feel like we are watching live broadcasts. But now, we feel that we are not watching live broadcasts, but Seeing it with my own eyes at the scene. It's really amazing, how on earth did Mr. Li Fan do it?"

"Who is Mr. Li Fan? A legendary figure who is omnipotent. Don't think about how Mr. Li Fan did it. You don't understand. Now, we just have to enjoy it, Li The picture that Mr. Fan brought us is just fine."

"I said that I was watching the live video, why are my feet shaking all the time? It turned out that the vision that Mr. Li Fan presented to us was too real, as if he was on the scene. It's strange that the feet don't tremble. Woolen cloth."

"My God, I suddenly dare not look at it, it's too scary!"

"Haha! The timid, I really recommend not to watch it, so as not to cause physical discomfort."

"No, watch it, you must watch it! No matter how scary it is, you must watch it. If you miss it, you will regret it for the rest of your life."


The intelligent live broadcast equipment from the Space Mall system makes audiences all over the world exclaim, the visual sense is too real, just like they are on the scene.

And this makes them even more excited and excited than before!

Sitting at home, sitting in front of the computer, they can go to those inaccessible places with their own vision, as if they were exploring the scene themselves.

This feeling is so exciting and amazing!

Everyone is very excited.

The same goes for biologists in various countries around the world, who stared at the live broadcast as if they were on-site inspections in person.

Li Fan's voice came out, "Hello everyone, we are Li Fan, everyone is welcome to follow me to explore together. There is a deep ravine in front of you, and everyone has seen it. Now, I will go down to the deep ravine. I don't know what's next. Is there anything interesting waiting for us? Let's wait and see!"

Li Fan speaks Mandarin, so he naturally wants to speak Mandarin.

The broadcast system has its own translation function. People from other countries cannot understand the national language. You can see the subtitles translated into their national language below.


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