Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1957 Discovery

When Li Fan's voice came out, everyone was overjoyed at first. Although everyone couldn't see Li Fan's people, it was great to be able to hear the voice.

However, everyone has not recovered from the joy, and immediately exclaimed.

Li Fan was going to go down into the deep gorge!

sky! How is this going to go?

Everyone exclaimed, and they felt their feet trembling even more when they heard Li Fan say he was going to go down.

Then, Li Fan's voice came again, "Are you all ready? We're leaving now."

Before everyone could react, they saw the picture in front of them suddenly rise rapidly, and after rising for a while, the speed of rising suddenly slowed down.

At the same time, Li Fan's voice sounded again, "Sorry, the speed was too fast before, we should descend slowly, the scenery on the surrounding cliffs is not bad, the speed is slow, everyone can see clearly."

Until this time, all the talents reacted.

Li Fan was already descending towards the bottom of the deep gully.

Everyone exclaimed again. Before Li Fan's live broadcast for two minutes, everyone had already exclaimed several times.

This is too thrilling and too exciting for them!

After exclaiming, it was unprecedented excitement and excitement. The picture in front of them was too strong and too real. Everyone felt that they had given birth to wings and were slowly flying towards the bottom of the deep ravine.

For them, it was an experience they had never had before.

This experience is absolutely wonderful!

"Oh my god! I feel like I'm flying. This is the feeling of flying. Every cell in my body feels extremely comfortable."

"I'm flying! I'm flying! I feel like I'm flying! I finally know what it feels like when birds fly over cliffs and ravines. It's amazing!"

"We feel like we're flying, so what about Mr. Li Fan? My God! Mr. Li Fan isn't really flying, is he?"

"You're right, Mr. Li Fan is really flying."

"Impossible, right? Although Mr. Li Fan is capable of flying, it is absolutely unrealistic to say that he can fly."

"Hey! Li Fan can't fly, but he has the help of the mysterious guardian beast that can fly."

"So it is! I understand, it turns out that the guardian beast is really so magical. I decided that I must go to your Huaguo Sansheng Village and see the mysterious guardian beast of Xianyuan Farm with my own eyes."

"Welcome to Huaguo Sansheng Village. However, it is not easy to meet the guardian beasts, and it takes chance. Many people in Huaguo have visited Xianyuan Farm countless times, but they have not seen them once. What about the guardian beast?"

"Even so, I'm still going. I hope I have enough opportunities to be lucky enough to see the guardian beast in person. It's good to see one."

"Good luck then, friend!"




Li Fan is standing on Xiaotian's back and slowly descending, this deep gorge is bottomless, and there may be something to gain from below, Li Fan also has some expectations.

So far, Xiao Zhu still hadn't sensed the trace of the unknown animal that attacked Ansai and the others. Li Fan was not in a hurry, everything just happened.

Li Fan observes the surrounding scenery, and the intelligent live broadcast device can present the most beautiful pictures to countless audiences all over the world.

After descending for a long time, Li Fan finally reached the bottom of the deep ravine amid the exclamations of all the audience.

Although it is at the bottom of the ravine, the light is not dim, and the audience can still see the scene and everything in front of the camera very clearly.

The bottom of the ravine is rocky, and the grassy shoals are intertwined. If it is an ordinary person, it is absolutely impossible to walk on the bottom of the ravine, but for Li Fan, it is like walking on the ground.

Li Fan smiled lightly and said, "Friends, we have reached the bottom of the ravine. Now, let's start a journey to the bottom of the ravine."

All the spectators stared wide-eyed,

For fear of missing a little bit of the picture.

Because, in the picture you just missed, there is likely to be some kind of magical or cute animal.

All kinds of strange animals, insects, plants, etc. are the most interesting to the audience.

Li Fan walked all the way at the bottom of the ravine, fast or slow, and there were hundreds of species of animals, insects, plants, etc. that appeared on the camera.

Even if it's just animals, there are more than 20 species.

The audience cheers every time a new species of animal appears.

Most of these animals can't be named, but they can feel that these animals are not endangered animals, nor are they considered extinct animals.

But even so, they were still pleasantly surprised and excited every time a new animal appeared.

And Li Fan was like walking on the ground in such a difficult place, which made all the audience feel full of emotion.

According to legend, Li Fan has unfathomable skills, which seems to be true.


This gully is much longer than everyone imagined. Li Fan has been walking through the bottom of the gully for five hours, but the front still looks deep and secluded, and he doesn't know how long it will be until the end.

Even Li Fan himself was a little surprised. He was not slow all the way, at least 300 kilometers ahead, but he still didn't see the end.

It seems that this place is indeed much longer than expected.

At this time, Xiao Zhu's voice sounded in Li Fan's mind, "Master, I found something. About 200 kilometers ahead, a large bird was found, which is called 'The Fool Dove' in the way the world is now called. '."

"The Foolish Dove?" Li Fan was overjoyed when he heard it. The Foolish Dove was also called the Dodo, and it was also a giant bird that couldn't fly.

It is even taller than the moa, but because of its "fat" size, it does not look as strong and powerful as the moa, and it is not as scary as the moa.

Of course, this is not the most important thing.

The most important thing is that the world's biological community now generally believes that the dodo was extinct at the end of the 15th century, and its extinction time was one or two hundred years earlier than that of the moa.

Of course, this was the previous view of the world biology community. Now it has been proven that the moa is not yet extinct.

And soon, it will be proven that the dodo is also not extinct.

Li Fan was very excited, but he didn't expect to have a harvest so soon. But his voice was calm, and he said, "Friends, it looks like this ravine is longer than we thought. No one has been here before, maybe I am the first human being here. Now, I suddenly have With a strong hunch, we'll travel another 200 kilometers or so, where we'll find something. Maybe some kind of animal that we thought was extinct, but wasn't. Now, let's do it together Go again."

As soon as these words came out, everyone became extremely excited.

Although Li Fan just said that it was his feeling, which was not necessarily reliable, but even so, everyone still felt excited.


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