Little Farmer Big Star

Chapter 1960 Discovering New Species

[Book Title: Little Farmer, Big Star Chapter 1960, Discovering New Species Author: In the Countryside]

Welcome to the latest chapter of Little Farmer and Big Star 2k Novel Network! The domain name of this site: the complete pinyin of "2k novel", it is easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: The great local tyrant Xue Ying lord of the live broadcast of the world, a thought of the legend of the eternal dragon king, the immemorial god king, the peak of Wulian, the gate of the five elements Seriously oversized version of the dodo.

Some viewers who know something about biology feel very strange and puzzled, and all biologists around the world are also very puzzled.

When the dodo appeared in the camera, the shock in their hearts was much stronger than those of ordinary audiences.

Is that a dodo bird? Even biological experts dare not make conclusions lightly at this time.

There are two possibilities, one is really a dodo.

So why are these dodos more than twice the size of the dodos that biologists have estimated from research?

The reason is either that the data previously studied by biologists are not accurate, or that the body of the dodo has mutated again in the last few hundred years, and the body size has become much larger than before.

The second possibility is that the birds in front of you are not dodos, they just look very similar to dodos.

Well, these birds are animals that have not yet been recognized by human beings. There is no record in history. In the past few hundred years, it is the first time that they have appeared in front of people's eyes.

No matter what kind of possibility, the biology around the world has become very excited and excited in addition to being shocked.

No matter which possibility is, it means that another view of the biological community has been overturned.

Then, the overturned views need to be rebuilt, and they are all rebuilders, destined to be recorded in the annals of history and passed on to future generations.

And to determine which possibility is, it is definitely not possible to rely only on the pictures in the live broadcast.

No matter how clear and real the live broadcast is, the biological community needs to take some muscle tissue as specimens from those giant birds, and then use relevant technical detection and comparison to draw the final conclusion.

Therefore, the desire of audiences all over the world for biologists to immediately solve their puzzles will not be realized.

Biologists need detailed research before they can draw conclusions.

Zhang Guangling called Li Fan and asked Li Fan to find a way to take some muscle tissue from those giant birds as specimens, and they wanted to study the specimens.

This was very easy for Li Fan, so he agreed directly.

Afterwards, Li Fan said to the audience all over the world: "Friends, these big guys are very similar to the dodo that went extinct hundreds of years ago, but they are much bigger. So, are these big guys really dodos? My personal point of view is that they are really dodos. As for why they are so big? It may be that they are originally so big, or it may be that in the last few hundred years, something happened to the dodo. This is just my personal guess. After a period of time, biology from all over the world will give you authoritative answers. You just need to be patient. Now, this one The ravine journey is over, and we are about to embark on a new journey."

According to Xiao Zhu's judgment, these big guys are really dodo birds. As for why they are so big, Li Fan can't tell the reason.

Nature is too mysterious, and there are too many unsolved mysteries.

Regarding the secrets of these dodos, Li Fan intends to leave it to biologists around the world to study.

He is only responsible for going to those inaccessible places, looking for those wonderful animals, and after finding them, the research will be handed over to biologists all over the world.

Li Fan was overjoyed to discover the dodo, full of fighting spirit and ready to embark on a new journey, leading billions of audiences around the world,

to discover more amazing animals.

And billions of viewers around the world are full of yearning and expectation for Li Fanxin's journey!


Li Fan embarked on a new journey.

All the audiences around the world have also embarked on a new journey.

Ten days later, in an endless swamp, Li Fan discovered a strange animal, which once again caused a sensation in the whole world.

This animal is huge, larger than the largest tiger, with short, pointed teeth in its mouth, which is exposed, swims well, and lives in swamps.

According to Xiao Zhu's judgment, this animal is the unknown animal that attacked Ansai and other hunters before.

This animal lives in the deepest swamps of the jungle, why would it go to the very far outskirts of the jungle to attack Ansai and other hunters?

Li Fan couldn't understand the reason, but he believed in Xiao Zhu's judgment.

This animal shocked the world once again, as biologists around the world agreed that it was the first to be discovered in nearly hundreds of years.

In other words, this is a mysterious species that has not been recognized by this world.

And the world-renowned biologist Ethrich said that this animal is somewhat like the crested beast that lived on the Blue Star 51 million years ago, but it is much smaller in size.

Ethridge reasoned that the animal was most likely descended from a crested tooth.

51 million years ago? Descendants of the crown-toothed beast?

The whole world is excited about it.

The discovery of this animal will have an immeasurable role and significance for the world's biological community. This is an extremely great discovery.

Ethridge even used "the greatest discovery in biology in the new century" to evaluate Li Fan's discovery of this animal.

Moreover, the world biology community unanimously voted that after biologists have fully studied that animal, if it is indeed a brand new species, Li Fan will be invited to name it.

Li Fan is also very happy, this is also a huge surprise for him, he really discovered a brand new species.

According to Xiao Zhu's judgment, this is indeed a brand new species, and humans have not yet named it.

That is to say, in the near future, Li Fan will be invited to officially name it.

In this regard, Li Fan was overjoyed, quite proud and proud, thinking about what kind of name he should take?

And then I thought, it would be a wonderful thing if he could discover more brand new species, all of them named by him.

With the help of the little mantra, it is not so difficult for him to discover a brand new species.

After all, there are still too many unknown creatures in this world, waiting for human beings to discover and recognize.

It's just that Li Fan didn't plan to let new species be discovered too quickly.

The discovery of a new species shocked the world. The discovery of two new species shocked the world.

However, if new species are discovered many times in a short period of time, the world will be shocked and numb, and the effect will be greatly reduced.

Therefore, Li Fan is ready to end this exploratory journey.

When the opportunity arises in the future, he should start the journey of exploration again.

And this journey of discovery has come to an end.

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